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Guys Quotes

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I used to teach acting in a maximum security men’s prison. I worked with guys with the most dysfunctional behavior problems. I probably learned more there than from my prestigious theater degree.  (Guys Quotes) ‘Fast and Furious’ is a well-oiled machine. Those guys really know what they’re doing. The guys that work behind the scenes are just as important as the ones in front of the cameras. They are car enthusiasts. They live and breathe this world.  (Guys Quotes) Jamie Dornan is one of those guys who has no idea how gorgeous he is. He’s crazy in love with his girlfriend and a crazy talent and a great singer and a great actor; just a lovely, lovely human being. It kind of makes you want to throw up a bit, but in all the right ways!  (Guys Quotes) I’m a dirty kid: I like to be outside, I like to run about, I like to get messy. So I spent a lot of time outside as a kid, skating and just being a disaster. I was obsessed with Dogtown - I still am obsessed with Dogtown, the Z-Boys. I love Stacy Peralta and Jay Adams and Andrew Reynolds, all these guys. I used to think I was Chad Muska.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always been a person that’s totally comfortable with my sexuality and showing my affections with my guy friends. At the end of the day, your guy friends are very important; they’re the guys that are always going to be there. It’s just you being a friend to me and I’m being a friend to you.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve put in 63 years now in the big leagues as a player, coach, manager. And now just being around these young guys, it keeps you going pretty good.  (Guys Quotes) I never liked being called the ‘most decorated’ soldier. There were so many guys who should have gotten medals and never did-- guys who were killed.  (Guys Quotes) I’m just a receiver. I don’t want to be labeled as a deep-threat guy, which is always going to happen because I’m always going to be able to run past people until I’m slow. I watch some guys who are very good at being deep threats, but it’s like people don’t respect them doing anything else.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve never talked to our guys about being young. That’s an easy crutch to fall on. You really just have to come in and build the spirit up of your team by working them everyday, showing them examples of what they’ve done and reinforce their work.  (Guys Quotes) I used to not like being called a ‘woman architect’: I’m an architect, not just a woman architect. Guys used to tap me on the head and say, ‘You are okay for a girl.’ But I see the incredible amount of need from other women for reassurance that it could be done, so I don’t mind that at all.  (Guys Quotes) It’s always really cool when you get to play with someone who you like and they go out of their way to be nice to you; it’s not just a ‘oh I played with them but I didn’t meet them’ sort of situation, so shout out to those guys for being awesome.  (Guys Quotes) Basically I have, like, five really close friends - girls and guys. I like being friends with both because you can do different things with both.  (Guys Quotes) Sometimes guys are so concerned with being cool and hanging out with their friends. They don’t want to seem like the guy that ‘has to call his girlfriend.’ It’s just boys growing up.  (Guys Quotes) Guys are really easy to get along with. It’s a lot better than being on the bus with eight girls. But the worst part is being the only girl, because there’s some days where you just wanna watch a chick flick.  (Guys Quotes) People ask me about if, being a Republican, you guys want to cut everything and stop everything and not help people. I find that patently false.  (Guys Quotes) We start off wearing frilly shirts and britches and being good guys and the heroes. And then as time goes on, every English actor ends up playing bad guys. That’s what we do.  (Guys Quotes) Well, to be honest with you, yes there is and there is not. But as I am a fan of this kind of music as well as the rest of the guys naturally are - and being a fan, we kind of get pleased by our music as fans and as being in SLAYER.  (Guys Quotes) Honestly, being in a band with two guys has prepared me so much for when it’s time for me to get married!  (Guys Quotes) There are guys you give the benefit of the doubt if they hold you up a little bit longer than normal, and you have that list of guys you kind of know are going to be a problem when you get there. The window of being patient with them is a lot shorter.  (Guys Quotes) I don’t mind being stereotyped in some way and playing certain kinds of guys, but if I can find something to occasionally get a break from that, that would be nice. And I feel like I manage to.  (Guys Quotes) A lot of my songs are personal and about me being 16 and having guys break my heart and feeling like it’s the end of the world.  (Guys Quotes) Home life is a foreign environment for most guys. So it’s natural to show them being idiots at home.  (Guys Quotes) I feel blessed that I am able to play really dark guys in a business where they usually want you to play the same character over and over. Poor Michael Rapaport will being playing white homeboys till the day he dies. That’s not the kind of career I want.  (Guys Quotes) While being in the right seat at the right game might create short-term reassurance, I can’t get over the idea that really what people feel is that their club is being run by a group of guys who know the history, study the heritage and view Villa as a proud Victorian club in its third century.  (Guys Quotes) I had never thought about being a professional fighter but meeting Pat [ Militich ] and the guys just pushed me in that direction.  (Guys Quotes) I’m really good at being sarcastic with guys. That’s the best way to hang out with them, because that’s what guys . They don’t want the quiet, prissy little things.  (Guys Quotes) Being sensitive to the problem of women is just another symptom of the quality of movies: I don’t think you can do anything that’s very sensitive. Everything’s sort of broad strokes and big gestures - adventure things that boys, guys want to see.  (Guys Quotes) Show him your soft side too. Being too pretty and smart... Guys don’t like when a woman is better than a man.  (Guys Quotes) Pop music is great, but there’s a lot of BS about the attitude of guys being super-gangster - that’s why the whole thing is silly. It’s making fun of itself. That self-awareness is why people enjoy it. It’s refreshing.  (Guys Quotes) I haven’t talked to [Donald] Trump since he made his comments about [John] McCain being captured; now he doesn’t respect military guys that get captured.  (Guys Quotes)
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