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What to do? We yanked the dress up over her lovely attributes and with the addition of a scarf, the problem was solved. Sorry, guys, blame that stuffy censor. He hated surprises  (Guys Quotes) Guys who are unavailable are actually a dream come true for me because I’m unavailable all the time. It’s great they’re not down your throat  (Guys Quotes) Our party for the longest time has relied on the votes of white guys. I think that all of these candidates are going to improve our party, our policies, and our nation  (Guys Quotes) A lot of record company people, even though they’re our age, want to be perceived as young hip guys, and they’re hurting the business  (Guys Quotes) I think now what you’re seeing is guys that are in the peaks of their careers anywhere from 27 to 35 years old, seems to be when they play their best hockey  (Guys Quotes) There’s so many guys skiing so fast right now that you really have to be willing to take a lot of risks if you want to give yourself a chance to win. I’m prepared to do it; it’s just a matter of if I can make it work  (Guys Quotes) In order to be a lieutenant, you’ve got to have authority in your voice. No matter how young your face looks, you’ve got to let your guys know that you’re in charge  (Guys Quotes) I like what I hear other guys doing, but the thing that really attracts me is melodic playing  (Guys Quotes) I just broke up with my boyfriend, so I’m officially single. But one thing I find unbelievably annoying is all these guys in my life who want to save me  (Guys Quotes) I never doubted my ability, but when you hear all your life you’re inferior, it makes you wonder if the other guys have something you’ve never seen before. If they do, I’m still looking for it  (Guys Quotes) If you guys are going to be throwing beer bottles at us, at least make sure they’re full  (Guys Quotes) A few of us who are around the sixty mark don’t play that much these days and if you are taking on a couple of guys in their forties it is very difficult  (Guys Quotes) It made me hungry. I feel like I’m in a program that really helped me individually as a player. I feel like I’m with a group of guys that are like my best friends  (Guys Quotes) I punch a lot of guys on set. It’s much easier than in real life as your hands don’t hurt afterwards. The key is that you miss  (Guys Quotes) I think at this point in my life, I’d like to play more good guys than bad guys  (Guys Quotes) A lot of guys really I get the feeling don’t care whether you like their show or not, you know. I want people to enjoy what I do, and understand what I’m doing is for their enjoyment, it’s all I can ask for  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know why I always get to play these guys who have few redeeming features. But don’t knock it. Villains are much more fun  (Guys Quotes) At the beginning of the season, I set my goal to see if I can lead the league in scoring, because I feel I have that kind of ability. A lot of guys say it, but it’s not really in their grasp. I feel that’s really in my grasp  (Guys Quotes) I’m the gooney bird that walked to the bank. I’m doing better than most of those guys who said I was crazy  (Guys Quotes) I am a bit different from the other sprinters because, I would say, I can run many different ways while the other guys they just came on and they can only run one way  (Guys Quotes) I’ve been working some really long hours for the last five or six years. Anybody who works on series television knows, and especially women because women spend probably two hours more than the guys with all their hair and makeup crap  (Guys Quotes) Most women don’t play like guys do: they don’t wrestle, fight, get into brawls. They don’t know how to express themselves in a physical, active way  (Guys Quotes) I used to flirt with girls just to get the guys circling around us. I’m getting out of it now. I have to look after my reputation  (Guys Quotes) I don’t ever really notice when guys are hitting on me. I’m oblivious  (Guys Quotes) I’m making a movie about relationships, and I’m surrounded by guys scared of talking to girls  (Guys Quotes) When you’re just an actor, maybe not the top of the list guys, you get constant rejection and it’s fun  (Guys Quotes) Aside from a handful of guys boxing is missing the good trainers, that’s why our sport is so in the air now because we don’t have people who have the capability to not only train fighters but also train and create decent respectable citizens of the world  (Guys Quotes) All the old great companies were run by guys who knew what an animator meant, and guys who knew how to draw. All the companies today are run by executives  (Guys Quotes) I like guys who are confident but not cocky, who are comfortable with themselves, and who know what they want  (Guys Quotes) I like the nice guys. I like when they show the stories, the human element behind it all  (Guys Quotes)
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