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Hair Quotes

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You can wear your hair long or wear a beard because you want to show that you are interested in thought, in psychological endeavors rather than appearance.  (Hair Quotes) No amount of wavy blond hair nor evenings spent with her plump lips applying just the right amount of pressure to his various pleasure points could make up for the rotting carcass of a soul that resided beneath all that beauty.  (Hair Quotes) I was such a huge Bruce Willis fan because of all the Die Hards and Arnold Schwarzenegger was like ‘the guy.’ Kindergarten Cop was filmed in my home state and I was like, He’s awesome! Now he gets his hair cut next to me, it’s fantastic.  (Hair Quotes) Humans are part of nature, and nature is one great big wood chipper. Sooner or later, everything shoots out the other end in a spray of blood, bones, and hair.  (Hair Quotes) Asking for financial advice from a financial planner is like asking a barber if you need a hair cut.  (Hair Quotes) Every producer I have met has asked me to change my hair. I have always said ‘No.’ I finally change it for me... and now everyone in the business is like, ‘You have to go back to having brown hair.’  (Hair Quotes) My hair is such a statement that it’s like a neon sign asking for trouble  (Hair Quotes) But that hair? That is comedy entrapment. People are not attacking your hair, they are defending themselves from something that appears like it’s about to attack them.  (Hair Quotes) In the summer heat the reapers say, We have seen her dancing with the autumn leaves, and we saw a drift of snow in her hair.  (Hair Quotes) I keep up with everything in terms of health, fitness, nutrition, skin care, hair, nails. Really, everything. I’m an avid reader of every women’s health newsletter from every hospital in the country.  (Hair Quotes) [Preparing for award shows] gets insane. The dress, the hair, the makeup...I end up always picking the dress at the last second.  (Hair Quotes) I pay less attention to my hair then probably anybody that I know. I get out of the shower, I towel dry it. I, like, blow it off and then I just run my hands through it and away we go. It’s just what it is.  (Hair Quotes) I really committed to growing my hair out about a year and a half ago. There’s always this awkward moment when you’re growing your hair out and it just doesn’t look all that great. But if you just power through it then you’ll get a pretty good end result.  (Hair Quotes) I allow myself to not feel the need to be some sort of wonder woman. You can’t do everything at once and tear your hair out when you miss your baby using a potty for the first time, although my son was obviously very sad that his mum was not there on his big day.  (Hair Quotes) I didn’t see how wearing prosthetics was quite so different from being born with flaming red hair in a crowd of black-haired babies, or being of a different religion from that of every other child in your area.  (Hair Quotes) At Microsoft, they all rock back and forth like Gates, they wear the same glasses, they have the same hair style. Maybe they grow them in tanks.  (Hair Quotes) Every generation wants to be the last. Every generation hates the next trend in music they can’t understand. We hate to give up those reins of our culture. To find our own music playing in elevators. The ballad for our revolution, turned into background music for a television commercial. To find our generation’s clothes and hair suddenly retro.  (Hair Quotes) I want a girl with extensions in her hair, Bamboo earrings, at least two pair, A Fendi bag and a bad attitude, That’s all I need to get me in a good mood. She can walk with a switch and talk with street slang, I love it when a woman ain’t scared to do her thing.  (Hair Quotes) If you carry a paperback book in your back pocket, but spend more time on your hair than you do reading it, you’re probably a bad actor.  (Hair Quotes) The biggest misconception about me is the bad-boy image that everyone stuck me into due to my tattoos, drug days and the constant changes I make with my hair color.  (Hair Quotes) It was common knowledge that big, bad city boys spent the bulk of their time sleeping around, coiffing their hair and posting pictures of food on the internet.  (Hair Quotes) What I might have considered good, good doesn’t mean every day is going to be perfect, you’re not going to have bad breath, your hair is going to be in the perfect place.  (Hair Quotes) Anything new is a sort of adventure - as a child, I think I was quite bad at tackling new experiences, like unusual foods, and I hated new clothes or having my hair cut.  (Hair Quotes) I think every girl needs to love herself, regardless of anything. Like if you’re having a bad day, if you don’t like your hair, if you don’t have the best family situation, whatever, you have to love yourself and you can’t do anything until you love yourself first.  (Hair Quotes) I do have bad hair days. If I fall asleep with it slightly damp, I wake up and it’ll all be piled up on top in a mess.  (Hair Quotes) When you see deterioration in the skin or the hair, you are having problems with the subtle body. You’re taking in too much bad energy, usually from people, or you’re thinking too many negative thoughts. You are pulling an energy that is not suitable for the human form.  (Hair Quotes) You don’t want to try to look younger, because you’ll look wrong. You dye your hair, you look wrong. You wear a bad toupee, you look wrong. You wear makeup to hide things, you get your eyes done, you look wrong.  (Hair Quotes) She had two blueberries for eyes, and hair the color of strawberries. Too bad our love never made it past the kitchen and into the bedroom (or garage).  (Hair Quotes) I have a friend who, if she has a bad hair day, it affects her whole mood because it is part of her sexuality, her confidence. I don’t have that problem any more.  (Hair Quotes) I’m not a glamorous girl. I don’t know how to do my hair. I’m very bad with makeup.  (Hair Quotes)
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