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Number two, we’re going to play with a lot of effort. Our guys are going to be in such good shape that fatigue is not going to be a problem. We’re going to play with full effort from snap to whistle on every play the entire game.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve said for years I could never figure out why Calgary ever drafted me. When I got there, I think they had eight or nine right wingers already. These guys were premiere players. It’s not like they were extremely late in their careers, either.  (Guys Quotes) I wanted to be a senator from Illinois. I was obsessed with politics. My dad was friends with a lot of local politicians, so I would hang out with them on Election Day and hand out buttons. Somehow, even though they were opposite, I loved Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. I thought they were the coolest guys!  (Guys Quotes) I’ve worked with women who I’ve never wanted to tell anything about myself to, and I’ve worked with guys who have been pouring wells of emotion. So emotional availability is not a gender-specific thing.  (Guys Quotes) Well, guys are better at mechanical stuff and women are better at emotional stuff  (Guys Quotes) I am one of those guys who could do the most emotional scene and crack a joke instantly. I’m lucky. I’m just like an idiot savant. I have one enormously enjoyable, pleasurable - for me - talent, which is being able to act.  (Guys Quotes) Off the floor, I’m really laid back: like, nothing really fazes me too much. But on the floor, I do get emotional and a little carried away. However, I started playing when I was 13 to have fun with my teammates, and that never stopped. I enjoy traveling and having fun in the locker room with the guys. Life is too short to be miserable.  (Guys Quotes) These guys [liberals] will never tire of spending our money and will never hold themselves accountable for their boondoggles. For them the failure of $5 trillion to eradicate poverty simply means that we haven’t spent enough money. Ditto with education. The solution is always more money. No amount of empirical evidence will shake their socialist theology.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve fought everybody without ducking anyone. I have beaten 10 undefeated guys, and I never was comparing myself to the greatest in the sport. I was not thinking of breaking any records. I’m just enjoying my time in boxing.  (Guys Quotes) I was able to get along with everybody. I really enjoyed all of those guys. They were unique in their own ways, and I think that’s what made the sport fun. We had a great time laughing and having fun.  (Guys Quotes) It’s tough because a lot of my friends in normal life, a lot of my friends in the entertainment business, and a lot of my friends in the wrestling business are gay. Just to say something spiteful and hurtful, I don’t get it... if it was true and I was gay, I’d embrace it, and I’d tell you guys about it and I’d celebrate it.  (Guys Quotes) President Obama’s over in Indonesia when guys like me were at a paper route. President Obama, I don’t know what experience he had at that same age when he was in Indonesia. So I think it’s hard for him to grasp that America entrepreneurial spirit.  (Guys Quotes) I tended to lean towards the guys who both sang and played, such as Ricky Skaggs, Vince Gill, Steve Wariner... And at the other end of the spectrum, I had Eric Clapton in a rock and blues sense, jazz guys such as Tal Farlow and Les Paul... Then Chet Atkins-type stuff.  (Guys Quotes) I grew up in Chillum Heights in the Washington, D.C. area., and it was never a garden spot. When guys go, ‘Hey, when I grew up, my neighborhood was tough, and it was this and that’... the reality is that it was just a terribly sad place. And thank God, I was able to escape it.  (Guys Quotes) That’s the one part where being brothers makes a difference. It’s just instinct. That’s the charm of what the Everly Brothers are: two guys singing as one.  (Guys Quotes) Stand-up is every man for himself; you learn from hanging out at these clubs and watching other guys, and then trying not to be like them.  (Guys Quotes) Every year, something happens, and it turns me in a direction about where I need to go and what I need to do to give these guys direction.  (Guys Quotes) Everything I’ve always done has been for the sole purpose of increasing my lovemaking output. A lot of guys won’t admit that, but I do. I just want to make love.  (Guys Quotes) It’s the difference between hunting a lion and hunting a deer. If someone hunts a lion, it’s like: Wow, they’re brave! But if they’re hunting a deer it’s like: That poor deer! I know that. I know that guys getting killed is horrible but people have seen it before. You’ve seen The Evil Dead. With girls, it’s like: I don’t want to see that happening... I know that.  (Guys Quotes) Guys, don’t follow Elkanah’s example. Get involved at home. If God has given you a wife, put the effort into understanding her. Is it an impossible task? Most assuredly. But sometimes the challenging jobs are the most rewarding. Wives need men who engage and participate, not abdicate as parent and spouse. For too many husbands the lights are on, but nobody is home.  (Guys Quotes) The other guys and myself have agreed that Billy Sherwood will do an excellent job of covering my parts, and the show as a whole will deliver the same Yes experience that our fans have come to expect over the years.  (Guys Quotes) When I was doing ‘Executive Orders,’ I talked about Ebola to people who know about infectious diseases and their use as weapons of war, and guys told me that these weapons are more psychological than physical.  (Guys Quotes) Girls bat their eyelashes and act like they don’t know anything in front of guys they like, or give a little bit of eye contact, but not too much, or a bit of touching. Or being coy. Sure, I do a bit of that.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve had a beard a fair few times and, like most guys, when I shave the beard off I experiment with a few different facial hair styles on the way down to clean shaven. But I’ve never actually had a moustache for any longer than about 10-15 minutes - during the process of shaving off the beard.  (Guys Quotes) I’m foremost an actor. I feel embarrassed being compared to the guys who really work at it. I fake it, I make believe I know all about it, which is what you’re supposed to do as an actor.  (Guys Quotes) Why should it matter to us when wrestlers are found dead in their beds or seen limping around on two fake hips? Why should it matter to us that there’s a list of modern wrestlers who died before the age of 50 - many of them famous - and that the list is more than 70 names long? Hey, there’s always another wave of guys on the way. Always.  (Guys Quotes) If you’re truly in a band and you guys have been together for a long time, there’s a family bond that you have. In fact, I’ve talked about this with therapists, especially if you’re talking about a relationship, because when you’re with somebody, you’re going to your family, and she’s alone.  (Guys Quotes) Have you read ‘The Grapes of Wrath?’ That was my family. My dad was a sharecropper in western Oklahoma. When the dust storms came and everything got wiped out, they came to California. The guys with the mattresses on the tops of their cars in the movie? That was the way it was.  (Guys Quotes) I’m not into those shows like hey everybody, gather round the TV, let’s watch The Simpsons! I’m not one of those guys: I gotta get home, man, Family Guy’s on! I gotta race to my TV before I miss the episode of Family Guy! I’m not one of those guys.  (Guys Quotes) Many friends of mine told me that normally only guys like a kung fu movie and the girls would be turned off - they want to see a love story. But Ip Man is a family man, so the women see this and go: ‘I want my husband to be like this man. He’ll be a scholar, he’ll be fighting, he’ll care for the family.’ So we had a bigger audience.  (Guys Quotes)
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