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Hair Quotes

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Nurses never tell you what they know. They’re hired for their cheeriness and the thickness of their hair. They need to look alive and healthy, to give the patients something to aim for  (Hair Quotes) If you really want your hair to look good, just don’t wash it for a day. That’s my secret  (Hair Quotes) I tell young people that the greatest paintings in museums are made with minerals mixed in oil smeared on cloth with the hair from the back of a pig’s ear. It’s that simple  (Hair Quotes) I think that headband and that brylcreem and that gel on his hair will do him no good should we get it on  (Hair Quotes) As a travel writer I’ve specialized in gritty, fearful destinations, the kind of places that make a reader’s hair stick on end  (Hair Quotes) Just embrace your hair! I really feel like I am not an advocate for people doing what I do. I’m an advocate for people discovering and finding what works for them  (Hair Quotes) To make lashes curl better, take a hair dryer to your eyelash curler for one or two seconds before using it  (Hair Quotes) We have inherited a great music. This music is a holdover. It comes with us like the skin, the texture of our hair. It’s our memory banks  (Hair Quotes) Why can men no longer be best friends? This is so stupid. Today if you show two guys being best friends they end up giving out an image that they’re gay. But guys don’t always need to be drinking beer, fighting in pubs or pulling women by the hair. They may have a deep affection  (Hair Quotes) Platinum is a lot of things: it’s hair, it’s diamonds and platinum  (Hair Quotes) At the end of the week, it’s nice to just hang out in a pair of jeans and let my hair down. I need a break from all that fashion!  (Hair Quotes) Performing in front of a live audience can be pretty intimidating, so having a full head of hair was important to me  (Hair Quotes) I think I’m losing my hair finally. And, yeah, that’s kind of all I know  (Hair Quotes) I have six brothers and sisters. We all look totally different: blonde hair, curly hair, green eyes, dark eyes, dark skin, light skin. It’s just how it is  (Hair Quotes) I was getting a little bored with my hair. It’s kind of a symbolic thing, just getting rid of the past, moving forward. It’s amazing what a reaction you get when you cut your hair  (Hair Quotes) It’s fun to be blond, and it’s almost difficult to remember how I used to look with my proper hair color  (Hair Quotes) To sculpt a head of hair with scissors is an art form. It’s in pursuit of art  (Hair Quotes) From my mother came the idea that going down to the sea repaired the spirit. That is where she walked when she was sad or worried or lonely for my father. If she had been crying, she came back composed; if she had left angry with us, she returned in good humor. So we naturally believed that there was a cleansing, purifying effect to be had; that letting the fresh wind blow through you mind and spirits as well as your hair and clothing purged black thoughts; that contemplating the ceaseless motion of the waves calmed a raging spirit  (Hair Quotes) This skin, this hair, all this outside stuff. It isn’t me. It’s just my package. It’s like the wrapper around the sweet; it isn’t the sweet itself. What we really are is all inside the package. All our feelings. All our good moods and bad moods. All our ideas, our cleverness, our love, that’s what a person really is. It’s called a spirit  (Hair Quotes) I did one pageant in sixth grade, and I loved it! I loved the dresses and the big hair  (Hair Quotes) I remember there was actually a sexual thrill... you hear that little pop and pull their heads of and hold their heads up by the hair. Whipping their heads off, their body sitting there. That’d get me off  (Hair Quotes) I usually write very few stage directions. I think a lot of that is a waste of time. The art of screenwriting is in its terseness, saying a lot with a little. I have no patience when I read a script where the writer describes this guy and what he’s wearing and his glasses and his hair  (Hair Quotes) The only problem that those people have anyway is that they don’t like new cars and hair sprays. That’s why they are put away. They make the other members of the society fearful. Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane, plastic, television, and subdivisions  (Hair Quotes) The birds brought seeds and flowers and bits of brightly colored string and placed them in her hair while she slept so she would remember the wild joy of spring when she finally awoke  (Hair Quotes) Whether you’re a man or not comes from your heart, not how much hair you have on your head  (Hair Quotes) When I got into the music industry, I wasn’t focused on being the most famous artist or even getting a major record deal. It was just to make music on my own terms or create my own image, do my own hair, do my own makeup  (Hair Quotes) If people would just look at the paintings, I don’t think they would have any trouble enjoying them. It’s like looking at a bed of flowers, you don’t tear your hair out over what it means  (Hair Quotes) With short hair you begin to crave pearl necklaces, long earrings, and a variety of sunglasses. Short hair removes obvious femininity and replaces it with style  (Hair Quotes) Keep your head up, keep your heart strong. Keep your mind set, keep your hair long  (Hair Quotes) My hair and I had a really bad argument. She was being sprayed with alcohol and burnt with irons. She was being over processed and yanked and pulled by weave strings and suffocated by glue. She told me if I didn’t straighten up and fly right that she was leaving  (Hair Quotes)
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