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Guys Quotes

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I think we have arrived at the stage where we are making it too complicated. I know guys who can’t play two rounds before running to their teachers.  (Guys Quotes) Come on, guys, I am a computer nerd. I love Hollywood and movies. My whole life is like a movie. I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for the mind-altering glimpse at the future in ‘Star Wars.’  (Guys Quotes) In a movie, it’s often important to have aliens whose gestures and facial expressions can be ‘read’ by humans. And in the days before sophisticated computer animation, most extraterrestrial bit players were guys in rubber suits. Such practical considerations forced Hollywood’s hand when it came to aliens - they look like us for good reasons.  (Guys Quotes) The word ‘code’ turns out to be a really important word for my book, ‘The Information.’ The genetic code is just one example. We talk now about coders, coding. Computer guys are coders. The stuff they write is code.  (Guys Quotes) I think games are starting to branch out. It’s not just guys sitting at their computer stations. Games are so fun, that everybody gets into them a little bit.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always been supremely confident in my abilities. But the biggest confidence boost is when the guys around you, you feel like they have confidence in you.  (Guys Quotes) I suppose they’re confident. I think younger guys love the idea of a divorced woman who’s going to teach them how to be a man.  (Guys Quotes) The SAME GUY who took the Baptist’s life is drawn by the rumblings of the Spirit’s power throughout the countryside, manifested in numbers by guys a lot less confident and competent than the Baptist. Father, remove those obstacles that keep us from or discourage us in small beginnings that manifest Your power where the rubber meets the road.  (Guys Quotes) Actors will always tell you it’s more fun playing bad guys. A lot of the time, it’s criminals who are the people who don’t care. There’s something extraordinarily seductive about the guy who doesn’t care, and to play that guy is terribly empowering, because you don’t have to worry about the consequences of your actions.  (Guys Quotes) It’s all a learning process. You’ve got to learn from experience, the battles you go through. Some guys continue to grow. Hopefully, that’s what I’ll continue do.  (Guys Quotes) I think the guys who are really controlling their emotions ... are going to win.  (Guys Quotes) Every girls’ night needs a funny movie and a good conversation about guys! My friends and I also love picking outfits out for each other to try on at slumber parties. It’s so fun.  (Guys Quotes) He reached out, opened the glove compartment, and took out a gun. It was a Smith and Wesson .38 five-shot special. It looked a lot like my gun. I stopped by your apartment this morning and picked this up for you, Ranger said. I found it in the cookie jar. Tough guys always keep their gun in the cookie jar. Name one. Rockford. Ranger grinned. I stand corrected.  (Guys Quotes) For a long time the people at my shows were sort of the Pantera-tattoo trucker guys, really cool dudes, but I don’t know what happened to them. That’s the crowd that I like, the ones that don’t get so offended just to be offended.  (Guys Quotes) I’m one of those guys like whatever the situation is, as long as people are cool and everybody is trying to be funny, I have a good time.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always found, when I was younger, that the older guys - the guys who weren’t of my generation but were 20, 30 years older than me - were the cool guys. I always wanted to be around adults when I was young.  (Guys Quotes) I’m a big fan of all the Boston guys that are acting - Matt Damon , Ben Affleck, Mark Wahlberg - they made a great career out of it, and they found a way to do it and still be cool guys, so that’s kind of where I want to be.  (Guys Quotes) Respect is more valuable then the amount of times guys flirt with you.It’s better to have one trustworthy real man then any amount of boys interested in you. The cool guys may not notice or date you but the right one will marry you.  (Guys Quotes) Once I started singing, I didn’t have to try to be cool. I was just one of the coolest guys around.  (Guys Quotes) In Hollywood today, it’s cool for guys to wear nail polish and earrings in their lips and tongues. I don’t get it.  (Guys Quotes) I feel like guys don’t think it’s cool to use emojis. I’m like, that’s so whack. Emojis help so much. They really do give context to something.  (Guys Quotes) Miguel and Justin, the two biggest guys on the team, welcomed me right away and once the cool kids in school like you, it’s easy to get along.  (Guys Quotes) Alright guys, I want to get out there and vote tomorrow. And not because it’s cool, because it’s not. You know what is cool? Smoking. Smoke while you vote.  (Guys Quotes) To me, what I love about the draft is; first, you see the young men who are realizing their dreams that they’ve worked so hard for. That’s a pretty cool thing. You saw the emotion from some of these guys the other day. And then, the second thing is this total sense of hope and optimism. And, I think that’s great for everybody.  (Guys Quotes) I haven’t ever really relied on relationships with guys. They come around and it’s cool, but it’s never been a big thing. I guess I’ve just been really distracted by work.  (Guys Quotes) I think that’s the coolest thing about our fans, they not only respect, but they demand, excellence from our guys.  (Guys Quotes) The Tour de France would make a great movie. Drugs, corruption, political chicanery, guys risking their lives - everything you need for a great sports drama.  (Guys Quotes) I can count the number of dates I’ve had on one hand. I wish that guys would approach me, but they don’t.  (Guys Quotes) Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.  (Guys Quotes) I heard the commercial guys on the radio, the country guys, and now, a lot of that looks real good compared to...  (Guys Quotes)
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