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I have a cartoon where the guy is pretty much, he’s a regular-sized guy, but he’s the size of the island. He’s saying no man is an island, but I come pretty damn close  (Guy Quotes) I think the guy who gets the least chatter, given how high his chances are of winning the nomination, is Ted Cruz  (Guy Quotes) I always root for the bad guy and I don’t think you have a great movie without a great villain  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a guy who likes cliches. I don’t think that stereotypes and cliches are the end of the line, when it comes to a performance  (Guy Quotes) The idea of a regular-looking guy who is the lead of something - whether it’s a movie or a show - is something that I really hope I can grow towards  (Guy Quotes) I’m the nice guy who sits there signing everything that’s put in front of me  (Guy Quotes) George Burns has been on my show twenty or thirty times, or maybe more. How can you turn down a guy that age?  (Guy Quotes) People who know Clinton knew the guy has a real problem keeping his hands off women  (Guy Quotes) When I was in grade school I was always the guy that got 20 or 18 points. Even back then, I would lead my team in scoring  (Guy Quotes) I’m a studio guy. That’s really what I love the most. I’m so fascinated with audio gear and recording techniques and whatnot, it’s pretty mesmerizing  (Guy Quotes) I think that there is a lot of power in a gay guy having a really (hopefully) successful music career while just being completely openly gay and honest and happy  (Guy Quotes) I focus more on the music and my message; I’m not a party type of guy  (Guy Quotes) Before going home with a guy, give him a blow job. Guys are always more relaxed after a blow job  (Guy Quotes) I went to rent a car, and the guy goes, ‘Do you want the extra insurance?’ I said, ‘Why...am I gonna get into an extra accident?  (Guy Quotes) Space and time are figments of you’re imagination, unless the guy you’re flying next to won’t shut up  (Guy Quotes) I wish that every other guy were gay. Think about the leverage that would create in your relationship  (Guy Quotes) I’m really not this jazz traditionalist guy you’ve been making me out to be all of these years  (Guy Quotes) I’m a little of everything, a concerned dad, faith-based guy, businessman, entertainer and journalist. I don’t have formal training as a journalist, but I think that works to my advantage  (Guy Quotes) I am not a journalist. I’m just a guy who cares. I’m sorry. I’m just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country  (Guy Quotes) I always try to get behind the guy steering the ship. That’s the kind of guy I am  (Guy Quotes) We need a serious leader to deal with this. And I believe I’m that guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m just an obnoxious guy who can make it appear charming, that’s what they pay me to do  (Guy Quotes) Bono actually gets a lot of substantial work done. The guy really does put a lot of things together and, while I’m not a fan of his music, I greatly applaud his humanitarian efforts  (Guy Quotes) The word love carries the same vibration in any language. You probably know this guy, you probably had dinner with him yesterday. The Japanese water crystal guy?  (Guy Quotes) My husband is the only guy I’ve ever dated where I’ve never been drunk around him. I couldn’t handle dating without drinking in the past  (Guy Quotes) My father was a doctor. He was just a great guy, a gentle humanist, and an old-fashioned GP. He’d get up at three in the morning to see patients in different areas if they needed him  (Guy Quotes) It wasn’t until The Sixth Sense that people started saying, wow, man, you’re an actor. People didn’t think of me as the guy in a band anymore  (Guy Quotes) The good agent probably is not the reader, he’s just the guy who can put together a deal  (Guy Quotes) I’m a family guy. A lot of my songs are inspired by my kids. Simple relationships. Watching them grow up, watching them share experiences with me and vice versa  (Guy Quotes) I’m quite a smiley guy, I have my moments, but I think I’m generally of a relatively optimistic nature  (Guy Quotes)
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