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It’s the youth movement we have. A lot of young guys with a lot of passion. It brings the fun back to the game.  (Guys Quotes) Obviously, that off-the-ice battle I went through, plus injuries I came back from, I always felt the fans are really knowledgeable there and respected and appreciated guys that gave whatever they had and guys that fought through things.  (Guys Quotes) You know what the [Barack] Obama administration keeps getting wrong is whenever anything bad happens they focus on law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on the bad guys.  (Guys Quotes) The older I get the more I realize there’s no real good guys or real bad guys, and I’m curious about how the good guys got good and how the bad guys got bad.  (Guys Quotes) At the very leadt, we can grab Monica and hustle her skanky ass back to her dad wile you brave, strong menfolk hold off the bad guys. Right?  (Guys Quotes) Virtue is not photogenic, so I liked playing bad guys. But, whenever I played a bad guy, I tried to find something good in him, and that kept my contact with the audience.  (Guys Quotes) Movies, I don’t really get the bad guys. In theater, I get more bad guys. Both audiences and directors are more willing... to allow people to stretch. In movies, you do one thing, and then that’s their reference.  (Guys Quotes) My label is to play bad guys of Latin origin in American movies. I’m happy with that label. I prefer to play that than to play a city boy. The bad guy is always something very tempting for the audience.  (Guys Quotes) Collaboration is risky. If it fails, if the occupation is wound up prematurely and the bad guys come back to power, you might find yourself in some serious trouble.  (Guys Quotes) I just like guys who have an edge to them. But it could go either way. Like, I have been into the surfer blond frat guys, and then there’s definitely a thing where I like the dark, mysterious bad boy.  (Guys Quotes) I grew up in a community where it was not the exception to be a good girl. It was sort of expected. And all of my friends were good girls too, and my boyfriends were good boys. Everybody was pretty nice. And that affects how I write my characters. There aren’t very many bad guys in my novels.  (Guys Quotes) Men often think it’s the bad boys who get the hot chicks. But I’m living proof that the good guys win.  (Guys Quotes) I believe the most attractive thing about a guy is his personality and the way he views the world. I’m not into bad boys. I like the sweet sometimes even shy guys.  (Guys Quotes) Young ghetto boys thought that in this society, the good guys lost and the bad guys won  (Guys Quotes) Chinese people, young people, they don’t go shopping a lot in department stores. All department store guys hate me. They say business is bad because of Jack.  (Guys Quotes) Well, I’ve always been a character actor, you know, and you always get your share of character actors who are bad guys.  (Guys Quotes) I’m known for playing bad guys, so this was an interesting departure from what I’m known to play, which is a softer, more likable, affable character.  (Guys Quotes) I’m not one of these guys who sits around saying, ‘Gee, I mean, the person had a strange childhood and that’s why he’s doing this horrible thing. Poor Jeffrey Dahmer. He’s just had a bad childhood and that’s why he’s eating people.’ Wait a second! This person should be removed from the planet.  (Guys Quotes) Acting is playing pretend, playing a children’s game at an adult level, but with children’s rules. It’s fun to play bad guys. I’ve never been in a fight in my life, so it’s fun to play something that’s different.  (Guys Quotes) Dads are awkward because they’re older guys who aren’t cool anymore and are figuring out who they are, and they often make bad choices in fashion and music.  (Guys Quotes) But the thing about bad guys is that they have the biggest bosomed blond, they have great clothes and cars, and get great death scenes.  (Guys Quotes) All Hollywood endings - the bad endings have to be the bad guys to be falling about 50 stories to his death and you have to see his eyeballs as he goes to his doom.  (Guys Quotes) There’s not a thing that any of you guys can say bad about me that would hurt my feelings... I’m not coming at you, what I’m saying is that, I’m willing to take that heat for my team, if we’re playing well or if we’re not playing well.  (Guys Quotes) It’s easy for me to play bad guys because it’s a very linear acting. Bad guys aren’t empathetic. Being a bad guy is great because you’re not friendly and you don’t have to do much with your face.  (Guys Quotes) It doesn’t work if the bad guys kill his mother’s uncle’s friend’s neighbor’s pet dog. You’ve got to make the stakes high.  (Guys Quotes) The bad guys, when they start getting picked off, they’re upset that their friends died, too. But that’s the thing. That’s what life is. It’s that weird gray area.  (Guys Quotes) Everybody can have a bad game, and we did. These guys have all proven that they can handle adversity. We’re in the midst of a little adversity.  (Guys Quotes) Hanging out with my girlfriends is my sanity saver. We go out for a bad chick flick and dinner. I suggest you break free from the guys, see a really silly, girly movie, and get a little something to eat afterwards. It feels like a treat.  (Guys Quotes) The federal government has not been effective enough monitoring and surveilling bad guys  (Guys Quotes) It’s definitely more fun playing a bad guy. It feels a lot better than playing one of the good guys.  (Guys Quotes)
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