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When you look at guys who get recruited, most of the best athletes, they come from poor families. I don’t forget. I was a junior looking through my mother’s stuff and looked at her bank statement, and we had $30 in the bank  (Guys Quotes) I’m just gonna make movies the best I can, do the festival thing or whatever can come. I plan on working with a lot of the same guys over and over again. I hope the majority of us can stick together  (Guys Quotes) I love playing bad guys; they’re always much more fun than the good guy  (Guys Quotes) It’s a great feeling to know that I’ve played the best golf throughout the season of any of the guys for the second time in three years, it’s really nice  (Guys Quotes) There ain’t no good guys, there ain’t no bad guys, there’s only you and me, and we just disagree  (Guys Quotes) Women’s humor seems to be a little more supportive. It’s just kind of trying to make the other one laugh through funny voices and kind of talking about other people. I respond to that. I feel less like I’m going to get beat up in a room full of women than I do in a room full of guys  (Guys Quotes) I go to the gym in the morning without any makeup on. Sorry, guys, if you think I’m ugly, but I don’t know anybody who goes to the gym with makeup on  (Guys Quotes) I like pretty conservative guys, good guys. I always look for the qualities I find in my father  (Guys Quotes) A good amount of the guys wanted to date me. Even older guys looking at me. It took some getting used to  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always gone out with much younger guys. But I rushed into relationships before really getting to know the person. What would come up as a warning sign within the first two weeks of dating would usually be the exact reason the relationship would end!  (Guys Quotes) The only mistake guys can make is to try too hard with their appearance. There’s something very unmanly about it  (Guys Quotes) The guys in my band buy instruments and sell and trade them. But if I have something I hang onto it. Everything is sentimental to me  (Guys Quotes) When I was growing up, I would go hang out with older guys at night in blues clubs  (Guys Quotes) You watch guys live through their peaks, and then unfortunately, you’ve got to come down from that peak  (Guys Quotes) When you’re a big girl like me, you want someone who makes you feel diminutive. I think fat guys are sexy  (Guys Quotes) When I was a young boy, I preferred cats to dogs. From the age of seven or eight onwards I just felt more comfortable with cats. And I felt more comfortable with girls, I didn’t really like hanging out with guys. When I was about ten or eleven, I was friendlier with the girls in my school than with the guys  (Guys Quotes) I wasn’t real quick, and I wasn’t real strong. Some guys will just take off and it’s like, whoa. So I beat them with my mind and my fundamentals  (Guys Quotes) Our crew guys, it’s amazing what they have to go through to make a show happen every night  (Guys Quotes) Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music  (Guys Quotes) I grew up in a community where it was not the exception to be a good girl. It was sort of expected. And all of my friends were good girls too, and my boyfriends were good boys. Everybody was pretty nice. And that affects how I write my characters. There aren’t very many bad guys in my novels  (Guys Quotes) Actors like to play bad guys because they’re more fun. They also win more awards  (Guys Quotes) Before 9/11, I was playing a wide range of characters. I would play a lover, a cop, a father. As long as I could create the illusion of the character, the part was given to me. But after 9/11, something changed. We became the villains, the bad guys. I don’t mind to play the bad guy as long as the bad guy has a base  (Guys Quotes) I think a lot of the guys I know and a lot of people I’ve talked to, what they want is very often what most people want, a kind of simple life, a livelihood, a family, people who care about them, people they can care about. I think vets on the whole want the same things that everybody else does  (Guys Quotes) I like to be one of those drummers who actually add to the music, not one of those guys who sit in a room 24/7 trying to outwit or outplay another drummer  (Guys Quotes) Most people think in order to validate yourself as an artist, you have to write your own songs. I commend the guys that do. I’ve done it. But I also think that you can pick great songs outside that you didn’t write that can help your career  (Guys Quotes) These have always been my legs. I train harder than other guys, eat better, sleep better and wake up thinking about athletics. I think that’s probably why I’m a bit of an exception  (Guys Quotes) I like to be able to control which players I’m working with. Because it doesn’t matter how good a coach you are if the guys you’re working with think they already know it all. You need a response, you need to feel they’re trying. I want players who are always striving to improve  (Guys Quotes) When you tour with a band, you’re just out there, and it’s just you guys. That’s your little universe. If you do a play, it’s the same deal. That becomes your world, for the cast and crew  (Guys Quotes) A lot of guys are very intimidated by an attractive woman, and they dehumanise her because our culture perceives beautiful women as commodities. But I think if you’re able walk up to a person and get to know them, and you see their flaws and their impurities, and realise that they’re like you, then you can humanise them again  (Guys Quotes) I play tough guys in movies and behaved like one in front of the press because I thought that was what a man did  (Guys Quotes)
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