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Guys Quotes

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It’s amazing how these little guys can say things that a mortal human could never get away with. There’s some sort of unspoken license... when outlandish things come out of an inanimate object, somehow it equals humor.  (Guys Quotes) I’m not that good looking... nobody is that good looking. I have seen a lot of movie stars, and maybe four are amazing looking. The rest have a team of gay guys who make it happen.  (Guys Quotes) What I don’t want to do is restrict law-abiding citizens from their Second Amendment rights, which are focused on freedom. I point out all the time. Remember, bad guys aren’t stupid, they’re just bad.  (Guys Quotes) A drone is a high-tech version of an old army and a musket. It ought to be used in Somalia to hunt bad guys, but not in America. I don’t want to see it hovering over anybody’s home.  (Guys Quotes) Well, I’m proud to say American Pie was the kind of crazy, gross-out film that guys thought was the greatest.  (Guys Quotes) I am not one of these guys who is just going to waste American lives by throwing people needlessly in frontal attacks up against the enemy if I can avoid doing that.  (Guys Quotes) I always say, when they ask me about American politics, is for you guys to decide who you elect  (Guys Quotes) According to an article on CNN.com, a new study says people who are bad kissers don’t get laid. Where are you supposed to learn how to kiss? If you go to Catholic school, it’s from your priest; in public school, you learn from your teacher; and some guys learn from their sisters... if their sister is Angelina Jolie.  (Guys Quotes) Why do we get so angry at ourselves when we eat foods we love? Do you think guys walk around going, ‘I just ate a cheeseburger and I’m so mad at myself?’  (Guys Quotes) Elvis had animal magnetism, he was even sexy to the guys, I can’t imagine what the chicks used to think.  (Guys Quotes) Just to be mentioned in the same sentence with those guys feels good, but I want to take it to another level. I respect those guys because they did it. I’m trying to get where they’re at, where people talk about me bringing a championship here.  (Guys Quotes) I don’t work under the illusion that I’m the next whatever. Every time a record comes out, if it gets a good review, I’m like, Well, one more year, guys. We bought ourselves another year.  (Guys Quotes) The running joke on set [of the Westworlds] was that everyone at some point thinks that they’re Anthony Hopkins. Like, Guys, I think I’m Dr. Ford. I’m Anthony Hopkins. That’s the twist. We love all of the theories. Part of the fun of that show is figuring it out.  (Guys Quotes) There’s a trend toward anti-heroes now, and I think it goes back to guys like Bogart and Cagney. They seemed to have no compassion, and they were always alone.  (Guys Quotes) The myth of Good Guys and Bad Guys is one of the most pervasive we own, and morally grey anti-heroes are simply one of modern fiction’s attempts to shake off that mythology and replace it with something a bit more honest.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve made a career writing about fictitious anti-heroes. To create these worlds, I’ve spent a lot of time with active members on both sides of the law. And if I had to pick the most interesting of the two, the choice is obvious - we all love the guys in black.  (Guys Quotes) The lunatic populism that preceded the Pearl Harbor bombing is astonishing in its permutations, its crisscrossings. Guys like [Catholic priest and controversial radio broadcaster] Father Coughlin and [racist and anti-Semitic agitator and founder of the Christian Nationalist Crusade] Gerald L.K. Smith started out as share-the-wealth socialists.  (Guys Quotes) I get tired of comedies where there are a bunch of funny guys and a beautiful woman who doesn’t do anything funny. And I don’t like books where there’s a rough-and-tumble boy and a really clever, snotty girl. That’s just not my experience with teenagers.  (Guys Quotes) My parents had a software company making children’s software for the Apple II , Commodore 64 and Acorn computers. They hired these teenagers to program the software, and these guys were true hackers, trying to get more colors and sound and animation out of those computers.  (Guys Quotes) If I have any particular appeal to women, maybe it’s because I listen more than other guys do and appreciate how they think and feel about things.  (Guys Quotes) I love the movie ‘Taken,’ but the dialogue in the beginning of that movie is hilarious. They’re talking, these commando types, and there’s dialogue like, ‘Hopefully your daughter appreciates what you’re doing for her. Does she know that you’re doing it?’ What guys talk like this?  (Guys Quotes) When I approach guys in certain situations and talk to them about Christ, they know that I’m speaking to them in a way that’s real.  (Guys Quotes) The idea of trust-fund guys who live in Brooklyn in their 30s is really interesting to me. There’s a time and a place where that kind of bohemian lifestyle is appropriate, soon after college, in your 20s. But there are people still living that many years later; they haven’t evolved to the next phase.  (Guys Quotes) I wouldn’t mind working with Queens of the Stone Age, doing some guitar stuff on that. Even Arctic Monkeys. I’d like to do be a bit of guitar with them guys. I’ll play on anyone’s record to be honest with you.  (Guys Quotes) I watch political shows for a number of weeks in a row, and all I see are guys arguing with each other over issues I have no idea about. My brother, he loves war-torn places. My dad would always read the paper and tell me I should watch CNN, but I usually wind up watching ‘Breaking Bad.’  (Guys Quotes) These guys are not from the Iraqi army, ... These are not Iraqi soldiers. They are not members of any of the Iraqi armed forces.  (Guys Quotes) I talked to some vets in L.A. about what they go through and do they think about their experiences a lot. I got a wide array of answers. Some people get very emotional, which is understandable. Two of my best friends growing up are in the armed services, and getting to represent those guys was a big honor for me.  (Guys Quotes) I like exotic guys who have a lot of sexual energy. I drive army tanks and I snowboard, so he has to keep up.  (Guys Quotes) There are things about guys who are in the army. They’re very particular, they have to be.  (Guys Quotes) Under the guise of being nice guys, the central bankers have done to the people what no army in history has been evil enough to do.  (Guys Quotes)
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