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Guys Quotes

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Girls tend to get seduced through their ears. Guys tend to get seduced through their eyes.  (Guys Quotes) I’d rather not do anything. Guys want you more when you don’t. Young girls should know that.  (Guys Quotes) Courage. I need courage. Because this is surely the stupidest idea in the history of guys liking girls.  (Guys Quotes) Even if you don’t acknowledge it, people die, and guys sleep with girls. That’s just how it is.  (Guys Quotes) So many girls and guys want to find a girlfriend and settle down. But it’s fun to be single.  (Guys Quotes) Thanks to you guys and girls who read my stuff, too. May you have long days and pleasant nights.  (Guys Quotes) Girls aren’t mean to guys in high school. They are mean to each other. Girls were never mean to me.  (Guys Quotes) I hate that people assume guys are the only ones to want sex. Girls want sex, too, and that shouldn’t be a problem.  (Guys Quotes) When I was growing up, it was the guys who were hardest at school who got the prettiest girls. It’s a status thing.  (Guys Quotes) I want to be singing to everybody, and I want everybody to think that I’m singing to them. Guys, girls and everyone in between.  (Guys Quotes) I wanted to write a sci-fi story that would appeal to young women. Loads of girls like sci-fi, but it’s more culturally associated with guys.  (Guys Quotes) I think girls have a harder time than guys do if you’re switching schools. Guys don’t get picked on as long as you’re OK in sports.  (Guys Quotes) If you meet a girl who has slept with 100 guys, you will think something of her you wouldn’t think of a guy who slept with 100 girls.  (Guys Quotes) I used to flirt with girls just to get the guys circling around us. I’m getting out of it now. I have to look after my reputation.  (Guys Quotes) I wonder why guys mistreat and disrespect girls. But then they expect life to hand them a good woman when they’re older and ready to settle down?  (Guys Quotes) It so cliché to say some guys and girls need to step up, but there can be bigger stars and bigger names when people get their chance.  (Guys Quotes) I didn’t want o do metal work and get my hands all nicked up and be around guys. So I took drama because there were a lot of girls.  (Guys Quotes) For most part, the rule of thumb is pretty much you’re going to race guys hard the last quarter of the race and for sure the last run of the day. You’re still going to give and take until that last pit stop.  (Guys Quotes) Just give me 25 guys on the last year of their contracts; I’ll win a pennant every year  (Guys Quotes) When you read the book you see that these guys aren’t holding any punches. They’re straightforward. They’re honest. They’re giving you their honest opinion.  (Guys Quotes) Guys, there’s only one thing I hate more than bloggers who start sentences with ‘guys’ - and it’s those mealy-mouth hipsters who crochet codpieces and their ye-olde-sideburned friends who pickle stuff and slaughter their own gluten-free goats.  (Guys Quotes) For guys, I don’t think you’re ever ready... I don’t think you wake up and go, ‘You know, today’s the day I’m going to get married. By God, I’m ready. My house is in order, and it is time.’  (Guys Quotes) Oh my God, you guys, I seriously do not have a speech prepared whatsoever. I’m shaking right now  (Guys Quotes) When I speak of natural drummers I’m talking about guys that are playing with the talent God gave ‘em.  (Guys Quotes) Younger guys now are all working out, and you find that if everyone’s doing it and you’re not doing it, you’re going to be left behind.  (Guys Quotes) You want to have strong legs. You’re in the trenches going against bigger guys in there, and you want to be able to have some force against them.  (Guys Quotes) A big part of managing a golf course is managing your swing on the course. A lot of guys can go out and hit a golf ball, but they have no idea how to manage what they do with the ball. I’ve won as many golf tournaments hitting the ball badly as I have hitting the ball well.  (Guys Quotes) Going out on the road as a 14- or 15-year old and playing clubs with 20-year old guys was just not acceptable.  (Guys Quotes) We have some fast guys out there. It’s always fun to compete with each other at practice in the outfield. It’s going to be a fun year out there.  (Guys Quotes) As a coach, you’ve got to do what’s best for the team. If guys don’t like it, they’re going to leave. If they stay and don’t like it, well, your team’s going to suck anyway. Even if this happens, you still have to do it. You can’t coach worrying about any individual.  (Guys Quotes)
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