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A lot of black guys always ask me, ‘Did Larry Bird really play that good?’ I said, ‘Larry Bird is so good it’s frightening.’  (Guys Quotes) The comics I read as a kid were all about guys in tights. But here was a guy who wore a fedora. He fought crime like they did in Marvel and DC, but he did it in the real world. I had just turned 12 when I met the Spirit and it was a strange coincidence. At the same time I discovered girls I fell out of love with guys in tights  (Guys Quotes) I like some of the young guys like Senator Thune. He’s a guy that looks good. He’s very articulate, he’s very smart, and he truly is a public servant  (Guys Quotes) Guys that preach verse-by-verse through books of the Bible - that is just cheating. It’s cheating because that would be easy, first of all. That isn’t how you grow people. No one in the Scripture modeled that  (Guys Quotes) Leadership is one of sports intangibles. Guys can score, guys can fight, guys can skate faster than anybody else. But not everybody can say, Follow me  (Guys Quotes) You play a couple of shows, and these label guys come - and they leave halfway through a show. Then the phone calls just stop. And your heart is broken  (Guys Quotes) It’s gone on my whole life, this David and Goliath syndrome that a lot of these smaller guys always have. They think the only reason I’ve ever had any success in my career is because of my physical size. And you know what? If that’s the case, so be it. I really don’t care. Because I have that size  (Guys Quotes) Big news from last night’s Republican debate, you guys. It turns out George Bush was actually the smart Texas governor  (Guys Quotes) I like a basic uniform for guys. Steve Jobs is my fashion icon, because he wears the same outfit every day. If you always wear the same thing, you make a statement. Then put a bow tie on and really stand out  (Guys Quotes) You’re only as good as your body of work, and everybody has issues, whether it’s Steven Spielberg or Martin Scorsese. I’m not comparing myself to those guys, but you learn more from the misses than the hits  (Guys Quotes) The tango is a very interior dance. It’s not an exterior - it’s not flashy and all over the floor. It’s a very interior dance when you see the old guys dance in the clubs. I learned everything from the old guys in the clubs  (Guys Quotes) I go to the theater, all the time. I’m not one of these secret movie, watch a 35mm print in my living the weekend it comes out guys. I’m not Jon Bon Jovi. I go to the Arclight, like a regular asshole  (Guys Quotes) Guys can look like pigs. The girl always has to be a looker. Look at most TV shows: According To Jim - pig and a looker. Still Standing - pig and a looker. Ralph Kramden [on The Honeymooners] - pig and a looker. Family Guy - pig and a looker. It’s a theme  (Guys Quotes) A lot of times, guys are just out there playing and they’ll just go and get you. I don’t really think they’re thinking about the helmet-to-helmet contact. You’ll probably see a lot of players more hesitant before they make their hits  (Guys Quotes) Have we become a cupcake league? We already have better helmets and gear. Wonder how the old school players feel about this. Not in the back of minds when talking about 18 game season so let’s play football please... Even guys using shoulders to hit are getting flagged for helmet-to-helmet. Defense is getting sloppy because guys are avoiding fines and will get worse if suspending comes into play  (Guys Quotes) The debt ceiling debacle is almost a horrible metaphor: It’s as if a bomb went off at 800 Pennsylvania Avenue and sent shrapnel flying in every direction. I don’t know what these guys think they’re doing, but it looks like they’re committing political suicide  (Guys Quotes) Tonight the Republican presidential candidates had a big debate, 10 candidates. The last time that many rich white guys got together, I think Exxon merged with Mobil  (Guys Quotes) In an age of social media and content being key, it’s important to change the mold where you have $100,000 to $150,000 for one video. I hired some guys that are young, just out of college, and we used some new, far-less-expensive cameras and technology to make videos  (Guys Quotes) I know this sounds ridiculous but I like guys with love handles. I hate a washboard stomach - that does not turn me on  (Guys Quotes) I believe that you can love anyone. I’ve had relationships with women, I’ve had relationships with men. I don’t think you should be judged based on who you find attractive. Especially guys - gay men, they really have it hard sometimes  (Guys Quotes) I went to jail. I looked like one of those savings-and-loan guys leaving the jail house  (Guys Quotes) Yes, I would (be a big hit on Dancing with the Stars), but I don’t think I can be wearing those tight outfits they have on there. I’m a very good dancer. I’m the John Travolta of Venezuela. If I was one of the ‘Jersey Shore’ guys and I had their stomach, then hell yeah I would do it  (Guys Quotes) Billy Joel is an incredible musician. He just feels like one of the guys, you know. I grew up listening to his music  (Guys Quotes) I was always the bad guy in westerns. I played more bad guys than you can shake a stick at until I played the Professor. Then I couldn’t get a job being a bad guy  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know where ‘bro-country’ came from or what it really means, but a lot of those guys are my buddies and I support their music, within country there are lots of styles: stone-cold country, like Brandy Clark, and there’s Florida Georgia Line with what they do, which is completely different and bringing a whole new audience. There’s room for everyone  (Guys Quotes) It’s a big deal about whether or not gays can march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and I have to say that on some level I kind of see their point. Because when you think about it, it is a real macho heterosexual event. Bunch of guys in short skirts on a cart made of rose pedals sharing a bag pipe. That’s not for sissies  (Guys Quotes) Girls can be athletic. Guys can have feelings. Girls can be smart. Guys can be creative. And vice versa. Gender is specific only to your reproductive organs (and sometimes not even to those), not your interest, likes, dislikes, goals, and ambitions  (Guys Quotes) The people that hunt are the guys that really vehemently protect the environment. You find that people that live on ranches tend to want to keep it that way, and I’ve always loved that about the hunters that I’ve known. They eat what they kill, and they carry it out. They don’t shoot for sport  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know a lot of guys who started out as a hard rock and roller with a white stripe in their hair. Suddenly I do a TV movie and I wake up the next day and I’m a teen idol, like I’d laid on a beach in California all my life waiting for that to happen  (Guys Quotes) [Playing] the bad guys tend to be fascinating. Figuring out what makes them do the things they do is what interests me  (Guys Quotes)
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