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There are a lot of guys who play in the NBA. There aren’t a lot of guys who have a chance to win a gold medal, too.  (Guys Quotes) The people who worked in comics were terrific guys. I had a good association with them, and I enjoyed comics for that very reason.  (Guys Quotes) Of all of them, I just -- maybe because I know them, but I think ‘N Sync has -- can maybe transcend that whole boy band thing, you know, because they got a good attitude and a good spirit, and they’re talented guys.  (Guys Quotes) I’m a single girl. I like to have a good time. I just sleep with the guys in the band all the time because it’s easier.  (Guys Quotes) In the glory days of Orioles, when I was a newbie baseball writer for the Post, the roster of talkers was as good as the everyday lineup. Singy - Ken Singleton - Flanny, and Cakes - the underwear spokesman Jim Palmer - were my go-to guys, occupying stalls along one wall of the shabby chic clubhouse.  (Guys Quotes) I like the guys on the team and the coaching here. I especially like the management. The Galaxy have been really good to me.  (Guys Quotes) I think the guys are more conscious of the fact that being in good physical condition under the conditions that they play will make them better players.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always had great relationships and stayed really good friends with the guys I’ve dated.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve always said it: I don’t want to be the only Columbian playing on the PGA Tour, so, guys, just play some good golf and come join me here.  (Guys Quotes) You want to believe in black and white, good and evil, heroes that are truly heroic, villains that are just plain bad, but I’ve learned in the past year that things are rarely so simple. The good guys can do some truly awful things, and the bad guys can sometimes surprise the heck out of you.  (Guys Quotes) In every thriller written about Washington, particularly after 9/11, there are good guys and there are bad guys, and there’s no gray area at all.  (Guys Quotes) I’m more attracted to the bad guys. Why? Because in real life, I don’t know any good guys. I know okay guys. I know polite guys. I know people who can control themselves.  (Guys Quotes) I’m not sure why I’m so drawn to heroes who do bad things and to villains who think they’re the good guys, but I do find that moral ambiguity and conflict makes for great characters.  (Guys Quotes) Playing a bad guy is always a freeing experience, because you don’t have the same envelope of restrictions as you have playing a good guy. Good guys restrain themselves; they kind of have their moral fiber cut out for them in varying degrees.  (Guys Quotes) I admire Kings of Leon. I think their records are amazing. Just from hanging out with them, I can say they’re good guys. It’s cool to see that they get to do what they love. But I think they clearly have an appreciation for where they came from, and it has shaped who they are.  (Guys Quotes) I was never one to run away from trouble - I intend to continue to fight my corner and try to redeem our reputation in some way. It’s very difficult when you see the PR campaign that Anglo have built up against us. A lot of the media would be very anti-Quinn and have fallen hook, line and sinker for the Anglo story where they are the good guys.  (Guys Quotes) A lot of vets like ‘Good Morning Vietnam’ - I get great letters from guys  (Guys Quotes) I don’t have the physical talent those guys have. My hard work has made me very good.  (Guys Quotes) There are so many people in this world to hate good guys rather than to love them  (Guys Quotes) I’m getting a lot of uninteresting romantic lead guys that look good and fall in love sort of garbage.  (Guys Quotes) Women in my family are the center of things. All good things emanate from them. The guys usually mess up.  (Guys Quotes) I know there’s a lot of guys who would love to see me fail. Well, good. Let ‘em. I’m glad.  (Guys Quotes) I approach serious subjects, and I like to have the good guys win and have the parents among the good guys.  (Guys Quotes) More and more, I enjoy hearing people who are good at their instruments and who’ve found a distinctive voice. In death metal, a lot of guys are Eddie Van Halen disciples, but they take his style to really expressionistic places. It’s a real pleasure for me to hear people pushing their craft.  (Guys Quotes) When I see two guys kissing, I’m like, how come I can’t kiss one of those guys? They look like they’re having a good time.  (Guys Quotes) George Mitchell was a very good leader, and we were more than satisfied with his leadership. And I know the guys were jealous.  (Guys Quotes) This is the only way that you can hope to survive. Because life... is not a movie. Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love... does not conquer all.  (Guys Quotes) There’s something with actors in their 40s, I don’t know - there’s this tendency with these guys, either they’re not where they wanted to be, or - I mean, this guy was making good money and working a lot. It’s almost like they have a bad conscience about the job, like it’s unmanly or something, so they try to compensate by busting the director’s balls 24/7.  (Guys Quotes) There’s no such thing as a good gun. There’s no such thing as a bad gun. A gun in the hands of a bad man is a very dangerous thing. A gun in the hands of a good person is no danger to anyone except the bad guys.  (Guys Quotes) I’m one of a few guys on the PGA Tour who doesn’t work with an instructor. I’m not saying mechanics don’t matter. But I play my best when I focus on staying in a good place mentally and keep the technique simple.  (Guys Quotes)
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