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Guys Quotes

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I’m currently single, so I want to have fun! As for what guys need to do to date out of their league, it’s all about the swagger. If you have confidence, you can get pretty much any girl  (Guys Quotes) If the guys on the bench were as good as the guys you have out there, they’d be out there in first place  (Guys Quotes) I really never had any ambitions to be a standup comic. I was talked into it by guys that I used to work out with  (Guys Quotes) The comics that are just conversing with you up there and drawing on their own life, yeah, I guess so. I guess some do political humor, some do topical humor, but the ones that I like, the ones that are appealing to me, were guys who were just talking to you about their life  (Guys Quotes) People tell me there are a lot of guys like me, which doesn’t explain why I’m lonely  (Guys Quotes) I’m living with two guys. I’m living with a slob and a guy who sleeps all day  (Guys Quotes) What I have is a bunch of really hungry, amazingly talented guys that can kick anybody’s rear end  (Guys Quotes) Can I tell you how strange it is to look in your rearview mirror and see guys in cars tailing you?  (Guys Quotes) You learn how to compromise and you learn how to read each other. Honestly, being in a band with two guys has prepared me so much for when it’s time for me to get married!  (Guys Quotes) A friend of mine has a house with a basketball court and a pool. The guys go over and play basketball; I lie by the pool and nap in the sun. That defines me. That’s consistent with who I am. I don’t pretend to play basketball because I wanna feel like one of the guys. I wanna lie in the sun and relax  (Guys Quotes) It doesn’t work if the bad guys kill his mother’s uncle’s friend’s neighbor’s pet dog. You’ve got to make the stakes high  (Guys Quotes) You can’t get a good crew and a good sound system, and a good light system if you do a small tour. If you want the best, those guys want a commitment of about 4 to 6 months. And I’d want the best people and the best stuff  (Guys Quotes) I’ve been texting for a year with a couple of guys without ever going on a date with them  (Guys Quotes) A decade is a long time to be doing anything, much less to be with the same guys, chasing after the same goals  (Guys Quotes) I feel really lucky to be in a band where the guys, for all the opportunities to do things that potentially would be good for them but detrimental to the group, that everybody stayed loyal to the whole  (Guys Quotes) I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit  (Guys Quotes) I do feel like I’m a tomboy at heart, so I have an easy time working with guys  (Guys Quotes) There are some guys out here that can really play golf, but it has not been their focus for that long  (Guys Quotes) Interested listeners have only to hear the recording to find out if those guys, who go to such pains to undervalue my work, are right. All people have to do is listen to realize it is a beautiful record  (Guys Quotes) Whether I get adequate attention or not, people here do know the work I have been doing systematically and without compromise for over 40 years. I get tired of people making excuses for guys who don’t continue the art because they can’t make a living  (Guys Quotes) I haven’t been in tennis for that long, but what I can say is that we have a lot of young guys at the top who are willing to do a lot of good things for tennis in general  (Guys Quotes) I’m all for guys being butch and guys being men. I identify with that and appreciate that. But if I’m going to stab my gay brother in the back who isn’t butch and who maybe acts a little bit more effeminate, what good is that?  (Guys Quotes) If they knocked two of your guys down, I’d get four. You have to protect your hitters  (Guys Quotes) Some of these guys wear beards to make them look intimidating, but they don’t look so tough when they have to deliver the ball. Their abilities and their attitudes don’t back up their beards  (Guys Quotes) I’m not better when I force shots. I’m going to take them as they come. They are really sagging in there, trying to take me out of the game. It’s my job to find guys. I want to be aggressive and take my shots, but I can’t force them  (Guys Quotes) I’m one of those guys a lot of people watch, imitate, and then make it seem like they were the ones who did it first  (Guys Quotes) Some guys are admired for coming to play, as the saying goes. I prefer those who come to kill  (Guys Quotes) I don’t let guys do hickeys. That’s like a dog marking his territory or something  (Guys Quotes) When I first came up, the bullpen was pretty much where they put the guys who couldn’t start  (Guys Quotes) When short guys start working out to bulk up. I like muscles, but I don’t like really buff guys  (Guys Quotes)
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