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Guys Quotes

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I’m still one of the guys and I always will be  (Guys Quotes) Didn’t the other guys tell you? Nobody dunks on Manute B - O - L!  (Guys Quotes) You’d be surprised. Girls like sensitive, namby-pamby guys  (Guys Quotes) Sexy ain’t guys like Churchill and Lincoln  (Guys Quotes) But I’m not looking forward to trying to strike out a lot of guys  (Guys Quotes) I always feel that the best roles are written for white guys  (Guys Quotes) I’m not a huge fan of plastic surgery, for either guys or girls  (Guys Quotes) I have to humbly say people really like the bad guys  (Guys Quotes) The best villains are the nicest guys in person  (Guys Quotes) You guys like impressions? Why?  (Guys Quotes) I never thought I’d be one of those guys who gets recognized  (Guys Quotes) Let’s hook up with dumb guys  (Guys Quotes) Not all guys are players and not every girl is a keeper  (Guys Quotes) Most single guys I know think fatherhood is terrifying  (Guys Quotes) Guys understand a waistline. They understand a silhouette  (Guys Quotes) It bothers me when gay guys don’t check me out  (Guys Quotes) Guys who don’t crack under pressure, guys who never lose  (Guys Quotes) I’m attracted to guys who are really confident and make conversation  (Guys Quotes) I love being a girl because we can act like guys without looking homo  (Guys Quotes) I’m attracting the wrong type of guys  (Guys Quotes) I have a thing for evil bald bad guys. The Kurgan is too sexy  (Guys Quotes) Guys should not be allowed to use the Internet all day long. So sad  (Guys Quotes) Some guys practice like all-Americans but they can’t play!  (Guys Quotes) Baseball guys tend to flock towards steaks  (Guys Quotes) Women put guys through tests all the time  (Guys Quotes) I actually fall for guys when they’re a bit all over me!  (Guys Quotes) All the guys called the Olympic Village a high-class Boy Scout camp  (Guys Quotes) So many girls only care about guys and looking good all the time  (Guys Quotes) I love taking hits away from guys and seeing their reaction  (Guys Quotes) You can’t have a back door that’s only for the good guys  (Guys Quotes)
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