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When you’re a big girl like me, you want someone who makes you feel diminutive. I think fat guys are sexy.  (Guys Quotes) I wasn’t a big guy. People thought the big guys would eat me up. But it was the other way around. I loved to fight bigger guys.  (Guys Quotes) I just don’t like big guys who speak cryptically and act like they understand the language better than me.  (Guys Quotes) A common denominator among big guys like me who are trying to take care of our health is that we’re not getting enough sleep.  (Guys Quotes) For a startup, you need to stay small so the others don’t attack, or you aim to be one of the big guys. If you don’t do it right, you might lose everything.  (Guys Quotes) With news, especially investigative pieces, you’ve got to be really smart and really lucky to be timely and to not get beaten by the big guys. You can’t go head-to-head with the networks.  (Guys Quotes) For us tall people, the whole key is that your hips and your knees should form a right angle when you sit down. That’s where backs and hips get to be problems for big guys.  (Guys Quotes) Why can’t a seven-foot guy play a doctor? Why can’t I be a teacher? Why can’t I be a football coach? Why can’t I be a cab driver? Anything. Anything else than that. I can cry. I can do those things that they think the big guys can’t do. So just give us a chance.  (Guys Quotes) Our target market is recreational bettors, but that doesn’t mean we expel the wise guys. A big bet for us is maybe $10,000.  (Guys Quotes) There’s only 10 guys making big bucks in wrestling, and the rest of them they’re making good money, but they’re not blowing it away.  (Guys Quotes) I’d like to be a 5-10, 205-pound running back. I think it’s natural for big guys to want to be a little faster.  (Guys Quotes) Obviously, I am a huge Matt Morrison fan, and I am a big Lea Michele fan because I know those guys from way back.  (Guys Quotes) I mean, nobody’s ever thrown a big rock at me or my friends, but we’re all pretty tough guys and could probably handle it.  (Guys Quotes) I’ll bring what I bring to the tale, but it’s good to know you have two guys with the experience and know-how in big games.  (Guys Quotes) I think it is easy to be a doctor. There are a hell of a lot more doctors than there are guys riding big Pipeline.  (Guys Quotes) Don’t be afraid of girls. That is my big regret. Knowing what I know about girls, I should have just gone for it. Guys are such wimps.  (Guys Quotes) I love most 70’s song writers, not so much outlaw, but really those 70’s guys. I’m a big fan of Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson, those guys.  (Guys Quotes) It’s been phenomenal, but everybody keeps congratulating me on my resurgence and my big comeback. I haven’t been away, guys. I’ve been working steadily for the last 63 years.  (Guys Quotes) I’m a character actor. Nobody’s ever seemed to think of me as a leading man. I’m 6 6’’. I’ve got a big nose. I’m gangly. I’ve got crooked teeth. That’s certainly not Brad Pitt. I’m still around and alive, so if they need older guys, I guess they’re thinking of me.  (Guys Quotes) A brain hemorrhage puts it all in a deeper perspective. I’m one of those guys hit by lightning. I see the big picture. Everything is in perspective now. Let’s just say I’m the kind of guy who knows how to enjoy the moment.  (Guys Quotes) If guys try to make a bigger company for the sake of size, they don’t create value in most cases.  (Guys Quotes) My uncles, who are farmers in Minooka, Illinois - I grew up with them and their pickup trucks and mustaches, and to me that was masculinity: big hairy sweaty guys who could pick up a bus.  (Guys Quotes) I worked at this bike shop called Rockville BMX, and I started going on this summer tour with this one company. One summer, we ended up in California, and I got to hang out with the guys who made ‘Freestylin’ - Andy Jenkins and Mark Lewman.  (Guys Quotes) Bill Gates is just a monocle and a Persian Cat away from being one of the bad guys in a James Bond movie.  (Guys Quotes) Guys like Howard Stern, Bill O’Reilly, Jim Rome, Bill Maher, those are the guys I love and respect as broadcasters.  (Guys Quotes) I was always a fan of the old-style comics. I loved vaudeville. I loved Milton Berle, Dick Shawn, Phyllis Diller, Don Rickles, Charlie Callas, all those guys. Hilarious. I love the Bing Crosby and Bob Hope movies, and Abbott and Costello. My television influences were ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus,’ ‘Benny Hill,’ and ‘Hee Haw.’  (Guys Quotes) I just celebrated my fourth birthday on the set, my fourth birthday cake. So it’s been awhile and, you know, I grew up with these guys.  (Guys Quotes) Gay guys love women who are tough, who are survivors. They always call me a diva. And I am a survivor; I’ve pulled through everything and I’ve not become bitter about it.  (Guys Quotes) I’m tired of having to consult a group of old white guys about my black girl craft. They don’t even know what they’re listening for or to.  (Guys Quotes) I love black thighs, you sisters better realize That real hair and real eyes get real guys. So before you makeup your face, you better make up your mind...  (Guys Quotes)
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