Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t believe stories which you see in the papers about troops asking as a special privilege not to be relieved. We stick it, at all costs if necessary, as long as ordered, but everyone’s glad to hand over to someone else. And anyone who says he enjoys this kind of thing is either a liar or a madman (Hand Quotes)
From my earliest childhood I nourished and cherished the desire to make a creditable journey in a new country, and write such a respectable account of its natural history as should give me a niche amongst the scientific explorers of the globe I inhabit, and hand my name down as a useful contributor of original matter (Hand Quotes)
I never liked photography. Not for the sake of photography. I like the object. I like the photographs when you hold them in your hand (Hand Quotes)
That’s not the type of header you want to see your defender make, with his hand (Hand Quotes)
I think we all have a lot of room to drop and our takeovers were really safe so tonight we’re still going to be safe but a little bit more risky than we were this morning and see if we can get our hand on the wall for a medal (Hand Quotes)
I held a blue flower in my hand, probably a wild aster, wondering what its name was, and then thought that human names for natural things are superfluous. Nature herself does not name them. The important thing is to know this flower, look at its color until the blends becomes as real as a keynote of music. Look at the exquisite yellow flowerettes at the center, become very small with them. Be the flower, be the trees, the blowing grasses. Fly with the birds, jump with a squirrel! (Hand Quotes)
The first step toward liberation of any group is to use the power in hand... And the power in hand is the vote (Hand Quotes)
Live in the present tense, facing the duty at hand without regret for the past or worry over the future (Hand Quotes)
We never really see time. We see only clocks. If you say this object moves, what you really mean is that this object is here when the hand of your clock is here, and so on. We say we measure time with clocks, but we see only the hands of the clocks, not time itself. And the hands of a clock are a physical variable like any other. So in a sense we cheat because what we really observe are physical variables as a function of other physical variables, but we represent that as if everything is evolving in time (Hand Quotes)
The real negotiation is between humans on the one hand and chemistry and physics on the other. And chemistry and physics, unfortunately, don’t bargain (Hand Quotes)
People that don’t want to get down to the business at hand. Instead of just doing less, we have to find ways of doing more with less. That’s the key to the future (Hand Quotes)
Everything we call a trial, a sorrow or a duty, believe me, that angel’s hand is there, the gift is there, and the wonder of an overshadowing presence. Our joys, too, be not content with them as joys. They, too, conceal diviner gifts (Hand Quotes)
The first thing that a person finds in life and the last to which he holds out his hand, and the most precious that he possess, even if he does not realize it, is family life (Hand Quotes)
I am sometimes perplexed by people who refer to defensive rifles, or defensive rifle shooting. The defensive arm is the pistol, since you have it at hand to meet situations that you do not anticipate. If you have the luxury of anticipating a lethal encounter, you pick up a long arm, either a rifle or a shotgun, but in that case you go on to the attack. Thus rifle shooting is offensive, and pistol shooting is defensive. Of course, life does not always duplicate theory, and there are exceptions to everything, but nevertheless the rifle is not a defensive weapon in concept (Hand Quotes)
We are the curators of life on earth. We hold it in the palm of our hand (Hand Quotes)
A work of morality, politics, criticism will be more elegant, other things being equal, if it is shaped by the hand of geometry (Hand Quotes)
He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at everyone in the room. It was a terrible gaze, mad or maybe furious and full of fear of death... Then something incomprehensible and frightening happened... He suddenly lifted his left hand as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all... The next moment, after a final effort, the spirit wrenched itself free of the flesh (Hand Quotes)
I am alive. Up here with the song of the engine and the air whispering on my face as the sunlight and shadows play upon the banking, wheeling wings, I am completely, vibrantly alive. With the stick in my right hand, the throttle in my left, and the rudder beneath my feet, I can savor that essence from which life is made (Hand Quotes)
In this troubled world, it’s refreshing to find someone who still has the time to be kind. Someone who still has the faith to believe that the more you give, the more you receive. Someone who’s ready by thought, word, or deed to reach out a hand, in the hour of need (Hand Quotes)
Not content to have the audience in the palm of his hand, he goes one further and clenches his fist (Hand Quotes)
I am willing to allow that smoking is a moral weakness, but on the other hand, we must beware of the man without weaknesses. He is not to be trusted. He is apt to be always sober and he cannot make a single mistake. His habits are likely to be regular, his existence more mechanical and his head always maintains its supremacy over his heart. Much as I like reasonable persons, I hate completely rational beings (Hand Quotes)
My parents never raised their hand or fired me. Their way of disciplining me was to tell me what is right or wrong (Hand Quotes)
There are really no serious arguments for communion in the hand. But there are the most gravely serious kinds of arguments against it (Hand Quotes)
At what point must a female senator raise her hand or her voice to be recognized over her male colleagues? (Hand Quotes)
Under chattel slavery and feudalism, exploitation was concrete and personalized in the producer’s relationship with his master. The slave and peasant knew exactly who was screwing them. The modern worker, on the other hand, feels a pounding sensation, but has only a vague idea where it is coming from (Hand Quotes)
I understand that life is not black and white, everything has a different hand, lots of them, I act according to the situation (Hand Quotes)
Raise your hand if you’ve spent nights crying yourself to sleep, raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather hide in bed all day than face the people that make you feel small or powerless! Raise your hand if you’ve felt as if you’d rather lie to people than tell them the truth about who you really are, because at least you wouldn’t be the victim of hateful behavior or prejudice! And raise your hand if lying feels almost as bad (Hand Quotes)
Looking good and feeling good go hand in hand. If you have a healthy lifestyle, your diet and nutrition are set, and you’re working out, you’re going to feel good (Hand Quotes)
The funny thing about our act is that dad gets the worst of it, although I’m the one who apparently receives the bruises... the secret is in landing limp and breaking the fall with a foot or a hand. It’s a knack. I started so young that landing right is second nature with me. Several times I’d have been killed if I hadn’t been able to land like a cat. Imitators of our act don’t last long, because they can’t stand the treatment (Hand Quotes)
Inspiration comes unawares, from unaccountable sources that have nothing to do with planning or intelligence. Let it cool ever so slightly, and you are left, pen or brush in hand, with no inspiration at all. Gifted people need not, therefore, make a song and dance about being or supposing themselves superior. They simply happened to be born with that fortunate, subconscious equipment of theirs, and the mystery exists independently of intelligence or ambition (Hand Quotes)