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I’m actually a softie. Tough guys get killed too early... I’ve got a full head of hair and don’t wear eyeglasses  (Guys Quotes) The key to good management is keeping the nine guys who hate your guts away from the nine guys who haven’t made up their minds  (Guys Quotes) I’m not eloquent or distinguished. You guys won’t allow me to ever be that, so just bring it on  (Guys Quotes) You’re one of those guys who can make a party just by leaving it. It’s a great gift  (Guys Quotes) My first teachers were street players, guys who would hustle you, get in your head, break you down mentally before they did it over the board  (Guys Quotes) I’m all for selling books, but when guys are burning my house down, that’s where I draw the line  (Guys Quotes) I felt like an outsider. The only time you get to really know guys is on the ice, and I couldn’t be there  (Guys Quotes) We all learn from each other, and I never really hung out with guys in that way, so I missed out  (Guys Quotes) When we first met, I was trying to put a band together. I asked around at school for other guys who wanted to play in a band. Someone told me about a juvenile delinquent they knew who played bongos  (Guys Quotes) When your name is out there like that, guys are going to want to see what you’re about  (Guys Quotes) These guys are just flying through the air and I’m capturing them in the split second and putting it into a work of art, via clay to the bronze  (Guys Quotes) I’m very fast on teaching guys. Like, when I came over here, I only had two rehearsals with the band. I wondered when I first got here... But it sure came up great  (Guys Quotes) When I see these guys write all this macho stuff I want to smash their heads  (Guys Quotes) I don’t think teams play this game to hurt other guys. I don’t think that’s the story. We don’t play this game to hurt one another  (Guys Quotes) As an actor, it’s fun to play guys who aren’t just locked into a male pattern, but a lot of guys you’re asked to play are fairly macho and have a certain rigid standard they’re living by  (Guys Quotes) Love was not in it for me at first. I dated guys because of the way they looked. and then I began to learn that it’s what’s inside that counts. Love to me now is understanding. It’s giving  (Guys Quotes) A lot of guys who have never choked have never been in the position to do so  (Guys Quotes) A lot of guys spend their lives saying no because it’s an easier way to keep your job  (Guys Quotes) I’m not even close to those guys, but I don’t think anyone loves the game more than me  (Guys Quotes) The game has changed. What’s going on now is nonsense. You have guys complaining about not being paid  (Guys Quotes) There are guys in the game only because of steroids. They couldn’t make it with their natural talent, so they had to enhance themselves. It sucks  (Guys Quotes) I wanted to sign up and fight with you guys, but they told me I was too old  (Guys Quotes) I do look forward to keeping in touch with the guys, because we’ll always be connected in people’s minds  (Guys Quotes) All I want to do is play baseball and make a better life for my kid than I had, that’s it, bradley said to a quiet clubhouse. I love all you guys... I’m strong, but I’m not that strong  (Guys Quotes) It is so difficult to find something interesting and new, but instead of helping me to develop fledgling ideas in their infancy, you guys immediately look for a way to attack them  (Guys Quotes) I’ve already fallen in love with 20 guys since I’ve been here. The accents sound so intelligent. I love the way the guys are so classy and wear trench coats  (Guys Quotes) I grew up as a tomboy. I was always barefoot, running races with the guys on the block, climbing trees, and beating kids up  (Guys Quotes) Mob guys had muscle, and where in hell do you think employers got the tough guys when they wanted to break a strike?  (Guys Quotes) We’re going to keep pounding. These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I’ve ever seen. It’s scary  (Guys Quotes) Yeah, I knew a lot of those guys who parachute jumped at county fairs in the twenties and thirties, I just never knew any of them for very long  (Guys Quotes)
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