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Guys Quotes

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I grew up in a very masculine environment. So I was around a lot of men, my brothers and their friends. There was just a lot of guys around  (Guys Quotes) What they're not ready for is guys like you and I and Nails and all the other gnarly gnarlingtons in my life, that we are high priests, Vatican assassin warlocks. Boom. Print that, people. See where that goes  (Guys Quotes) Just a note to all guys out there, It's not cute to be a controlling boyfriend  (Guys Quotes) Too bad guys aren't like Mr. Potato Head Where you can pick and choose which parts you want. Then we might come up with a guy who meets your standards  (Guys Quotes) There's this total manwhore phenomenon happening, where even the geeks are player now. It's like Manhattan is this giant playground and guys want to keep playing forever  (Guys Quotes) Their friendship was more important than any relationship. Guys would come and go; girlfriends were forever  (Guys Quotes) And don't any of you, by the way, any of you guys vote Republican. I'm not supposed to say, this isn't political. …don't come to me if you do! You're on your own, Jack!  (Guys Quotes) I was a hop around. I hung out with the rockabilly crew, the guys who were trying to be rappers, the funny kids  (Guys Quotes) You see, my buddies had a freedom I no longer had. All I wanted was to do something normal and skateboard with the guys, but I knew that if I went downstairs to join them it would create total chaos  (Guys Quotes) The percentage of couples who stay together after high school is, like, less than five percent, you guys  (Guys Quotes) Some men carry torches for old loves, and then some guys, not many, but some, get completely consumed by the torch's flames. It makes them nothing but long term trouble for the follow ups  (Guys Quotes) Sure, because it's a fairy tale. They're always so tediously moral. Nobody gets away with anything fun and all the interesting people are bad guys  (Guys Quotes) I really think guys only need two pairs of shoes. A nice pair of black shoes and a pair of Chuck Taylors  (Guys Quotes) And then I think we realized, like any young guys, that blues are not learned in a monastery. You've got to go out there and get your heart broke and then come back and then you can sing the blues  (Guys Quotes) He was usually easygoing, one of those guys with little respect for authority because of a conviction that people in charge tend to do stupid things  (Guys Quotes) There are two things that I know for certain guys are good for: pushing swings and killing insects  (Guys Quotes) I love my gay male friends, but when I was a little girl, I always used to wish that I would be constantly surrounded by gorgeous guys, and I am, and I should have been more specific  (Guys Quotes) Girls will get together just to get together. Guys need an activity as an excuse. Otherwise it's too homo for them to handle  (Guys Quotes) And why was it that some guys had tears in them and some had no tears at all? Different boys lived by different rules  (Guys Quotes) A guy who loves his truck needs other people to admire his driving machine. Yeah, needs. That's the truth. I don't know why, but that's the way truck guys are  (Guys Quotes) So, as I was saying, guys and girls can be friends. Best friends. And what's better than falling in love with your best friend? Nothing  (Guys Quotes) You see a lot of smart guys with dumb women, but you hardly ever see a smart woman with a dumb guy  (Guys Quotes) Guys are so transparent most of the time. Unless, of course, they're dating you, in which case they are utter mysteries  (Guys Quotes) It's not just guys like those today. Even the pretty ones can be awful. Don't trust them just because they're pretty  (Guys Quotes) Why not draw naked guys, just to be fair? Naked women is art, naked guys a no no, I bet. Probably because most painters are men  (Guys Quotes) Do you know how much women loathe it when guys think every show of negative emotion is tied to our menstrual cycle, like we're sheep or something?  (Guys Quotes) Guys are simple. Women are not simple and they always assume that men must be just as complicated as they are, only way more mysterious. The whole point is guys are not thinking much. They are just what they appear to be. Tragically  (Guys Quotes) Soccer is a game in which everyone does a lot of running around. Twenty one guys stand around and one guy does a tap dance with the ball  (Guys Quotes) Just give me 25 guys on the last year of their contracts; I'll win a pennant every year  (Guys Quotes) My dad had this rock hard body and would work 12 to 13 hour days. The guys he worked with were scrap iron guys. Nobody on that road crew had read a book in 10 years, but there was something about the way they lived I really admired  (Guys Quotes)
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