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I have arm-wrestled here and there... guys seem to want to test my strength  (Guys Quotes) I hope I can help guys come out and say, ‘All right, dude, I got a manicure. And I liked it. ‘  (Guys Quotes) I married a pretty famous girl, and when we drive through town there’s usually a car following us, when I walk out of my front door in Chelsea there’s six guys waiting for me  (Guys Quotes) I remember, when I was an up-and-coming comic, how annoyed I would be when the famous guys would show up and just take everyone’s spots  (Guys Quotes) I’m a romantic, and I like guys to bring flowers and buy some gifts - not expensive things, just romantic things  (Guys Quotes) If you look at the guys in the 70s, like Led Zeppelin, they had bigger planes than we do, they had more money. But they weren’t singing about it  (Guys Quotes) If you started in New York you were dealing with the biggest guys in the world. You’re dealing with Charlie Parker and all the big bands and everything. We got more experience working in Seattle  (Guys Quotes) In Hollywood today, it’s cool for guys to wear nail polish and earrings in their lips and tongues. I don’t get it  (Guys Quotes) In New York, after that famous home run, they expected me to be up there every year. That homer raised me to a high level, with the top guys in the game  (Guys Quotes) James Cagney, Steve McQueen, I loved all those guys. I grew up loving the movies but had no desire to be in them  (Guys Quotes) My mom had to beg the guys to let me play. I couldn’t even play the drums right - Brian had to show me  (Guys Quotes) Some guys travel with expensive Louis Vuitton luggage but it gets all scratched up under the plane. I’d rather not spend too much money on something that’s just going to get messed up  (Guys Quotes) Sometimes guys are so concerned with being cool and hanging out with their friends. They don’t want to seem like the guy that ‘has to call his girlfriend.’ It’s just boys growing up  (Guys Quotes) The American attitude is ‘We’re the best’. That’s why the NBA guys who come from other countries, the Europeans, all sort of stick together away from the game  (Guys Quotes) The guys in my band are great-we watch movies, we eat pizza, take walks, read books. Everybody has a really great sense of humor. And my boyfriend comes and visits me on the road  (Guys Quotes) The success of the Rat Pack or the Clan was due to the camaraderie, the three guys who work together and kid each other and love each other  (Guys Quotes) When I speak of natural drummers I’m talking about guys that are playing with the talent God gave ‘em  (Guys Quotes) With guys I revere, like Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X, their look is less about style than purpose and the expression of beauty. It wasn’t just about being noticed, you know?  (Guys Quotes) Yankee Stadium, and the Yankees are so famous for Mickey Mantle, Joe DiMaggio, Lou Gehrig, all of those guys  (Guys Quotes) Yes, I’ve kissed a lot of guys. I like to kiss, but that’s it. I don’t go home with anyone. I sleep with my animals, like my baby monkey, Brigitte Bardot  (Guys Quotes) You know what’s funny? I don’t ever feel the need to escape. I have a strong marriage. I like my life. You hear about these guys having midlife crises - I don’t see that happening to me  (Guys Quotes) Young people are forced to mature sooner now than in the 40s. I was doing things at age 14 that guys in the movie were just beginning to do at 16 and 1  (Guys Quotes) The Australian accent is sort of like going down a step in smartness, you could say, because you guys pronounce things as they’re spelled. We add and abbreviate stuff  (Guys Quotes) There is a visceral dislike of George Bush, and it’s going to bring these guys together  (Guys Quotes) No commander in chief would ever say, ‘I’m not going to listen to the guys on the ground  (Guys Quotes) It can’t really happen today the way it did back then and part of that is because I think there’s a bit of a competitive scare over at Marvel and DC so they lock guys up with exclusive contracts  (Guys Quotes) I’ve been a hip hop head forever. So when it turned out that we were gonna start getting celebrity guests for every show, I wanted rap guys from the get - go  (Guys Quotes) I still never get recognized. Small, bald white guys like myself - we all kind of look the same  (Guys Quotes) Well, whether it’s on film or on TV, you don’t want to throw too many curves at your audio and video guys  (Guys Quotes) I was a big fan of Super Troopers, so working with the Broken Lizard guys was so much fun  (Guys Quotes)
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