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Hair And Makeup Quotes

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I, personally, like to get dressed and then do my makeup and hair in about five minutes  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I strangely feel better before I go through hair and makeup. Maybe that’s just because I feel like me.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) If I had to name one thing that probably causes more conflict within the band, it’s probably the fact that I’m the girl, and it takes much longer with hair and makeup and wardrobe. But they’ve gotten used to it. It’s one of those things I think they realize that when they say she’ll be ready in 10 minutes, it normally means 15 or 20.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) On my Instagram, my boyfriend will take pictures of me, or someone else will take a picture of me, and they’re like, ‘What is wrong with her? She looks sick.’ And I’m like, ‘No I just don’t have two hours of hair and makeup, you guys.’  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) A fashion photographer is nothing without clothes and hair and makeup. And when I speak to other photographers, a lot of them can’t reference a picture by the designer. Me, I say, ‘The Balenciaga.’ And I go to the shows. I feel like it’s my business.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I’ve been working some really long hours for the last five or six years. Anybody who works on series television knows, and especially women because women spend probably two hours more than the guys with all their hair and makeup crap.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I look my best after an entire hair and makeup team has spent hours perfecting me. When do I feel my best? When I haven’t looked in a mirror for days, and I’m doing things that make me happy.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I love doing hair and makeup and making ‘Video Star’ videos with my friend, Kendall. I also love to draw. But my life is dance, dance and more dance. I wouldn’t want it any other way.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I’d have to say that, in general, models take themselves too seriously. Basically, they are genetic freaks who spend a couple of hours in hair and makeup.  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I have my team. Like if you see everyone around me - I have my hair and makeup girl, my assistant. They’re very calm, they’re all about positive energy. There’re no drama queens. Everyone wants everyone else to have a positive experience. There are no agendas. I think it creates a healthy environment and there are no boundaries to cross  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) The media create this wonderful illusion-but the amount of airbrushing that goes into those beauty magazines-the hours of hair and makeup! It’s impossible to live up to, because it’s not real  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) There’s not a hair extension or a makeup artist that can make me feel the way I feel when I give back  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) There are no captions on red-carpet photos that say, ‘This girl trained for two weeks, she went on a juice diet, she has a professional hair and makeup person, and this dress was made for her.’ I just wish they’d say, ‘It ain’t the truth.’  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin wit no makeup on. That’s when you’re the prettiest, I hope that you don’t take it wrong  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) Bones leaned back, studying me. I felt so self-conscious. If only I had a shield of makeup, some perfectly arranged hair... and oh yeah. Some panties  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) Most of the time I’m in khakis and a white T-shirt. I’m a total Gap girl. Super casual, hair in a pony tail and no makeup  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) Elizabeth Taylor taught me that if you do your hair and makeup first then take a hot bath right before you leave, it brings out your inner glow and takes away the powdery look from makeup. I do that right before every date  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) We know grooming is important for people. To get their hair done, to get makeup and things like that - that makes a person feel better  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) It’s only because I feel like such a philistine spending all that time in hair and makeup that I started to knit. I used to spend that time studying Italian and French. Then after I had two kids, my brain turned to mush and I took up knitting  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I’m not about hair and makeup  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I’m wondering if I made the right decision about hair and makeup  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) In high school I would mess with my hair and makeup all the time  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I'm not cut out to be a famous person; I can't do my hair and makeup well enough  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) You cannot leave the house to take the garbage out without full-on makeup and your hair done. You have to fight for your man out there  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) During my first photo shoot, I was unhappy because they put so much makeup on me and straightened my hair. I've been stubborn ever since  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I like to maintain a certain sense of fantasy in my life. I am kind of like that at home. Do I have the full hair and makeup? No. But I might have the nice dress on  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) My bathroom is filled with hair and makeup stuff and I play with it all the time. What the real lesson is, is that you can own your own sense of beauty. It doesn’t have to be something you get from somewhere else  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) A normal modeling job consists of hair and makeup starting at 5:30 a.m. On location, we shoot until theres no light, then drive home. If were lucky, well have a hotel close to the location, which takes out the driving time. Otherwise, its pretty brutal, from airplane, to car, to job, and back again  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I think theres a perception out there that people know me based on these glamorous photos they see of me in magazines, but I have about two hours of hair and makeup and then people to dress me, to make me look even better, in those pictures. Theres really so much more to me than that  (Hair And Makeup Quotes) I had this roommate in college who would get up almost 2 hours before class to do hair and makeup. That’s not for me  (Hair And Makeup Quotes)
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