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Hair Quotes

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You can still be cool when you’re dead. In fact, it’s much easier, because you aren’t getting old and fat and losing your hair  (Hair Quotes) It was a smooth silvery voice that matched her hair. It had a tiny tinkle in it, like bells in a doll’s house. I thought that was silly as soon as I thought of it  (Hair Quotes) A hot wind was blowing around my head, the strands of my hair lifting and swirling in it, like ink spilled in water  (Hair Quotes) Raking a hand through his hair, he forced his attention to the text she’d left on the coffee table, refusing to dwell on the disconcerting fact that a part of him had taken one look at the lass in such proximity to his bed and said simply: Mine  (Hair Quotes) He folded his fear into a perfect rose. He held it out in the palm of his hand. She took it from him and put it in her hair  (Hair Quotes) She braided my sister’s hair with hands that smelled deep roots buried in the earth she told me the old stories how time never mattered when she died they gave me her clock  (Hair Quotes) Patch stood over me, and a drop of rain slid from his hair, landing like ice on my collarbone. I felt it slide along my skin, disappearing beneath the neckline of my shirt. His eyes followed the raindrop, and I began to quiver on the inside  (Hair Quotes) A dream is not a very safe thing to be near... I know; I had one once. It’s like a loaded pistol with a hair trigger: if it stays alive long enough, somebody is going to be hurt. But if it’s a good dream, it’s worth it  (Hair Quotes) I hope you hair curls naturally, does it? Yes, darling, with a little help from others  (Hair Quotes) I would pick them when they bloomed. And when she called me home for supper, I’d place them in her hair and the contrast would take my breath away  (Hair Quotes) For too long, and despite what people told me, I had fallen for what the culture said about beauty, youth, features, heights, weights, hair textures, upper arms  (Hair Quotes) I am quite alone. I am neither happy nor unhappy; I lie suspended like a hair or a feather in the cloudy mixtures of memory  (Hair Quotes) Under his dripping hair, he was as white as parchment, his hands clenched at his sides so tightly that they were shaking. It seemed clear that some terrible turmoil was ripping him apart from the inside out  (Hair Quotes) I knew her hair and her coloring and her shapes would be different next time, but the way she wore her body would keep on  (Hair Quotes) Ransom thought her girly tendencies the funniest thing ever, constantly teased her over them, but the last time he’d opened his big mouth, she’d gotten her own back by pointing out that his long black hair sure did look well conditioned  (Hair Quotes) Grace reached over and began stroking her fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes and let her drive me crazy  (Hair Quotes) Her hair is smoldering. Her face was smudged with soot. She had a cut on her arms, her dress was torn, and she was missing a boot. Beautiful  (Hair Quotes) Then, as one hand tightened on me and his other ran gently over my hair, I noticed something. He didn’t smell right  (Hair Quotes) He leaned down and whispered to me: No matter how thin you get, no matter how short you cut your hair, it’s still going to be you underneath. And he let go of my arm and walked back down the hall  (Hair Quotes) Most of all she loved that when she hugged him her head would rest neatly just below his chin, where she could feel his breath lightly blowing her hair and tickling her head  (Hair Quotes) There’s a hazy smile on her lips that won’t go away, and her hair is a mess. It’s like a brushfire filled with casualties  (Hair Quotes) They believed that if a mouse found your hair clippings and built a nest with them you got a headache. If the nest was big enough, you might go mad  (Hair Quotes) I looked at you... and saw your goodness, your hope, and your faith. Those are what make you beautiful. So, so beautiful. So it was’t my hair?  (Hair Quotes) Then I picked my book back up again and stroked her hair and read to the soundtrack of her breaths  (Hair Quotes) He reached out and pushed some hair behind her ears. The gesture was tender, but it hit her with an unexpected force, like when you’re in the ocean and a wave hits you. It’s so soft and coll that it surprised you that it has such strength  (Hair Quotes) Too often we take notes on writing, we think about writing but never do it. I want you to walk into the heart of the storm, written words dripping off hair, eyelids, hanging from hands  (Hair Quotes) In our world, I rank music somewhere between hair ribbons and rainbows in terms of usefulness  (Hair Quotes) Lord, I never seen blue hair on a black woman before or since. Leroy say you look like a cracker from outer space  (Hair Quotes) I wondered what one wore to visit a vampire. The chic red sweater set didn’t go so well with my darker hair, and I was afraid it might be construed as a flirtatious invitation to color me bloodier  (Hair Quotes) Did you know I dream about your hair? I use to say it was the color of the sun at sunset, but I’m wrong. It’s brighter than the sun, just as you are  (Hair Quotes)
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