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Origin stories are really important to me. I just like that sort of stuff and I feel like it makes a lot of sense to the guys, who they are. If you don’t have that stuff, it’s kind of a one dimensional version of it  (Guys Quotes) Being on the road is like a campout. I’m the only girl. The guys in my band are like my big brothers. It’s definitely an adventure, but it can be a nomadic lifestyle  (Guys Quotes) I had two older brothers, so I was always competing with them. The guys I grew up with on the golf course, when I was 13, they were 15 or 16, and I was always trying to beat them  (Guys Quotes) This is the city that taught me how to write all of these cool songs. Yeah, you guys definitely need a royalty  (Guys Quotes) All the movies where I play nice guys don’t seem to do very well  (Guys Quotes) I just want to get the bad guys but if I can’t see them, I can’t shoot them  (Guys Quotes) No genuine change in society ever occurs without the mass public getting behind a cause. The good guys in government are counting on enough of us common people waking up and demanding more rights and greater freedoms  (Guys Quotes) One of my themes is that there is good and evil in everyone. I was not out to make these guys heroes. I really don’t believe in heroes. The best of people have a dark side and it’s a constant struggle for the better side to survive and to thrive  (Guys Quotes) After doing two years in prison, trust me, I’ve seen a lot of tough guys pray. They’re not just praying for themselves; they’re praying for their family and the people they’ve let down  (Guys Quotes) Boxer guys are very tough and they play a very tough game, but its a game. Karate guys, tae kwon doe guys, kickboxers or judo guys, they are very tough guys and a lot of heart and a lot of training, but its very specifically as a sport. It’s not a fight. A fight is everything goes  (Guys Quotes) I’m not much for talking. You know what I do. I put guys in body bags when I’m right  (Guys Quotes) I think that there’s a particular type of person who goes into children’s theater, and then goes into theater in high school. There was something about the guys I knew in theater, we were all very vulnerable. You could tell that at some point we were made fun of  (Guys Quotes) I like the fact that I can do stunts, but I don’t think of myself as a stunt guy. Those guys are really good at what they do  (Guys Quotes) I’ve kind of had to make a career of playing villains. In order to stay employed, I had to figure out how to play bad guys  (Guys Quotes) That equals to being a fool, having fame and no fortune. A lot of guys out there have fame doing this and doing that, but they are broke  (Guys Quotes) It takes a different mindset to be successful in anything; that’s why there’s not a lot of super duper successful people, because it’s guys I know who may be ten times more talented than me, but they don’t work as hard  (Guys Quotes) Obviously I like pretty girls, but I’m also looking for someone who can take control. I know guys complain about girls telling them what to do, but I think we all kind of enjoy it  (Guys Quotes) Everyone felt comfortable with these guys and what their vision was, and when they said they want to keep the staff intact, that was very encouraging  (Guys Quotes) We’re attracted to bad guys, and we like to follow bad guys, because they do things that we want to do but just don’t do, for whatever reasons  (Guys Quotes) But the action film genre is gonna have to come up with some new bad guys  (Guys Quotes) Oh, it was a disaster,.. It went down like a lead balloon. I don’t know why. I had thought the women in the audience deserved a little bit of something else after watching all those beautiful women. But I think they were shocked. Although the guys did dance nicely  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always felt that my generation was the last group to have passion about the game. Some of today’s guys don’t seem to share that interest and it shows  (Guys Quotes) You have to be more disciplined in what you do. You have to make the plays when you’re supposed to make them. When the play is presented to you, you have to make it. We have to have guys flying around the ball. It will definitely be a good game to watch this weekend  (Guys Quotes) When I was a freshman in high school, my drama teacher, an incredible, inspirational genius, the guy who got me into acting, he encouraged me to get the lead in a musical. They didn’t have any guys  (Guys Quotes) Each situation has to be handled as a unique situation. But I think if you want your guys to stay in school and graduate and one of these opportunities comes along, you have to be willing to work with him, you have to give a little  (Guys Quotes) When you’re playing with only 13 guys, and is on the power play 12 times, that’ll wear you down  (Guys Quotes) It does sound like a science fiction story and I may sound like one of these guys who walks up and down with a sandwich board saying the end of the world is nigh, but the end is nigh  (Guys Quotes) You’ll still get guys with an array of badges to demonstrate their importance, but that just excludes people. I think fandom is more inclusive now  (Guys Quotes) After seeing kids play polo against big guys, it only shows that horses are the greatest equalizer in the world. No matter what you weigh, the little fellow is your equal on a horse  (Guys Quotes) I’d do a podcast about guys wearing shorts when it’s too cold  (Guys Quotes)
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