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You get a pretty good read by watching the play, and knowing what you would have done - having done most of the things that these guys are accused of doing. I put myself in their shoes: Would I have been wanting to send a message? Is it a hockey play that went a little sideways?  (Guys Quotes) Gorgeous, available, gotta be single, none of this messing about, good sense of humor, protective, definitely, confident, I mean because loads of guys won’t put up with my kind of job.  (Guys Quotes) It was nice that you guys have such a good sense of humor, because some people don’t have the ability to laugh at something.  (Guys Quotes) I like guys who have a plan or a dream. A good sense of humor is also a must. I can be weird with my humor and say things that are random. You need to understand that I’m really goofy and go with it.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve played in bands with A-team players around. But unless they can play together, it doesn’t do any good. And you can take guys who may not stand on their own up against a bunch of individuals they might be compared to, but you put ‘em together, man, and they are unique unto themselves in a way that no one else can touch.  (Guys Quotes) The whole tradition of cinema is dominated, really, by films about good guys versus bad guys, good versus evil. But we have very few films about the nature of evil itself.  (Guys Quotes) I think I am against stereotype. Generally, Asian guys are more quiet - they study and have a good work ethic. Generally, I have none of those things.  (Guys Quotes) I think the ability to hit - some guys have it and some guys don’t - but I think how dedicated you are to trying to get the most out of yourself, I think kind of determines how good you are and for how long. I was born with the ability to hit, but my work ethic has taken it to the next level.  (Guys Quotes) What I think a lot of that was K-1 having had their Grand Prix finals not even a month before the Dynamite!! show so a lot of those guys were coming into that fight pressured to fight.  (Guys Quotes) Nine out of 10 times these guys will hit it-they’ll be on something incredibly funny, but one out of 10, two out of 10, they’ll fall flat on their faces. That’s what makes them great actors: they take those chances, they don’t play it safe.  (Guys Quotes) There are a lot of people in Congress who would never have made a great career or fortune in any other profession. But after they spend a while hanging out with the rich guys, they begin to feel they’ve been undervalued, and that an eventual seven-figure income as a lobbyist isn’t just an opportunity, it’s their due.  (Guys Quotes) A lot of guys go through their whole careers and don’t win a championship, but are still great coaches.  (Guys Quotes) Pittsburgh was a great team. Coach Noll, Joe Greene, Jack Lambert, L.C. Greenwood and all those guys did a great job. That’s the team that kept us from winning two Super Bowls. It was a great rivalry.  (Guys Quotes) These guys sit in the Senate - even though he misses most of the votes, by the way - but he sits in the Senate and listens to this stuff all the time.I’m out working, producing jobs all over the place and building a great company.  (Guys Quotes) Having a great dad probably permitted me to pal around with guys in a way that some women don’t.  (Guys Quotes) Con Air’ was kind of a turning point for me, in my mind. I never shot anybody in that movie - I never did anything bad - because there were so many bad guys in that movie. I said, ‘The hell with this, I’m just gonna be a lovable guy.’ I’m like Steve McQueen in ‘The Great Escape.’  (Guys Quotes) It’s a group of guys that put their mind to going out and playing great football. Everybody that needed to step up, stepped up. Everybody that needed to make a play, made a play, and that’s what it’s all about.  (Guys Quotes) You’re one of those guys who can make a party just by leaving it. It’s a great gift.  (Guys Quotes) We had this thing at Stanford called the ‘Campus Loop,’ and then we had another run called ‘The Dish,’ and you’d run up to this giant satellite dish, which was probably extremely unhealthy. I would do those two runs, and I just found it so therapeutic. My girlfriends and I would have these great conversations about guys and school and life.  (Guys Quotes) I was a Charles Schulz kind of guy. I didn’t read comics books. The Warner Bros. guys were great - Chuck Jones and Friz Freleng.  (Guys Quotes) I have to continue to be a great leader and contribute in any way that I can, and get guys to follow suit. That’s how you turn a team around.  (Guys Quotes) That’s exactly what [Donald] Trump says, Putin is a great leader. We should love Putin. He has a high popular and everybody oh, fine, you guys - oh, that’s terrific.  (Guys Quotes) Wouldn`t it be great for some of the Republican candidates to stand up to the money guys  (Guys Quotes) I didn’t want my records to sound like anybody else, and when I’ve got my guys in the studio, I have a language with those guys because we work together every day. A lot of times, you bring in outside guys, studio players, whatever, and they’re great musicians. It’s just that they don’t necessarily play the way I want it to be played.  (Guys Quotes) I’m supposed to be all re-injected with yes-we-can fever after the big health care speech, and it was a great speech - when Black Elvis gets jiggy with his teleprompter, there is none better. But here’s the thing: Muhammad Ali also had a way with words, but it helped enormously that he could also punch guys in the face.  (Guys Quotes) I’m coming from a Ginuwine and Usher background: slow and smooth songs. And that’s why I really connected to Sam Cooke, because he was just very smooth. It’s not like the James Brown types, which is all great stuff, but he was totally set apart from those guys.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve been a fan of Metallica and friends with those guys for a long time and that was just great - half Alice In Chains and half Metallica playing together.  (Guys Quotes) My greatest reward is knowing for certain, as I do with many other acts and artistes, that without Jonathan King being alive and involved, Genesis would not exist, and the guys would have had careers as intended - as accountants and lawyers!  (Guys Quotes) I’m sure back in the Greek days or the Roman Empire days, when guys fought in arenas and were fighting lions, people were talking smack. Every era in history has someone talking smack. No way you can have talent and not proclaim your victory.  (Guys Quotes) In my final years in Green Bay, when I wasn’t getting the ball, people would ask me why I never complained. ‘Because these guys are my family,’ I would say. ‘I’m not selfish. It’s not about me. It’s about these guys, my family, and winning championships together.  (Guys Quotes)
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