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Hair Quotes

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I go through different phases and change my mind about my style all the time. In the winter, I wanted to wear jeans and pumps and black and leather all the time. Right now, I want to wear long skirts and belts, with my hair in a ponytail. It changes all the time!  (Hair Quotes) I waited just to see you at that kind of peace, I wanted to be beside you, I wanted you to wake up slowly or startle, or just half awaken and turn over or murmur my name. I wanted to watch you forever, or sleep beside you forever, or sleep forever while you woke and watched me, something forever anyway. I wanted to kiss you, rumple your hair, rest three fingertips on your hip bone warm and smooth, wake you that way or hush you back to sleep  (Hair Quotes) I’ve never dyed my hair or even gotten highlights. All the products I need for my hair are at the drugstore!  (Hair Quotes) I do have bad hair days. If I fall asleep with it slightly damp, I wake up and it’ll all be piled up on top in a mess  (Hair Quotes) I have as much pink as you can have. I love to see other women in pink. It’s good for every shade of skin and hair  (Hair Quotes) I keep up with everything in terms of health, fitness, nutrition, skin care, hair, nails. Really, everything. I’m an avid reader of every women’s health newsletter from every hospital in the country  (Hair Quotes) I think so much of the look, obviously including wardrobe, but the hair is a huge thing because it’s basically the frame for your eyes and that’s the window to your soul is what they say  (Hair Quotes) I always love messing with my own hair as much as I can; I don’t normally like to wear wigs  (Hair Quotes) I’ve always believed with age comes wisdom. And I find salt and pepper hair to be very attractive  (Hair Quotes) If you play men, in a way it’s easier. You can have a voicebox, you can have false hair, mustaches, wigs, you can have all kinds of stuff. But when you’re playing women playing men, you only really have yourself to work with, plus tiny little extras  (Hair Quotes) I was always amazed the way people would come in looking one way and transform completely to the point where I couldn’t recognize their language, their accent, the way they looked, their hair, their face even changed becoming so inside of the character  (Hair Quotes) If you lose your temper, your sound sleep will go, and you will have to use a tranquilizer or sleeping pills? Then gradually, more white hair, wrinkles  (Hair Quotes) If you’re asking whether I intentionally mess up my hair, no, I don’t. And certain things, like my freckles, they’re just there. I don’t do anything consciously. I suppose I could get contact lenses. I suppose I could comb my hair more often  (Hair Quotes) Always meet petulance with gentleness and perverseness with kindness. A gentle hand can lead even en elephant by a hair. Reply to thine enemy with gentleness  (Hair Quotes) I know body hair bothers some women, but a lot of men like a fluffy partner  (Hair Quotes) I love having messy hair. I put in a lot of effort to have it look as messy as possible  (Hair Quotes) I really don’t care about the response to my hair this is just how my hair is. I don’t take care of it, or comb it, or put anything in it, or style it or anything. When people comment on it, it is funny to me that it draws such attention. It makes me realize how insignificant that sort of thing is  (Hair Quotes) Nowadays everyone’s got the nose rings and the colored hair, so for me to wear the suit and tie is a different way to go  (Hair Quotes) There’s going to be some places where you’re treated with respect and dignity and some places where you’d have to be a fool to live,.. So, there will be places where people can get their hair done well and places where they can’t  (Hair Quotes) If you were a single mom, there’s no way to support yourself and your kids by working in a hair salon. It’s about a woman who decides to go and do what was considered a man’s job, but was treated quite horribly for it and decides she has to fight for her rights when everyone thinks she should just shut up and take it  (Hair Quotes) I think the ears are a strange look for me. Quite big. But I loved the hair down to my shoulders. It felt right. I’m thinking of letting my hair go  (Hair Quotes) I didn’t get my hair styled today. I actually stuck my hand in a socket and this is the way it turned out  (Hair Quotes) I take my books everywhere. Plane journeys are a good opportunity to study, or also when I’m having my hair done  (Hair Quotes) Great events ever depend but upon a single hair. The adroit man profits by everything, neglects nothing which can increase his chances; the less adroit, by sometimes disregarding a single chance, fails in everything  (Hair Quotes) Gold and silver grow, and so does every other kind of metal, the same as the hair upon my head, or the wheat in the field; they do not grow as fast, but they are all the time composing or decomposing  (Hair Quotes) I love you more than anybody in the world... I love you for millions and millions of things, clocks and vampires and dirty nails and squiggly paintings and lovely hair and being dizzy and falling dreams  (Hair Quotes) Be aware of your infinite connection to your source. Know that you’re more than an encapsulated collection of bones, blood and organs in a skin and hair covered body  (Hair Quotes) I can change my appearance quite easily just by changing my hair. So I can adapt quite well  (Hair Quotes) As an actor it’s always easier to shave or cut your hair for a role, but it’s hard to put fake hair on or grow hair for a role  (Hair Quotes) When you look at pictures of me, the longer my hair is, the longer my facial hair is, that’s just the longer I haven’t gotten a job  (Hair Quotes)
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