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The first rappers I ever got into were Wu-Tang, Mobb Deep, and Nas. Those are the guys. Those are the dudes that flipped my wig.  (Guys Quotes) Certain guys, they can see a guy do a certain thing with their glove and know what pitch is coming. I couldn’t do that. But I can get on first base and I can tell you by his move if that pitcher is going to first base or home plate every time.  (Guys Quotes) Equally, though, there are guys who play England Under 19 who don’t even play First Class cricket. It is a watershed in the careers in many ways.  (Guys Quotes) What are the odds that two separate writers, strangers, a thousand miles apart, would each invent fictions in which guys take girls to an esoteric frog lecture on their first date? If that isn’t synchronicity, it’s something equally as weird.  (Guys Quotes) My mind-set, my mental game and my hard work is at a first-round level. I play at a first-round level. I’ve done things that most guys haven’t done.  (Guys Quotes) My first job, actually, was a Chicago Bulls commercial. I was a ninja. I walked with a limp for a week afterward and got paid 500 dollars 6 months later. Thanks, guys.  (Guys Quotes) Oh, it’s the first big thing I’ve really done. My first job out of college was working with Steven Soderbergh. I was telling my acting teachers, I did it, you guys!  (Guys Quotes) Love was not in it for me at first. I dated guys because of the way they looked. And then I began to learn that it’s what’s inside that counts. Love to me now is understanding. It’s giving.  (Guys Quotes) What was the first name of the Houston club? It wasn’t the Astros. It was the Colt .45s. A lot of guys now will say Colt 45 is a beer. But it was also a pistol, and it went right with Texas.  (Guys Quotes) I train my chefs completely different to anyone else. My young girls and guys, when they come to the kitchen, the first thing they get is a blindfold. They get blindfolded and they get sat down at the chef’s table... Unless they can identify what they’re tasting, they don’t get to cook it.  (Guys Quotes) I made an awful mess of my first marriage. It was hard to live with me being me. I was so abnormal. I mean, most writers struggle. I hadn’t struggled. I couldn’t suddenly go down to the PEN Club and behave like a normal human being, because most of those guys were struggling to make a couple of thousand pounds a year.  (Guys Quotes) We all know what flopping is when we see it. The stuff that you see is where guys aren’t really getting hit at all and are just flailing around like a fish out of water.  (Guys Quotes) The thing that everyone liked about ‘Entourage’ is that these are fish-out-of-water guys living this dream.  (Guys Quotes) Don’t try to watch two teams in one night. Focus on one team, and focus on five or six guys at first.  (Guys Quotes) Musicians play music because you love... I loved to play drums since I was five. It’s all I ever wanted to do. Rock stars, or as we call them, posers, guys who want to just look great, dress great. They’re not musicians; they’re looking for the fame.  (Guys Quotes) Blasto’ is a new game for Sony Playstation. It’s an awesome three-dimensional game, and I play the character Blasto who’s sort of a Flash Gordon barrel-chested superhero who goes to Uranus and shoots these little green alien Fascist guys. He rescues babes; he goes on wild rides.  (Guys Quotes) A couple of years ago, I was following players. Now, I’m trying to have guys follow me.  (Guys Quotes) If a guy can play Guitar Hero with me and sit at home and watch the Food Network and read magazines with me, that’s good. I don’t think there are many guys that’s fun for. It’s a lot to ask.  (Guys Quotes) When I was a teen, I was never really into the captain of the football team or the student body president. The guys I liked were quirky and different: They listened to music I’d never heard of, never had lunch or gas money, and could always make you laugh.  (Guys Quotes) Preseason football is hard to evaluate. It’s never going to be clean for the quarterbacks. You have to overcome the ugly plays and be productive. It’s a component of leadership that is necessary. The guys that make it in the league survive that.  (Guys Quotes) WIth football you can have up to 28 guys you consider starters, and if they can pick up the slack when some aren’t playing so well, you don’t have to turn those two game losing streaks into six-game losing streaks.  (Guys Quotes) I used to love playing football in high school. I played with the same guys for 10 years.  (Guys Quotes) It takes a tremendous amount of skill to be a football player. And some of these guys have enough skills to do other sports. Soccer could be one. Basketball could be another. Things where you need incredible hand-eye coordination are always options. I think a football player would be able to adapt to a lot of sports.  (Guys Quotes) Cage Warriors is a brilliant organisation. They’re doing great things for European MMA, and they’re giving the platform for guys like me who came through. They’re vital. I’m forever grateful for the opportunities I got.  (Guys Quotes) We need to do a lot more thinking about how the regime is going to evolve, how the bad guys are going to adapt their tactics, and what measures we’re going to need in order to go forward.  (Guys Quotes) The original concept of rock and roll... was supposed to be this young angst with mistakes and all. Four or five guys get together, get angry and that’s really how it starts, and i’ts all this energy.  (Guys Quotes) These guys who talk about free markets, they’re not ideologues; they’re crooks  (Guys Quotes) Everything I know about the FBI came from movies! Right? The idea of these kind of uptight, conservative guys whose ties are tied too tight.  (Guys Quotes) I just want a big HBO special or a network or somebody willing to get behind my work and promote it. The most frustrating thing for me is to have this successful act that resonates across the country, and the network guys just don’t get it. Everyone sees it except them. I want to leave a mark.  (Guys Quotes) The fun of sitting around Pangong Lake with 40 guys around a fireplace, having a glass of wine... staying in one camp together... that’s an experience. Waking up at 5 in the morning, watching the sun come up. You don’t do these things in Bombay.  (Guys Quotes)
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