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Guys Quotes

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Guys don't really don't wanna hear if it's really smart, and women feel uncomfortable if you reveal stuff they're going to have to remember they did themselves  (Guys Quotes) The great thing that guys like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and the Google guys have in common is they treat their technology like it's art, and I suppose in the hands of virtuosos like them, it is  (Guys Quotes) Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, everybody knows that the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost  (Guys Quotes) The guys you see me bring home, we're only cuddling and making out like any other person would do, but we're on camera and the whole world's seeing it, and it does look like I'm having sex  (Guys Quotes) I've dated all kinds of guys and didn't know who I'd end up with. But I kind of assumed it would be someone more like my dad than not  (Guys Quotes) The first few games that we played against some of the teams, the young guys, you know, want a stick sign or photo sign, and I think that they respect what I have achieved throughout my career  (Guys Quotes) I was never considered cool throughout my teens: a very important time to be accepted by someone, especially your peers. Yes, I had all the screaming women, but the guys hated my guts  (Guys Quotes) Oh yeah, I was one of the first guys writing comic books, I wrote Captain America, with guys like Stan Lee, who became famous later on with Marvel Comics  (Guys Quotes) If you have twenty guys in the room and you just bring in one girl, you change the entire mood and everyone plays different  (Guys Quotes) From 1997 when we came in, you guys and the public bought seven million more cars. You didn't get rid of the second car, did you? So what is happening is the growth of cars on the motorway  (Guys Quotes) I know what the attitudes of the readers are: These are guys who love women and respect women  (Guys Quotes) I thought I did well for someone who has been out for 10 or 11 months. Then I was sub against Liverpool and tried to play for the guys and work on my fitness  (Guys Quotes) I grew up pretty much prevented from knowing anything from Communist China except that they were the bad guys that stole our country  (Guys Quotes) Men are not our problem; it's what we are trying to get from them that messes us up. We use guys like mirrors to see if we're valuable  (Guys Quotes) When I was a kid, my goodness, corporate America was a bunch of stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be serious, and now it's stolid white guys in gray suits trying to be funny  (Guys Quotes) I just try to work hard and run the offense as good as possible. I had a lot of guys around me who made a lot of good plays to help me out  (Guys Quotes) My wife has cut our lovemaking down to once a month, but I know two guys she's cut out entirely  (Guys Quotes) My wife had her drivers' test the other day. She got 8 out of 10. The other 2 guys jumped clear  (Guys Quotes) So when they have Mourinho and Benitez joining the Premiership they should say it's good for us, maybe these guys have something new to give  (Guys Quotes) One of life's terrible truths is that women like guys who seem to know what they're doing  (Guys Quotes) I'm always secretly the most pleased when a show just really, really looks good and when my camera guys are really happy with the images they got  (Guys Quotes) I only weigh 220, so I have to do something to keep from being tossed around by all the guys who weigh 250 and more. I train hard, but I don't try to get too big  (Guys Quotes) That was my gift... having the ability to put certain guys together that would create a chemistry and then letting them go; letting them play what they knew, and above it  (Guys Quotes) Sure, sometimes guys pass you up in salary, and maybe it’s a lesser player, but it’s all based on what a team has as far as value in that person  (Guys Quotes) It was hard to get guys to notice me, period, because I was so skinny and all my friends were curvy. Plus, I used to be very nervous in front of guys  (Guys Quotes) A drone is a high-tech version of an old army and a musket. It ought to be used in Somalia to hunt bad guys, but not in America. I don’t want to see it hovering over anybody’s home  (Guys Quotes) We’ve got guys who aren’t wrapping guys up... No matter how hard you hit them, you’ve still got to wrap them up  (Guys Quotes) I don’t like guys who will lie down and take it. I want someone who’ll fight back. I like people who can argue well  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always wanted to do a female buddy film, the kind the guys get to do  (Guys Quotes) Been trying the soapy water and instant coffee method. Works somewhat, but boy it tastes terrible. I don’t know how you guys can stand it. I’m going back to milk and espresso for my cappas  (Guys Quotes)
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