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Some guys have all the luck  (Guys Quotes) I just like to hear that guys have the same problems that we do  (Guys Quotes) Canadians don’t have a very big political lever, we’re nice guys  (Guys Quotes) Normally I play dads, good guys, and little animals  (Guys Quotes) Jewelry is fine on some guys, but it’s not for me  (Guys Quotes) In real life there are no bad guys. Everybody just has their own perspective  (Guys Quotes) My thing is, I like playing guys who have a really interesting internal monologue  (Guys Quotes) I know being a linesman is a thankless job, especially with guys like me around  (Guys Quotes) Even the toughest guys are afraid to be anything outside of the toughest guys  (Guys Quotes) Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with  (Guys Quotes) Shee, you guys are so unhip it’s a wonder your bums don’t fall off  (Guys Quotes) I think the guys who are really controlling their emotions... are going to win  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know if you guys know this but I’m sort of a big deal  (Guys Quotes) Look guys, if you’re just going to stare at me, I’m going to bed!  (Guys Quotes) We have played so well that the guys have really made my job fairly easy  (Guys Quotes) I never say never, because I don’t want to be one of those guys  (Guys Quotes) Usually bad guys are much more fun to play and much more interesting to watch  (Guys Quotes) Then I came out of jail and beat guys because they were basically scared  (Guys Quotes) After you win all these belts, you cannot fight all these mandatory guys  (Guys Quotes) On the playing side, a lot of guys I played under were pretty good managers  (Guys Quotes) Every day you guys look worse and worse. And today you played like tomorrow  (Guys Quotes) But now that I’m a blonde, guys are so blatant about coming on to me  (Guys Quotes) I’ve realized skinny isn’t necessarily attractive. Guys like girls with curves  (Guys Quotes) I find that the most interestingly written parts happen to be the bad guys  (Guys Quotes) Gay guys know how to craft, and they craft really well. Straight guys, forget it  (Guys Quotes) One of the best sleight-of-hand guys I know is a plumber  (Guys Quotes) I’m not one of those pop guys. That’s for wimps like Vanilla Ice  (Guys Quotes) Some guys practice like all-Americans but they can’t play  (Guys Quotes) I am so like Donna it’s funny. and most of my friends are guys too  (Guys Quotes) But guys such as Allen and William are more supportive than most men  (Guys Quotes)
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