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Hair Quotes

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It has become harder and harder in the United States to make films unhampered by outside influences. I’ve always been able to steer clear of that and keep the business people out of my hair completely  (Hair Quotes) With girls, everything looks great on the surface. But beware of drawers that won’t open. They contain a three-month supply of dirty underwear, unwashed hose, and rubber bands with blobs of hair in them  (Hair Quotes) A friend and I flew south with our children. During the week we spent together I took off my shoes, let down my hair, took apart my psyche, cleaned the pieces, and put them together again in much improved condition. I feel like a car that’s just had a tune-up. Only another woman could have acted as the mechanic  (Hair Quotes) If my hair gets any frizzier, I’ll shave it to the scalp. Or light it on fire. Whichever is easier  (Hair Quotes) I am a middle-aged opera queen in loafers that makes out I am a 16 year old death metal skater... It’s all fake! My hair is fake, my body is fake and my teeth are kind of fake  (Hair Quotes) I have a very healthy growth of both head and facial hair. People always want to attribute further superhuman powers to me. It’s funny the way the audience really seems to want me, Nick the actor, to exhibit the same machismo as Ron Swanson  (Hair Quotes) I have a very sissy job, where I go to work and get my hair done, and people do my makeup, and I go and say lines and people spoil me rotten. And everyone has that kind of curiosity of how far can you go, how far can you take it. I think it’s always good testing yourself  (Hair Quotes) Our hair can be a fun outlet for self expression. I love wearing cornrows and getting my hair thread-wrapped because it feels ancient and African  (Hair Quotes) My one main secret I did right after my pageants days, is I only wash my hair once a week. I tell everyone, ‘You have to stop washing your hair so much!’  (Hair Quotes) Being in a girl group, we might bicker a lot about hair dryers or straighteners, but it’s never serious. We’ve been lucky that we get along so much, it’s like having three other sisters to party with every day-it’s fun!  (Hair Quotes) And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do  (Hair Quotes) The house was immaculate, as always, not a stray hair anywhere, not a flake of dandruff or a crumpled towel. Even the roses on the dining-room table held their breath. A kind of airless cleanliness that always made me want to sneeze  (Hair Quotes) I’m not Irish. Just because I have red hair doesn’t mean I’m a lucky charm, you know?  (Hair Quotes) Being movie director you’ve got the art department, you’ve got the actors, you’ve got the camera department, you’ve got make-up and hair, and props. You’ve got your finger in all these pies, and you’re making sure that everything cooks at the right temperature  (Hair Quotes) I’m still learning who I am. One minute I have black hair, the next it’s red. One day I’m wearing Converse sneakers, and the next I’m in the hippie look  (Hair Quotes) We were a really crazy band. This was in 73. I had my hair real short with a white stripe down the middle of my head. The guitarists had pink hair. We weren’t playing CBGB’s either, we were playing Statesborough, Georgia, for cowboys on penny beer night. We used to keep crowbars onstage when fights would break out. Those were really wild times  (Hair Quotes) I don’t know a lot of guys who started out as a hard rock and roller with a white stripe in their hair. Suddenly I do a TV movie and I wake up the next day and I’m a teen idol, like I’d laid on a beach in California all my life waiting for that to happen  (Hair Quotes) When not working, I use a lot of treatments; from ancient casero - honey, avocado, stuff like that - other times, I buy ones you leave on for a few minutes. I don’t blow dry my hair ever unless for work; I’d rather go for the natural look  (Hair Quotes) Every trend in my high school was terrible! I used to wear my hair in a tight bun and let two long pieces hang in the front. I’d also wear really dark eyeliner and bright pink eyeshadow. For some reason, my friends and I thought it was really fashionable to wear a short tie with our uniforms  (Hair Quotes) I’ve done everything from cater, wait tables, pre-school teacher, painting, to being Cinderella, Elmo, a clown, nanny, selling hair... I would do kid’s parties and entertain and do magic and paint faces and balloon animals. The highlight of my life  (Hair Quotes) When my hair is curly, I use Suave coconut conditioner. It’s not a leave-in, but I use it like one. It is so light and really brings out my hair’s curl. A lot of leave-ins are too heavy, but this one is just perfect. When it’s straight, I love Frederick Fekkai Tech Shampoo and Conditioner and their Olive Oil glossing cream  (Hair Quotes) When I first began modeling, I was very conventional looking. I had hair down to my waist in a side parting - almost church-like. But beneath the sheath of hair lay this Amazonian, strong-looking frame  (Hair Quotes) It’s funny, one of my most solid carpet moments happened in the very beginning, before I started thinking that I needed all these other people to do my hair and makeup, and pick out my clothes. I wore a cheetah sweater and a red hat, and it’s one of my favorite looks, even still  (Hair Quotes) It’s rare in the NBA, but I have a lot of young female fans from eight to eighteen because of the way I dress and the way I do my hair. People sometimes call me a pretty boy, but I embrace it. It’s fun, and I guess it just kind of comes with being a good looking white guy in the league  (Hair Quotes) Yes, I’m blonde. When I started as an actor, because of the accent and my body and my personality, it was not what the stereotype of the Latina woman in Hollywood is, so they didn’t know where to put me. The blond hair wasn’t matching. The moment I put my hair dark, it was better for my work  (Hair Quotes) Sunday night is curry night. I always order a spinach paneer and a chicken tikka. There’s usually something good on TV like ‘Mr Selfridge’ or ‘Downton Abbey,’ so I’ll watch them before I have to think about blowdrying my hair and all the other boring stuff us girls have to do!  (Hair Quotes) I always had influences musically with punk, and then growing up, I dyed my hair every color. I did the dip-dye blue, before anybody was dip-dyeing their hair. And streaks of pinks and purples and whatnot  (Hair Quotes) I used to have quite long hair, and I decided that I wanted to get it cut. I’d never met the person who did it, and she cut it into some kind of dreadful mullet. It looked like a triangle on my head. The other kids were merciless  (Hair Quotes) When you look at the amount of medication that has been administered to children today, it stands the hair up on your arms. Because this is the way that they are helping children manage their emotions  (Hair Quotes) I haven’t had any bad jobs. I was a hairdresser before and that’s it. I still cut my family and mates’ hair when they want a trim. If I go up to Scotland to see my mum, I know she’ll say, ‘Bring your scissors!’  (Hair Quotes)
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