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Hag Quotes

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You're gorgeous, you old hag, and if I could give you just one gift ever for the rest of your life it would be this. Confidence. It would be the gift of confidence. Either that or a scented candle  (Hag Quotes) You're gorgeous, you old hag. If I would give you anything in this world it would be this. Confidence. Either that or a scented candle  (Hag Quotes) Foul fiend of France and hag of all despite, encompassed with thy lustful paramours, becomes it thee to taunt his valiant age and twit with cowardice a man half dead?  (Hag Quotes) I definitely believe in plastic surgery. I don’t want to be an old hag. There’s no fun in that  (Hag Quotes) You better not brag, you’re a hunky old hag, and that goes for your mother, too  (Hag Quotes) Here, here it lies; a lump of lead by day; and in my short distracted nightly slumbers, the hag that rides my dreams  (Hag Quotes) The vengeful hag is played by Ingrid Bergman, which is like casting Eleanor Roosevelt as Lizzie Borden.  (Hag Quotes)