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Hair Quotes

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Most good roles are written for young men. We are fixated on youth. So however much people say there is nothing wrong with being bald, the reality is once the hair is gone, you might not get the parts  (Hair Quotes) Actors work and slave and it is the color of your hair that can determine your fate in the end  (Hair Quotes) I dyed my hair about 42 different colours, and kids can be pretty judgmental about people who are different. But instead of breaking down and conforming, I stood firm. That is also probably why I was unhappy  (Hair Quotes) The second stage set in ten or fifteen days after the bombing. Its first symptom was falling hair. Diarrhea and fever, which in some cases went as high as 106, came next  (Hair Quotes) I didn’t realize that everyone was so attracted to my hair. I thought, well what about my music?  (Hair Quotes) I want a part where I can use my own hair, my own voice, and maybe even be literate  (Hair Quotes) I think every girl needs to love herself, regardless of anything. Like if you’re having a bad day, if you don’t like your hair, if you don’t have the best family situation, whatever, you have to love yourself and you can’t do anything until you love yourself first  (Hair Quotes) I’m really an outdoorsy girl. People think I can’t go anywhere without getting all primped up, but I love to go camping, and I’m totally fine with not doing my hair or makeup, not taking a shower and just hiking  (Hair Quotes) I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to just put my hair under a wig cap and slap on a wig that’s already done. It’s dress up for your hair!  (Hair Quotes) I don’t spend as much time on my hair as people think. I get out of the shower, whack some grease on there and I’m done  (Hair Quotes) I am not the archetypal leading man. This is mainly for one reason: as you may have noticed, I have no hair  (Hair Quotes) I can be whatever. I can wear shoes or don’t wear shoes. I can tie my hair up or wear it down. It doesn’t matter  (Hair Quotes) You know, sometimes I feel well and vital in the world, and sometimes I just feel so distressed I want to pull my hair out by the roots  (Hair Quotes) He also didn’t like a lock of my hair and said that he couldn’t get into the moment without the hair being just right. I quietly knew that he was anxious and that the hairdo wasn’t the real issue. But we all let it go and came back to the scene sometime later  (Hair Quotes) If they ever do my life story, whoever plays me needs lots of hair color and high heels  (Hair Quotes) When I was much younger, I sometimes felt rejected by feminists because of an image that I sold because it paid the bills. Any fool could tell my hair is dyed  (Hair Quotes) I felt like the dark hair added like a toughness to my face also, which was really important  (Hair Quotes) I actually love my natural hair when it’s in a twist out and it’s been slept on for five days and revived by the steam of the shower  (Hair Quotes) My mum is about five foot with her hair done. Without it she’s about four foot 10  (Hair Quotes) Yes, exercise is the catalyst. That’s what makes everything happen: your digestion, your elimination, your sex life, your skin, hair, everything about you depends on circulation. And how do you increase circulation?  (Hair Quotes) All a woman needs is a good bath, clean clothes, and for her hair to be combed. These things she can do herself. I very seldom go to the hairdresser, but when I do, I just marvel  (Hair Quotes) I’d rather wear jewels in my hair than anywhere else. The face should have the advantage of this brilliance  (Hair Quotes) The color of somebody’s skin or the way he wears his hair or clothes has nothing to do with anything  (Hair Quotes) You know, if I tell the press that I like long blonde hair, the next day there will be girls with long hair wigs outside waiting for me  (Hair Quotes) A fan once asked if he could have a piece of my hair for voodoo. I said no, so he hugged me and plucked out a couple of hairs and ran off  (Hair Quotes) I had not starred in an independent film and it’s about a woman who owned a hair salon  (Hair Quotes) I still go to a salon where a gal does my hair, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m a celebrity but by the time I leave there, we are eating chicken and talking and screaming  (Hair Quotes) I’ve been burn when it comes to my hair that it ain’t no joke  (Hair Quotes) I was going to buy a book on hair loss, but the pages kept falling out  (Hair Quotes) You know, I change my hair color a lot, I do all sorts of different things  (Hair Quotes)
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