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Haley Quotes

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I have an older sister named Haley and she wanted to be an actress. So I wanted to be an actress. It's really funny the way that some people don't give kids enough credit for like really being driven, and really wanting to do things so badly  (Haley Quotes) Although we hardly see each other off the set, Joy and I get along well when we do. As far as the marriage between Nathan and Haley, I think they are young and will see the reality of the situation eventually  (Haley Quotes) [Alex] Haley’s objective was quite different. Haley was a republican. He was an integrationist. He was very opposed to black nationalism.  (Haley Quotes) I loved rock and roll when that came in, Bill Haley, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, all those great records. So I begged my mom and dad for a guitar, which eventually they did get me for Christmas, but it went out of tune very quickly, and it hurt my fingers.  (Haley Quotes) I developed the pilot for ‘Entertainment Tonight’ with Jack Haley, Jr. and Al Masini, who became my business partner in ‘Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,’ ‘Runaway’ and several other shows and specials.  (Haley Quotes) There’s a hidden history. You see, Malcolm X and [Alex ] Haley collaborated to produce a magnificent narrative about the life of Malcolm X, but the two men had very different motives in coming together.  (Haley Quotes)