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We all laughed. It was more like that whole thing that I was talking about earlier. You go to training camp and after the season is over, you might not see the guys for six months until you go back to training camp  (Guys Quotes) They have had three years to get a resolution and they failed. Both of these guys have failed  (Guys Quotes) People are going to get older and young guys are going to come in and race and get more competitive  (Guys Quotes) If you go too soon, you can come unstuck with 50m left when the guys are going past you  (Guys Quotes) If you see swarms of guys coming around you, you have to try and avoid being stuck on the kerb  (Guys Quotes) We’ll be presenting a broad spectrum of the music and looking at how the younger guys can carry it on  (Guys Quotes) I really loved what the guys were doing more than anything, how high they jumped, how effortless it was  (Guys Quotes) It strikes me that these days, clubs don’t even want players who can truly play any more; they just want athletes, quick guys who don’t have a football brain, can just run and run; some of them, jesus. I can never imagine acting like that  (Guys Quotes) Gay guys love women who are tough, who are survivors. They always call me a diva. and I am a survivor; I’ve pulled through everything and I’ve not become bitter about it  (Guys Quotes) A team championship doesn’t happen because three people score 10s, it happens because all the guys score well. In my opinion, everyone deserved 10s, we’re all 10s on this team  (Guys Quotes) To me, what I love about the draft is; first, you see the young men who are realizing their dreams that they’ve worked so hard for. That’s a pretty cool thing. You saw the emotion from some of these guys the other day. and then, the second thing is this total sense of hope and optimism. and, I think that’s great for everybody  (Guys Quotes) You know, sometimes guys work with other guys because they’re buddies off the track, not necessarily because they’re buddies on the track. Sometimes you’ve got that going against you or for you  (Guys Quotes) Why is it there are so many nice guys interested in baseball? Not me, I was a real bastard when I played  (Guys Quotes) We’ve got our football where no one wears anything and the guys are in little shorts and they beat the crap out of each other, and they can catch it and they can kick it, and it’s the only place it’s played in the world  (Guys Quotes) I suppose and I hope that the young guys who are out there losing their lives at least feel the same way I did. I shouldn’t think about this very much because I’m almost weeping when I think about it  (Guys Quotes) I was able to get along with everybody. I really enjoyed all of those guys. They were unique in their own ways, and I think that’s what made the sport fun. We had a great time laughing and having fun  (Guys Quotes) These guys live and breathe football; they get something out of going to the training ground every day  (Guys Quotes) I see these guys, they throw a guy into the ropes and they do a back flip and then clothesline the guy and it looks stupid. why don’t you just clothesline the guy?  (Guys Quotes) So the guy that we’re really targeting our system at this year is one of the guys who brought a 16bit system three or four years ago and has pretty much had it with that, and he’s ready to buy something new  (Guys Quotes) When you put on the suits, when you pretend you’re honest and you’re robbing at a far higher level, these guys deserve to... Well, to be in my novels, and I have special fates reserved for them  (Guys Quotes) Everyone was going to play their part honestly, and not try and pretend to be good or bad guys  (Guys Quotes) It’s the youth movement we have. A lot of young guys with a lot of passion. It brings the fun back to the game  (Guys Quotes) There’s a way in which these guys all think absolutely media, day and night. Access is what it’s all about, so they spin 24 hours a day and that’s a problem  (Guys Quotes) It was the best job I ever had. I just left because my whole team was leaving and the new guys were coming  (Guys Quotes) You guys are the best. I’ll see you in a couple of hours. I haven’t seen another human being in 13 hours and I’m running out of bottles for my urine. Later guys!  (Guys Quotes) I think it was one of the better meetings that I’ve had with those guys, because I was honestly able to say everything I wanted to say, and I pretty much aired out the dirty laundry. So from that point on, I thought all of that was behind us  (Guys Quotes) Number two, we’re going to play with a lot of effort. Our guys are going to be in such good shape that fatigue is not going to be a problem. We’re going to play with full effort from snap to whistle on every play the entire game  (Guys Quotes) The whole image thing gets in the way. Then there are the guys that it excites them and it’s what draws them to me. But I don’t know whether they would care for me if I didn’t have this image  (Guys Quotes) I don’t feel badly about that. There’s a lot of energy on the golf course. The guys are playing great. I like the pairings in the afternoon. I’m going to take what we’ve got  (Guys Quotes) I sign every autograph I can for kids because I remember myself at that age. I think it’s ridiculous that some guys won’t sign for a kid  (Guys Quotes)
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