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Callie always said Luce was incapable of brutal honesty and that was why she got herself stuck in so many crappy situations with guys whom she should have just told no.  (Guys Quotes) I want to design jewelry for girls and guys... I’ma spread it out, but I’ma design, probably when I’m just designing furniture and buildings, I’ll probably being the jewelry thing, too.  (Guys Quotes) It comes down to building your own world out here on the road. It’s who you surround yourself with. My band and crew are really positive guys.  (Guys Quotes) You wouldn’t want to see a movie where the bad guys triumph over the good guys all the time. You’d get bummed out, and you’d just stay at home and watch the news.  (Guys Quotes) I have been waiting a long time for this. It’s been my dream forever. Now that it’s a reality, I love it. I haven’t been burnt out at all and I have a bunch of guys with me that feel the same way.  (Guys Quotes) I think when companies are struggling, they don’t want to talk to the press. The guys who write business books aren’t interested in it because nobody wants to learn what it’s like to be a mess, you want to learn how to be successful. That’s slanted the whole thing quite a bit.  (Guys Quotes) I think anyone who isn’t investing in Nigeria is missing out. If you look at Nigeria today, literally all of the business class cabins are full of foreigners, because these guys see opportunity.  (Guys Quotes) Some guys lose their focus. They get caught up in the business deals or the endorsements, and they lose their focus. For me, it’s always about football. I’ve never lost sight of what’s making all these other things happen.  (Guys Quotes) Once you’ve been around this business long enough, anything is a possibility. It’s a business first and foremost. Guys play it because they love it, but it is a business, and if you don’t understand that it’s a business, you’re lying to yourself.  (Guys Quotes) I’m no longer dependent on the movie business to make a living. So if I want to make movies as other old guys would play golf, I can.  (Guys Quotes) There are a lot of guys who are successful, they make a lot of big money, I mean millions overnight with a contract, and they don’t understand the evaporation. It evaporates. You’re always back to square one. I found that out, so integrity is how I do business. That’s my main asset.  (Guys Quotes) Just like the NBA, the NFL has guys that can pull off multiple looks, ranging from street style to more dapper, buttoned-up looks, and people are starting to notice.  (Guys Quotes) I’m a romantic, and I like guys to bring flowers and buy some gifts - not expensive things, just romantic things.  (Guys Quotes) A guy friend and I went to California Pizza Kitchen, and a group of pretty girls came over to us and said, ‘You guys are gay, right?  (Guys Quotes) In the old days, before there was such a thing as film schools, directors learned the camera by watching other directors, and learning from their own dailies, and listening to the cameraman, and seeing what would work. Some of those guys could cut their movies in their head.  (Guys Quotes) I’m such a girl because all the guys go for cars because of their engines or something like that. I like the colour and the design.  (Guys Quotes) I married a pretty famous girl, and when we drive through town there’s usually a car following us, when I walk out of my front door in Chelsea there’s six guys waiting for me.  (Guys Quotes) You need to look hot now that you’ve got three guys giving you the eye.Three?Sweet blue-eyed blond trapper... Muscled blond trapper number two, who buys you cards... And that gorgeous, ‘Where have you been all my life’ dude with the raven-black hair and dark eyes.  (Guys Quotes) With all the care that women do and all the money we spend to maintain our hair, men can at least take the time to wash their face with a simple inexpensive product that will soften their facial hair so they’re not hurting us when we go in for a kiss. Trust me, guys, women will want to kiss you more if you take care of your facial hair.  (Guys Quotes) The guys on ‘Game of Thrones’ trust me implicitly to take care of the action stuff. I don’t mess with their drama, but they allow me to come up with ideas like ‘Hey, what if the giant had a bow? And what if he shot some guy off the wall?’ With ‘Constantine,’ too, they really trust me to scare the audience.  (Guys Quotes) I couldn’t care less about the leader board. A lot of guys have led the league in something in April and couldn’t be found at the end of the season.  (Guys Quotes) Some guys spend days looking for something they lost. I never seem to have anything that if I lost it I’d care too much.  (Guys Quotes) I know real cops. When they’re paired up together, they get so close, you know? There’s no excuse for it, but these guys do have a connection. They fight like cats and dogs, but when they get in a really messed-up situation, they’re there for each other.  (Guys Quotes) As much as I enjoy seeing other guys do the superhero approach to the Batman universe, personally my own vision falls a bit left of center.  (Guys Quotes) I loved going to the Knicks because we won the Atlantic Division championship. We went from winning 21 games or 19 games to winning 52 games in a short period of time. I loved coaching Patrick Ewing and Charles Oakley and all those guys.  (Guys Quotes) A team championship doesn’t happen because three people score 10s, it happens because all the guys score well. In my opinion, everyone deserved 10s, we’re all 10s on this team.  (Guys Quotes) There’s rule changes every year. I do wish, however, that the NFL did have a voice from the players’ side, whether it’s our players’ union president, or team captains, or our executive committee on the players’ side. Because we’re the guys that realize the risk; we’re the guys on the field.  (Guys Quotes) Whenever you bring up women’s internal workings, guys want to change the subject. Unless, of course, they’re trying to change the laws.  (Guys Quotes) I think there’s a lot to be learned from your teammates and older guys around you. And there are many ways to lead. You don’t have to change your personality to be a leader.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve had my Charlie Sheen moments, it was usually just at the Mars Bar on the corner of First Avenue with me and a few homeless guys.  (Guys Quotes)
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