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Girls who say, a lot of guys are after me, should keep in mind that low prices always attract many customers  (Guys Quotes) I’ve noticed, guys are constantly bashing girls on twitter about their lifestyle choices. Remember this, you didn’t know your mom as a girl  (Guys Quotes) Guys who complain about sweetest day are the same guys who don’t do anything for their woman any other day. Hello, its a freebie. Take it  (Guys Quotes) Nice guys finish last because they make sure they put their woman first which would be fine if women didn’t always take advantage of it and mistake being a gentleman for weakness  (Guys Quotes) Ladies, if you present yourself as desperate, guys will use you. Don’t be the woman that needs a man, be the woman a man needs  (Guys Quotes) Guys would go an extra mile to get your attention but once they get it, they stopped trying  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know what you guys say, but at home, life is way different from baseball  (Guys Quotes) Guys, if a girl asks you a question, it’s better to give her the truth, chances are she’s asking you because she already knows the answer  (Guys Quotes) People say girls are bitchy, yet I’ve met some of the bitchiest guys that are worse than girls  (Guys Quotes) Some guys will want to change everything about you. But the right guy will only want to change one thing, your last name  (Guys Quotes) In movies there is a clear line between the good guys and the bad guys. In life, not so much  (Guys Quotes) Girls get butterflies. Guys get boners. Girls play hard to get. Guys play to get hard  (Guys Quotes) So sad that most of the guys nowadays give up so quickly on girls they like and choose those who will easily give in  (Guys Quotes) Some guys focus more on how to get a girl but once they have her, they lose focus on how to keep her  (Guys Quotes) Some guys will cheat on their girlfriends and sleep like a baby at night but feel guilty when they go to another barber  (Guys Quotes) Pretty girls aren’t stuck up. Theyre just tired of the same guys all wanting the same thing  (Guys Quotes) We wanted guys who had been productive in college, and we made it a point to pick performance over potential  (Guys Quotes) That awkward moment when a girl talks to you in the restroom like you guys have been best friends forever  (Guys Quotes) Nobody likes the guys that go to the gym to stare at themselves in the mirror  (Guys Quotes) A girl can talk to many guys, but it takes a special guy to have her greet good morning and wish good night to  (Guys Quotes) I hope you guys stay with me forever, because I will always love you and support you  (Guys Quotes) My whole thing was, just being me. Now, you look around the NBA and all of them have tattoos, guys wearing cornrows. Now you see the police officers with the cornrows. I took a beating for those types of things  (Guys Quotes) I feel like I have a group of friends, guys could be interchanged with my neighbors from back home. These guys are really close and really tight, and it all stems from ‘Wouldn’t it be cool if this happened.’  (Guys Quotes) Most of my experiences have been positive. I know I live a very good life. I’m severely overpaid, but there are people who are much more overpaid than I am. I’ve been very lucky, and I know that, because I see guys all the time who are struggling and can’t make a dime, and they’re much better actors than me  (Guys Quotes) Jim Carrey can do anything he wants, right? There are guys like that. I’m not one of those guys, so my career has been cobbled together with what the universe has put in front of me  (Guys Quotes) If some heterosexual wants to be gay, so what? Let him go. It’s less competition for the heterosexual single guys  (Guys Quotes) I don’t get a lot of choices in movies. It’s not like I’m Brad Pitt and I can walk in and go ‘here’s the film I want to do’ and everyone runs around. I don’t have that. I stand in line and do auditions. I’m there with 80 other guys trying to be that guy. Every once in awhile I luck out  (Guys Quotes) Baltimore was like a small town when I got there - the Colts, the Orioles, guys like Frank Robinson, we all knew and respected each other. Everyone would cross paths at one point at Lenny Moore’s Sportsman’s Lounge, trading stories and having some fun  (Guys Quotes) When people ask me what I miss most about the game, it’s being in the locker room and getting to know the guys. Back in those days, we had roommates. We had to talk basketball and that was a great way to understand the game itself and form those lasting relationships  (Guys Quotes) Former Enron founder Ken Lay and CEO Jeffrey Skilling found guilty in the Enron case. Ken Lay is so guilty I’m surprised people aren’t calling him Congressman Ken Lay. Wait ‘till these guys find out in prison that insider trading has a whole new meaning  (Guys Quotes)
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