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Guy Quotes

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It’s a guy thing, playing the guitar. Being a female and trying to go to the same auditions as the guys, it’s pretty hard  (Guy Quotes) I lived in New York, and I was the guy who was flying home almost every week, so there was a physical exhaustion and an emotional exhaustion for me, and a need to be home more  (Guy Quotes) If as a voter you think what we need is more Republicans in Washington to cut a deal with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, then I guess Donald Trump`s your guy  (Guy Quotes) One of the things we love about Po [Kung Fu Panda] is that he’s vulnerable. He’s someone that we can all identify with because he has those insecurities. He’s an outsider feeling guy  (Guy Quotes) I’m probably a monster-of-the-week guy, and that comes back down to my old favorite show, which as a kid was always Scooby-Doo  (Guy Quotes) I’m not a daily coffee guy at all, or energy drinks or anything like that  (Guy Quotes) I think that when you look at a guy like Luke Harper you can see that he does in fact smell  (Guy Quotes) Usually, I play the bad guy, so it’s been a pleasant break to play a good guy  (Guy Quotes) The guy who kills 38 people is not the guy you’d want to have over at Thanksgiving  (Guy Quotes) There was a time when cell animation was poison, but after Family Guy now everyone wants it  (Guy Quotes) I got in trouble with the stern-faced Russians who didn’t want me to create a guy who is mortal  (Guy Quotes) You know, I’m too old to be an Eminem guy, but I love the back beat of that song. And he walks into the Fox Theatre and a black gospel choir is rising in song. And he turns to the camera and says  (Guy Quotes) Deeply in my heart, do I want to believe that there is that special guy that is for me. Yes, absolutely  (Guy Quotes) Anyone can have bad sets. I saw one guy who I really love - I won’t mention his name - gave a set that was really bad. And then one month later did the exact same set on our show and it was great  (Guy Quotes) I don’t know if you want to see the Everybody Loves Raymond guy in a nude scene  (Guy Quotes) One of the other experts we consulted with, this guy named Dacher Keltner, he was big on sadness as community bonding - I think is the word he used  (Guy Quotes) I was just a guy who did adult or alternative comic books. And then suddenly to be, like, a New Yorker cover artist was a different thing  (Guy Quotes) Here’s a guy that inherited $200 million. If he hadn’t inherited $200 million, you know where Donald Trump would be right now?  (Guy Quotes) I do seem like the kind of guy who’d be obsessive about Rubik’s Cubes  (Guy Quotes) I was the little guy who knew how to tie a necktie. It came from having absentee parents. They were tremendously loving and caring people who, by circumstance, had to go to work  (Guy Quotes) I funded this guy [Ted Cruz]. I gave him a check.You know why? I didn`t want to, but he sent me his book with his autograph  (Guy Quotes) Whether people know it or not, I’m a big nature guy. I like snowboarding, I like fishing, and those are my ways to wind down  (Guy Quotes) You see a lot of fear among Republicans. Oh, man, this guy [Donald Trump] has a lot of vulnerabilities and weaknesses that`s not been tested at all yet  (Guy Quotes) I’m just a guy that sings songs because that’s what he likes to do, I guess  (Guy Quotes) Some guy is good at putting these verses together, and some guy is good at singing them. That’s just the way it is  (Guy Quotes) I’m not really a goal-oriented guy. I started doing the Mountain Goats just for the sheer hell of it  (Guy Quotes) I became this guy that does drum programming, and I don’t want to be that guy anymore. I don’t want to sit in front of my computer for 18 hours programming 16 bars of music  (Guy Quotes) It took me a long time to realize that being a girl is so much more powerful than being a guy, but I really saw myself as boy for a long while  (Guy Quotes) Anyone can sleep with a guy in 24-48 hours, but you’re sending the wrong signal to the guy if you do that  (Guy Quotes) The original suit was designed by a guy named Mr. Jay from Hollywood. But nowadays I’m having the suit duplicated. At this point I have about three good suits and about three really raggedy ones  (Guy Quotes)
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