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Guys Quotes

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Guys are like dogs: they never notice if you’ve changed your hair, but they can sense when there’s another guy sniffing around their territory  (Guys Quotes) Even if you don’t acknowledge it, people die, and guys sleep with girls. That’s just how it is  (Guys Quotes) Guys warning girls not to fall in love with them is so truly douchey that it should have a higher success rate  (Guys Quotes) I’ve spent enough time behind a bar that I’ve formed a few opinions about what people wear and what it says about them. Guys who wear black from head to toe fall into two categories: they want to be trouble, or they are trouble  (Guys Quotes) High school guys only appear hot to high school girls. its something to do with the fluorescent lighting in the classrooms, I think. They’re actually really skinny and spotty, and they have giant feet  (Guys Quotes) And guys don’t get attached, guys don’t give themselves over completely, and guys lie. That’s why they should be handled with great trepidation, not trusted, and held at arm’s length whenever possible  (Guys Quotes) Percy is the most powerful demigod I’ve ever met. No offense to you guys but it’s true  (Guys Quotes) Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s always one guy that is perfect for you  (Guys Quotes) Sage, aren’t you guys supposed to have uniforms? This looks like what you usually wear  (Guys Quotes) Lots of death, huh? Personally, I’m trying to avoid lots of death, but you guys have fun!  (Guys Quotes) Gansey could’ve had any and all of the friends that he wanted. Instead he had chosen the three of them, three guys who should’ve, for three different reasons, been friendless  (Guys Quotes) It’s hard to find a good guy... all girls know that guys don’t think with their brains  (Guys Quotes) I had no idea how to get guys to notice me. I still don’t. Who cares?  (Guys Quotes) You can’t win all the time. There are guys out there who are better than you  (Guys Quotes) Every rock’n’roll band I know, guys with long hair and tattoos, plays golf now  (Guys Quotes) When you read the book you see that these guys aren’t holding any punches. They’re straightforward. They’re honest. They’re giving you their honest opinion  (Guys Quotes) This is an award I couldn’t have won on my own. I can’t thank these guys enough. These are my guys, these are my brothers  (Guys Quotes) I hope I can help guys coming out of high school, if they need advice. I know the ins and outs of everything  (Guys Quotes) Foosball screwed up my perception of soccer. I though you had to kick the ball and then spin around and around. I can’t do a back flip, much less several simultaneously with two other guys  (Guys Quotes) I can’t very well preach unity and tell the guys we’re all in this together and everyone’s important, then cut a guy because we might improve by one percent if we bring in someone else  (Guys Quotes) If you want some big revelation, since 2010 I have dated exactly two people. The fact that there are slide shows of a dozen guys that I either hugged on a red carpet or met for lunch or wrote a song with... it’s just kind of ridiculous  (Guys Quotes) If guys don’t want me to write bad songs about them, they shouldn’t do bad things  (Guys Quotes) It’s almost like when you’re young, your friends take on the romance role, and then guys take on the role of your friends later  (Guys Quotes) I happen to think like a man, and do certain things guys like to do. I grew up around boys  (Guys Quotes) I’m open to love. But guys should have to earn it. Because the minute they get it, they want something else  (Guys Quotes) There are lots of guys around the world that are lazy. They have big fat guts. They talk about chi power and things they can do, but don’t believe it  (Guys Quotes) There have been a lotta tough guys. There have been pretenders. And there have been contenders. But there is only one king  (Guys Quotes) If you guys throw one more shoe or one more coin, I’m just going to leave my guitar next to my amp and there’s going to be massive feed back for an hour  (Guys Quotes) I just want you guys to see it also. To see what type of words that are said toward me, and towards us as professional athletes. Everybody thinks it is a bed of roses and it’s not  (Guys Quotes) There seems to be more opportunities for old guys like me to do a little fighting and running because the lead characters also require a bit of depth and maturity and gravitas that one is likely to acquire doing drama all those years  (Guys Quotes)
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