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Guys Quotes

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I certainly look at the modern guys and think they are a different species to when we played. They are fitter and their conditioning is extraordinary  (Guys Quotes) It’s sad how girls will run from the guys that try to make them happy, and fight for the ones that make them cry  (Guys Quotes) Girls always worry about the things that guys forget; Guys always worry about the things girls remember  (Guys Quotes) I think when guys send paragraphs to a girl when they know she’s sleeping is adorable  (Guys Quotes) I wonder why guys mistreat and disrespect women. But then expect life to hand them a good woman when they’re ready to settle down?  (Guys Quotes) Chicks worry about the things that guys forget. Guys worry about the things that chicks remember  (Guys Quotes) It’s a tough world out there and all the guys are fighting hard and the competition is really tough  (Guys Quotes) You fall in love with your best friend, it doesn’t mean that you guys stop being friends. It just brings more happiness for both of you  (Guys Quotes) It’s so annoying knowing that all the fake girls get all the lovely guys and it’s effortless for them  (Guys Quotes) If your girlfriend is pretty and a lot of guys want her, that’s another reason to keep her and treat her right. You got what they can’t have  (Guys Quotes) Cute guys make you crazy. Hot guys make you drool. Cool guys make you daydream. But funny guys make you fall in love  (Guys Quotes) Girls can control their temptations but not their emotions. Guys can control their emotions but not their temptations  (Guys Quotes) Most guys are players until that one special girl comes along that makes them lose their game  (Guys Quotes) When guys lie, they say they love you. When girls lie, they say they don’t  (Guys Quotes) Guys, kissing her on the forehead is one of the sweetest things in the world  (Guys Quotes) Being respected by guys is more important than being beautiful in their eyes  (Guys Quotes) Seeing guys play with little kids is probably one of the most attractive things ever  (Guys Quotes) Guys treat females like trophies. They will train, prepare, and leap to get them. Gloat when they first receive them. Then don’t even dust them off, while they sit on the shelf  (Guys Quotes) For every girl there is 3 guys: the one she wants, the one that wants her, and the one she’s settling for  (Guys Quotes) Guys don’t always have to make the first move. If you want him, go get him!  (Guys Quotes) Shout out to the guys that still open doors and pull out chairs for their girls. You gentleman are doing it right  (Guys Quotes) Every girl has three guys in her life: the one she loves, hates, and the one she can’t live without. In the end, they’re all the same guy  (Guys Quotes) More girls need to start searching for guys who have goals, ambitions, and crave success, because 10 years from now, swag isn’t going to pay your bills  (Guys Quotes) I’m merely a baseball player, guys,... In the great scheme of things, my thoughts, opinions and attitudes are of little importance  (Guys Quotes) When guys ask you to send a picture of yourself. We’re not asking for the one you took with your grandma last night  (Guys Quotes) Hi, I’m a girl. I run from guys that want to make me happy and fight for the ones that make me cry  (Guys Quotes) I can’t be one of those hipster guys with a beard when I have a hair campaign. I strive to look a little bit more... all-American  (Guys Quotes) I don’t want to have a discussion with my man about what weave I’m wearing, when did guys become so concerned with feminine topics anyway  (Guys Quotes) Girls cheat if theres something wrong with the relationship; guys cheat if theres an opportunity  (Guys Quotes) Guys, girls don’t need your beautiful words, or precious gifts. They just need you to make them feel special  (Guys Quotes)
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