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Guys Quotes

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We had a lot of luck this year and our guys took advantage. Wow. What a night  (Guys Quotes) I’ve put our guys in position. I gave them the blueprint. I think they’re ready  (Guys Quotes) I’ve given these guys the blueprint on how to win a premiership, now I just have to be patient until they’re ready  (Guys Quotes) I love the auditioning process. I love working with the technical guys. I absolutely love the editing room. That was completely fascinating to me, working with an editor in crafting the thing into something you had in your head  (Guys Quotes) A lot of my songs are personal and about me being 16 and having guys break my heart and feeling like it’s the end of the world  (Guys Quotes) I do have a lot of deep religious iconography. I have crosses all over my house, and there’s something very attractive about seeing nuns walking down the street. It’s not a sexual thing for me; I know it is for some guys  (Guys Quotes) I usually always start with the jeans, which is weird because most guys, I would say, start with a shirt and build around the shirt. I always start with the jeans and I have so many jeans. I have an entire rack of just jeans  (Guys Quotes) Guys have to look up to somebody. Everybody needs to have their own role and somebody has to be the star  (Guys Quotes) Having a great dad probably permitted me to pal around with guys in a way that some women don’t  (Guys Quotes) I’m always fighting to make the team anyway. I’m always preparing like I’m one of the bottom guys, trying to make the team  (Guys Quotes) In a hockey fight, barring the occasional brawl, theres actually some etiquette that goes into it. Honor, too, absolutely. Most of those guys that do it, thats their job, and they follow a certain code of conduct in doing it  (Guys Quotes) We might have the worst bunch of guys together we’ve ever seen as a football team. I don’t know what anybody else has, but I’d trade mine with anybody, sight unseen  (Guys Quotes) In my opinion, the best setup guys now have a tougher job than the closers. They pitch more innings, inherit more runners  (Guys Quotes) When it comes to meeting and attracting women, many men are resigned and complacent. We figure some guys were born with that particular power and other guys weren’t. I wasn’t  (Guys Quotes) We hate guys who date more than one woman at a time. I’ve always believed that what’s unacceptable in one sex should, by definition, be unacceptable in the other  (Guys Quotes) It’s like two years straight out of your life doing a film. It’s very enjoyable, especially working with the guys, but I kind of like the idea of traveling and growing, and developing as a writer and as a filmmaker  (Guys Quotes) Making fun of guys to get them to perform and prove themselves, that’s always going to exist. But we have to equally celebrate them and empower them  (Guys Quotes) The work environment is very important in determining how enjoyable work is. It is very important to work with smart guys who have a superior level of intellectual bandwidth and still have softer skills as well  (Guys Quotes) There are a lot of good guys that I race against, and thats what I enjoy the most  (Guys Quotes) We’re just like you. Were not these older idols, you know, were just kids like you guys  (Guys Quotes) I do, in fact, have a book club. I meet with a couple of guys once a month of a lunchtime discussion of some interesting text, usually, but not always, philosophical  (Guys Quotes) I mean, what good is a women’s lib if we can’t use it to ask guys to dances?  (Guys Quotes) Everything is this distorted mishmash of pop culture that pulls from this era and that era and is just thrown at the wall. These people have no clue what anything really means. There are guys out there getting a million hits for a video  (Guys Quotes) The rewards we get by being those weird guys going against the grain to me are way more massive than selling a million billion records. I like climbing mountains or going on undersea dives for whales and stuff like that  (Guys Quotes) If someone wears something you like, you make comments on it. And if someone wears something we don’t like, we make comments on it, too. That’s just what guys do, what teammates do. Besides that, we don’t really compete in that space  (Guys Quotes) Women aren’t interested in being sexy any more and men are. All the guys have objectified themselves and sexualised themselves into being just matinee idols  (Guys Quotes) My girlfriends are my life, but I’m also one of those girls who can hang out with the guys  (Guys Quotes) I like to play complex characters and the duality, and trying to reach for the light, it’s more interesting really. I’ve gotten to play so many types of guys and I just try to find the humanity in each one of them the best I can  (Guys Quotes) The top people of the biggest companies are, surprisingly, often the nicest ones in their company I’m not sure, though, if they got there because they were good guys or that they’re now good guys because they can afford to be  (Guys Quotes) They wrote that I’d gained 30 pounds over the summer and lost it in a week because I was dating three guys at once!  (Guys Quotes)
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