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Hair Quotes

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Sometimes I’m afraid that my daughter might think that I get my hair done for a living  (Hair Quotes) When introducing a character, you’re usually better off sticking with broad strokes. The important thing at that point is not what color hair someone has or how tall they are, but rather, what kind of person they are  (Hair Quotes) Hollywood wants to make women so perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect job. Perfect manners... I know some of the most beautiful women, and they are so weird. That’s what makes them funny and captivating  (Hair Quotes) It was unavoidable, my writing. I feel I had no choice in the matter, no more than I had about an unfortunate bone structure and a healthy head of hair  (Hair Quotes) I don’t know exactly where the ideas come from, but when I get into a songwriting mode and it’s coming along, it’s like you’re on the front end of a boat and you’re going through the water, and the breeze is blowing through your hair and the water’s smooth, and you’re going out to sea. I love that feeling  (Hair Quotes) There are persons who always find a hair in their plate of soup for the simple reason that, when they sit down before it, they shake their heads until one falls in  (Hair Quotes) I’ll be gray by the time I’m 30, but I like my hair. It looks shiny. I like the way it looks when those highlights are picked up on camera  (Hair Quotes) I definitely know that I’m quirky. I know that I’m different. Red hair definitely made me different growing up  (Hair Quotes) I feel naked without jewelry. If I’m having a bad hair day, I pick something from my huge collection of hats  (Hair Quotes) I definitely wasn’t cool in high school. I really wasn’t. I did belong to many of the clubs and was in leadership on yearbook and did the musical theater route, so I had friends in all areas, but I certainly did not know what to wear, did not know how to do my hair, all those things  (Hair Quotes) I get a lot of questions about hair color. People are very into talking about hair  (Hair Quotes) I have superfine, superoily hair, so my struggle is always trying to get the volume I want. I end up not doing much with it ever  (Hair Quotes) It’s fascinating how much of our sense of attractiveness and feminine identity is bound up in our hair  (Hair Quotes) You’d find it easier to be bad than good if you had red hair... People who haven’t red hair don’t know what trouble is  (Hair Quotes) Do I have a large frog in my hair? I have the sensation that something is eating my brain  (Hair Quotes) And, look, I’m sorry if I have blond hair and blue eyes and my boyfriend looks like a vampire. What do you want me to do about it?  (Hair Quotes) I cut my own hair most of the time. You just do it all by feel  (Hair Quotes) I happen to know everything there is to know about maple syrup! I love maple syrup. I love maple syrup on pancakes. I love it on pizza. And I take maple syrup and put a little bit in my hair when I’ve had a rough week. What do you think holds it up, slick?  (Hair Quotes) I can’t sit through plays and musical theatre. I just want to run up onstage and mess up their hair and turn over the furniture  (Hair Quotes) I think theres a perception out there that people know me based on these glamorous photos they see of me in magazines, but I have about two hours of hair and makeup and then people to dress me, to make me look even better, in those pictures. Theres really so much more to me than that  (Hair Quotes) You know, I’ve been playing with my hair color ever since I was nine  (Hair Quotes) The beauty of having short hair is that I actually can wash and style it at home!  (Hair Quotes) I’m surprised I still have so much hair after all the things I’ve done with it  (Hair Quotes) At first, I lost my confidence a little. I’m used to having my hair, but now you have this bald thing on top. Then I got into it. It was easy and free; I didn’t have to wash my hair. I just took a hot towel and buffed it to make it nice and shiny  (Hair Quotes) Even when I was a kid, I had this insane head of flaming hair. It looked like a wig  (Hair Quotes) My idea was to cut shape into the hair, to use it like fabric and take away everything that was superfluous  (Hair Quotes) I’m almost reluctant to say it because it sounds superficial, but when you lose your hair, it just affects the way that you look at yourself in the mirror. You feel less feminine, pretty or desirable, and it’s not an easy thing to go through  (Hair Quotes) It’s amazing that it’s considered revolutionary to wear my hair the way it grows out of my head  (Hair Quotes) My hair looks like it had been purchased at a rummage sale after all the real hair was gone  (Hair Quotes) I measure the amount of shows I should do by my hair. If my hair isn’t good for campaigns and editorials, then obviously I am not going to look good  (Hair Quotes)
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