Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
I always pet a dog with my left hand because if he bit me I’d still have my right hand to paint with (Hand Quotes)
The language of the younger generation has the brutality of the city and an assertion of threatening power at hand, not to come. It is military, theatrical, and at its most coherent probably a lasting repudiation of empty courtesy and bureaucratic euphemism (Hand Quotes)
Since the invention of steamships distant countries have become like those that are near at hand (Hand Quotes)
If you’re doing a large, complicated character with radio controls, it might take a number of people several months to make it and if you’re talking about a quick little hand puppet, it could be made in 2 days, so there’s enormous range there, and no real easy generalities (Hand Quotes)
How thoroughly it is ingrained in mathematical science that every real advance goes hand in hand with the invention of sharper tools and simpler methods which, at the same time, assist in understanding earlier theories and in casting aside some more complicated developments (Hand Quotes)
To every object there correspond an ideally closed system of truths that are true of it and, on the other hand, an ideal system of possible cognitive processes by virtue of which the object and the truths about it would be given to any cognitive subject (Hand Quotes)
Liverpool fans were great to me, I still live near the city and they always come up and shake my hand (Hand Quotes)
I wear a lot of second hand clothes unless I have a concert and then I wear beaded and sequined second hand clothes. No stylist dresses me although I do have a woman that assists me with the buttons (Hand Quotes)
I couldn’t say no to jobs and I couldn’t say no to drugs. I’d get high from a movie, I’d be somebody else because I didn’t particularly like me, so long as I had a script in my hand, I was okay. As soon as the movie was over, I didn’t know what to do (Hand Quotes)
One of the speakers asked how many women had been harassed or abused sexually in their life? There were thousands of women in the audience, and almost every one of them raised her hand (Hand Quotes)
Tom is the most eccentric person I have ever worked with. We get on very well and I am most impressed with how he can hold an audience in the palm of his hand (Hand Quotes)
I’ve learned lately that no one is going to hand me a permission slip and tell me to take time out for me (Hand Quotes)
And for a very special group of people, we’ve provided their only job. I’m speaking of course of the disabled. They have stated they don’t want a hand out just a hand. We are happy to give them one (Hand Quotes)
Although a food processor is not an absolutely essential piece of equipment, because you can certainly chop, grate, slice, knead and mix everything by hand, it does do all these things very quickly and efficiently and saves you time and energy (Hand Quotes)
Exclusively oral cultures are unencumbered by dead knowledge, dead facts. Libraries, on the other hand, are full of them (Hand Quotes)
In the split second from the time the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand until it reaches the plate you have to think about your stride, your hip action, your wrist action, determine how much, if any the ball is going to break and then decide whether to swing at it (Hand Quotes)
Whatever the right hand findeth to do, the left hand carries a watch on its wrist to show how long it takes to do it (Hand Quotes)
I was now ordered to have my writings copied, and put into the printer’s hand (Hand Quotes)
People are nice enough, but you can hear the giant tick of the second hand. People are so harried (Hand Quotes)
If I’m home with no chore at hand, and a package of books has come, the television set and the chess board and the unanswered mail will have to manage without me if one of the books is a detective story (Hand Quotes)
I’m missing a knuckle, it’s crushed inside my hand at the moment (Hand Quotes)
It is not the least anxiety that we have so little powder and lead on hand (Hand Quotes)
I suppose meeting people whether it’s in real life and actually shaking their flesh and blood hand or shaking the mystical hand of the character all rub off on you in some way (Hand Quotes)
Jews have had to carry around their own sense of self in a carpet bag and I think perhaps too much emphasis might be being put on nationality and on the other hand patriotism, that sort of thing (Hand Quotes)
Well, my hand never fell off, and within no time, I was bowling competitively in leagues and tournaments (Hand Quotes)
Separately there was only wind, water, sail, and hull, but at my hand the four had been given purpose and direction (Hand Quotes)
The reason that the invisible hand often seems invisible is that it is often not there (Hand Quotes)
There are some things I keep sacred. My middle name. Who I sleep with. And what kind of hand moisturizer I use (Hand Quotes)
In the garment trades, on the other hand, the presence of a body of the disfranchised, of the weak and young, undoubtedly contributes to the economic weakness of these trades (Hand Quotes)
Do you know how helpless you feel if you have a full cup of coffee in your hand and you start to sneeze? (Hand Quotes)