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Guys Quotes

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I’m actually a softie. Tough guys get killed too early... I’ve got a full head of hair and don’t wear eyeglasses.  (Guys Quotes) Yeah, it turns out that guys don’t like deals on laser hair removal or pole dancing lessons  (Guys Quotes) The Beatles were no trouble... lots of girls. The Stones were black-jacketed guys, a rough crowd. A whole different scene between the Stones’ black leather jackets and the Beatles’ pretty-dressed girls with the ribbons in their hair, teenagers standing on the seats screaming, nothing broken.  (Guys Quotes) I count it an honor to play with some guys that I’ve watched play on television, and may be in the Hall of Fame some day.  (Guys Quotes) Guys willing to hold your dick are a dime a dozen; save your hearts for the one who wants to hold your hand.  (Guys Quotes) I’ve said this before, but going and playing with the guys that have been to the World Series, the elite players of the game, there’s no harm in hanging around those guys at all.  (Guys Quotes) I remember hanging out at Starbucks. There were these older guys who would sit around and play Crosby, Stills and Nash songs. I was just so in love with music. I would just go hang out with them, and I would try to sing and harmonize with them. I didn’t even know the songs.  (Guys Quotes) I felt like the end of an A-Team episode when everything worked out, and the heroes all got to go home and live happily ever after while the bad guys were put in jail. Except of course, I was the bad guy.Whatever.  (Guys Quotes) I suppose I’m a bit mean. My face on camera doesn’t lend itself to happy nice guys. I think it’s just that my bone structure looks menacing.  (Guys Quotes) Thanks for existing, R.E.M. It’s hard to overstate how much these guys changed everything, creating an entire rock audience in their own image.  (Guys Quotes) I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to say those three words. Most guys throw it around like breath, like bait.  (Guys Quotes) Reverse psychology is an awesome tool, I don’t know if you guys know about it, but basically you can make someone think the opposite of what you believe, and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm.  (Guys Quotes) I hate jealous guys! Everyone can be jealous. We all have that in us. Push the demon down or it’s going to drive the other person away.  (Guys Quotes) These stunt guys are good at what they do and they’re professional. A smart actor will step back and say, I’m going to let the professionals do this. Hats off to those guys, man. When you see the credits scroll, look at all those stunt guys and remember all those names ‘cause they earned their money on this.  (Guys Quotes) Like most guys, I’ve always liked watches. I can always check the time on my phone, but having a watch is so much better.  (Guys Quotes) The biggest compliment to me is that guys really approach me and they have a connection with me, so there must be something I’m doing that is authentic, otherwise they wouldn’t connect with me so strongly. It’s a real compliment.  (Guys Quotes) I was having coffee with my bodyguard. I didn’t expect to be hunting bad guys until later. Leather before sundown is tacky.  (Guys Quotes) Having the experience of senior guys around you just makes things easier as they all contribute ideas and set the standards for the group.  (Guys Quotes) If we’re talking fantasy, I would love to host a late night talk show... More Fallon than Leno. Those guys always seem like they’re having way too much fun at their ‘jobs.’  (Guys Quotes) I go to the gym a lot, and I see these guys, these young actors or models there, really punishing themselves - I mean, just killing themselves. And then I’ll see one of them on a billboard, with the artfully messy hair, looking as though it’s just natural and easy to have a body like that.  (Guys Quotes) It’s nice to have writers write nice things about you and guys on radio and TV say nice things about you, but the guy who’s in the locker next to you is the one you play the game for.  (Guys Quotes) In order to be a lieutenant, you’ve got to have authority in your voice. No matter how young your face looks, you’ve got to let your guys know that you’re in charge.  (Guys Quotes) I enjoyed so much working with the guys from Wilco, and riffing off of them, and having someone come up to me with ideas, because normally in the studio it’s me who has to come up with all the ideas.  (Guys Quotes) There definitely is that element of guys who like to party and have a good time and... putting off for as long as possible the idea that they’ll actually have to settle down.  (Guys Quotes) Pearl Jam doesn’t just sing about issues they care about. These guys walk it like they talk it.  (Guys Quotes) I personally don’t like guys who are super-muscly and stacked and overdo it in that way. Having a natural, healthy body is the best. It doesn’t mean you have to be a certain size, because everybody’s different.  (Guys Quotes) Young men are eager to hook up with women. And many say they have very good female friends. But some of the emotions circulating among guys make it difficult to form and sustain healthy relationships.  (Guys Quotes) Many hedge fund managers have become billionaires; perhaps this - plus their reputations as the smartest guys in the room - is why they have captured the investing public’s imagination.  (Guys Quotes) I’m weird. I still believe that when you do good deeds, you get something back in return. That’s why I really enjoy helping other guys succeed.  (Guys Quotes) It’s much better to say, If the herd is running, I’m running with those guys. And humans have herd mentality.  (Guys Quotes)
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