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Hair Quotes

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Everybody has a bad hair day, but us girls still like to be told we look nice even if we don’t feel like we do.  (Hair Quotes) For guys, growing older is fine. Gray hair and wrinkles aren’t considered a bad thing.  (Hair Quotes) I feel naked without jewelry. If I’m having a bad hair day, I pick something from my huge collection of hats.  (Hair Quotes) Step out from behind the words. When you’re a writer you can imagine that the words speak for you and are you, but they’re not. You are this living breathing bad hair day kind of person.  (Hair Quotes) I get more distracted by hair or a really bad wig than I do costumes any day of the week  (Hair Quotes) It’s cheesy, but having a pimple or a bad hair day isn’t going to matter in five years. I don’t always remember that, but I try.  (Hair Quotes) If I have a bad hair day, I just think, ‘Well, it will be an OK hair day tomorrow. Just put your head down and go.’  (Hair Quotes) We’re never gonna understand women. They’re way too complex. You’ve got too many variables to consider. PMS, bad hair days, miscellaneous mood swings . . . there’s no way to tell what’s causing their attitude. - Mike  (Hair Quotes) Most mustaches lie waiting for some Clark Gable or Tom Selleck to fix them in the mind. The greatest are identified with a single man, a bad man, usually, who so wrapped his identity with a particular configuration of facial hair that the two became inseparable.  (Hair Quotes) Aesthetically, I don’t really like the blond, tan thing. I am pale. So I may as well embrace the pale. Long, blond hair and a bad spray tan is the stuff of my nightmares.  (Hair Quotes) I feel like hair is the number one thing that makes me feel beautiful or not. If I have really bad hair, but my makeup’s beautiful and I have a wonderful dress on, I’m still not happy. So if I wake up, and I’ve got 2 big zits on my face and my hair looks fierce, I feel ok. I have a weird hair obsession.  (Hair Quotes) It seems like you can’t actually have really bad hair or be bald and run for President of the United States.  (Hair Quotes) Look, I asked you here for a reason. Much as I hate to admit it, vampire, we have something in common. Totally awesome hair? Simon suggested, but his heart wasn’t really in it either. Something about the look on Jace’s face was making him increasingly uneasy. Simon was caught off guard. Clary? Clary, Jace said again. You know: short, redheaded, bad temper.  (Hair Quotes) I’m never going to look like a Nordic model, so I play with what I’ve got. Instead of going gray, I dye my hair bright colors; I have bad vision, so I wear sparkly glasses. I embrace that I look like a crazy lady.  (Hair Quotes) I like one hair, tuna fish, the smell of rain and things that are pink. I hate pimples, baked potatoes, when my mother’s mad, and religious holidays.  (Hair Quotes) An hour before I got cast in [Victorious] they called and asked if it’d be okay for them to do ANYTHING they wanted with my hair, even a blue mohawk or a bald head and I eagerly said yes!  (Hair Quotes) The right moment wears a full head of hair: when it has been missed, you can’t get it back; it’s bald in the back of the head and never turns around.  (Hair Quotes) My only writing ritual is to shave my head bald between writing the first and second drafts of a book. If I can throw away all my hair, then I have the freedom to trash any part of the book on the next rewrite.  (Hair Quotes) Nobody is really happy with what’s on their head. People with straight hair want curly, people with curly want straight, and bald people want everyone to be blind.  (Hair Quotes) I usually go to Lush for hair products. I had no idea that this existed, but they have a shampoo rock, and it looks like a bar of soap, and I was tripping out when they told me it was a shampoo, so that’s pretty sweet.  (Hair Quotes) If the guy that writes you checks says cut your hair, off to the barber shop you go. That’s that.  (Hair Quotes) It’s a small town; everybody eats in the same cafe; everybody gets their hair cut in the same barber shop. That kind of community building, I think, begins to bridge those gaps.  (Hair Quotes) And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.  (Hair Quotes) What I wear is everything - from how I carry my hair to what I’m wearing on my feet. I have to feel comfortable on stage, so I like to wear things that have room. My mood changes a lot, so sometimes I wear 6-inch heels, and other times I’ll perform in bare feet.  (Hair Quotes) Babies haven’t any hair; Old men’s heads are just as bare; between the cradle and the grave lie a haircut and a shave.  (Hair Quotes) When I’m not at work, I put deep conditioner in my hair and wear a baseball cap. I’ll just roll around on the off-days with goop in my hair, and then just rinse it out.  (Hair Quotes) Most of the time it’s the parents who recognise me. They try to tell their kids, ‘Look, it’s Giselle,’ and I say, ‘No, no, no, don’t ruin this for them,’ because I’m usually standing there with my hair sideways and no make-up on. And the kid is saying, ‘That is not Giselle. No way. That is some worn-out girl who really needs a bath.’  (Hair Quotes) My mother had all these maxims - like, classy girls never chew gum, never read comic books, never get their ears pierced, never get their hair dyed.  (Hair Quotes) You’re faithful, amusing and considerate, so your Capricorn star sign says, you’re also reserved and disciplined, but let your hair down, Its your Birthday  (Hair Quotes) The more I mistreat my hair, the stronger it grows back. I think it must be determined to survive.  (Hair Quotes)
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