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Guys Quotes

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Guys behave like they’re naive, but they’re not stupid. They know what’s going on  (Guys Quotes) I love this sport and I absolutely love the support you guys give me; and I will continue to do it until I can’t  (Guys Quotes) The only difference about us in here and you guys out there is we’re braver for about 15 minutes longer. That’s it  (Guys Quotes) When you’re angry, you can’t fight rationally. Your body chemistry is all messed up. Your energy goes to all the wrong places. You can’t do anything well except get angrier. That’s why I like fighting guys who are pumped up on steroids. Fighting is all about relaxing and releasing tension, so your body is flexible and fluid, able to bend and flex quickly, like water. I like fighting angry guys who are really tense. They can’t think right, and they can’t fight right  (Guys Quotes) People have a tendency to cast me more as lawyers and doctors and just rich guys, rich assholes basically, a lot of rich assholes. That’s what I’m normally seen as, you know  (Guys Quotes) What you do in a fight gym is learn how to be brave. You’re learning how to punch and kick in a proper way, of course, but above all else, a fighter is someone who’s got courage, who’s dead game in a fight. Most guys don’t come into the world that way. You learn to be brave through that process of getting your fear and timidity beaten out of you night after night after night  (Guys Quotes) I think guys are afraid of being too straightforward, so sometimes being coy gets you nowhere  (Guys Quotes) I have no ax to grind. I was lucky. I played. How many guys play high school, college football never play pro football?  (Guys Quotes) If guys step back and are just honest about what they think looks good on them, it’s really hard to lose. You can spot guys who take on personas that are not theirs  (Guys Quotes) Oftentimes in reality, the genius is in the position of the antihero. Neither the good guys nor the bad guys really trust him because his truth is universal  (Guys Quotes) I got shot in the head by my own guys in my foxhole. And they didn’t even give me an honorable death  (Guys Quotes) I found out about college radio and this whole noise genre blew me away. When I saw that guys could just get up there and have no traditional music ability and be in a band, it was really appealing to me  (Guys Quotes) I try to take a couple of young guys under my wing and tell them what I’ve learned, because you can’t teach nobody if you don’t know anything  (Guys Quotes) I don’t tend to get girls as fans. I just get all the young guys and weirdos  (Guys Quotes) If everyone thinks you’re bizarre and creepy, then you play bad guys. If everyone thinks you’re beautiful and wants to kiss you, then you play the lead role  (Guys Quotes) It’s nice to be important but it’s even more important to be nice. I grew up in a world where there were a lot of big physical guys and woman so it’s always important to be nice to me  (Guys Quotes) Good editorial writing has less to do with winning an argument, since the other side is mostly not listening, than with telling the guys on your side how they ought to sound when they’re arguing  (Guys Quotes) A lot of coaches want guys to be loose for games. I never wanted them to be loose. I wanted their hands sweating, their knees shaking, their eyes bulging. I wanted them to act like we were going to war  (Guys Quotes) Science is an intellectual dead end, you know? It’s a lot of little guys in tweed suits cutting up frogs on foundation grants  (Guys Quotes) I hope you guys are up for a fight. I hope you guys are game because I haven’t been putting up with 19 months of airplanes and hotel food and missing my babies and my wife I didn’t put up for that stuff just to come in second  (Guys Quotes) I’d rather not do anything. Guys want you more when you don’t. Young girls should know that  (Guys Quotes) I realized that the people I want to impress most are already in my band. If I just do my best and try to write great songs and then collaborate with these guys and try to make a great record, that’s my best path to success  (Guys Quotes) Ask the guys who are doing serious triathlons if there are any limits to what can be done. The limit is right here. You’ve got to get physically fit between the ears. Muscles don’t know anything. They have to be taught  (Guys Quotes) All the old clichés about women need to be undone. Enough already. We’re in the other position now. We are desirable older, we can date younger guys and it’s not this big taboo. Men have been doing this for years  (Guys Quotes) One show was talking about how guys can have sex without love, so women can do it too? And I have girlfriends who do that. But I just really have to be into someone. If not, what’s the purpose?  (Guys Quotes) A fantasy of mine is to have an orgy with about six young college guys ranging from 18 to 22 in age  (Guys Quotes) I was motivated by the fact that I wasn’t happy with my play in this series and felt accountable to the guys. That’s enough motivation to want to play well  (Guys Quotes) Everybody can have a bad game, and we did. These guys have all proven that they can handle adversity. We’re in the midst of a little adversity  (Guys Quotes) Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn’t mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000  (Guys Quotes) I think some guys have the ability to learn from themselves and get better. Those are the guys that last a long time and continue to improve in this league and in sports in general  (Guys Quotes)
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