Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
There are so many ships in the animation sea that are computer driven, that I think we can have at least one that’s just a log raft that we can row by hand (Hand Quotes)
You can be a giant among artists without ever attaining any great skill. Facility is a dangerous thing. When there is too much technical ease the brain stops criticizing. Don’t let the hand fall into a smart way of putting the mind to sleep (Hand Quotes)
Originality is a quality that cannot be imitated. The technique of the language, on the other hand, is something that belongs to all who can understand it (Hand Quotes)
Nothing quite delivers the full experience of being out there like floating around soaking up the warmth of the early morning rays with a brush in hand (Hand Quotes)
Gift to the creative artist: positive images in, positive images out. On the other hand, garbage in, garbage out (Hand Quotes)
Please note that, at no point in the performance, does my hand leave the end of my arm (Hand Quotes)
What else is chance but the rude stone which receives its life from the sculptor’s hand? Providence gives us chance, and man must mould it to his own designs (Hand Quotes)
Legislative enactments proceed from men carrying their views a long time back; while judicial decisions are made off hand (Hand Quotes)
Men are grown mechanical in head and in the heart, as well as in the hand. They have lost faith in individual endeavour, and in natural force of any kind (Hand Quotes)
The inspiration of a single book has made preachers, poets, philosophers, authors, and statesmen. On the other hand, the demoralization of a single book has sometimes made infidels, profligates, and criminals (Hand Quotes)
Wake in the deepest dark of night and hear the driving rain. Reach out a hand and take a paw and go to sleep again (Hand Quotes)
A bird in the hand may be worth two in the bush, but remember also that a bird in the hand is a positive embarrassment to one not in the poultry business (Hand Quotes)
Perhaps nothing is so fraught with significance as the human hand, this oldest tool with which man has dug his way from savagery, and with which he is constantly groping forward (Hand Quotes)
I wanna bite the hand that feeds me. I wanna bite that hand so badly. I want to make them wish they’d never seen me (Hand Quotes)
A sneer is the weapon of the weak. Like other devil’s weapons, it is always cunningly ready to our hand, and there is more poison in the handle than in the point (Hand Quotes)
It is men of desperate fortunes on the one hand, or of aspiring, superior fortunes on the other, who go abroad upon adventures, to rise by enterprise, and make themselves famous in undertakings of a nature out of the common road (Hand Quotes)
When free discussion is denied, hardening of the arteries of democracy has set in, free institutions are but a lifeless form, and the death of the republic is at hand (Hand Quotes)
It is the thing that is most remote from the world in which we ourselves live that attracts us most. We are under the spell of what is distant from us. It is not our nature to desire passionately what is near at hand (Hand Quotes)
There were chunks of my life when I was married, and when I was married I never cheated. But I made up for it when I wasn’t married. You have to keep your hand in (Hand Quotes)
It is right that the good should be happy, that the wicked and the impious on the other hand, should be miserable; that is a truth, I believe, which no one will gainsay (Hand Quotes)
In the rare cases where it occurs, a failure to increase one’s visible consumption when the means for an increase are at hand is felt in popular apprehension to call for explanation, and unworthy motives of miserliness are imputed (Hand Quotes)
I would not leave anything to a man of action as he would be tempted to give up work; on the other hand, I would like to help dreamers as they find it difficult to get on in life (Hand Quotes)
Conceit is an insuperable obstacle to all progress. On the other hand, it is of little use to take criticism in a slavish spirit and to act on it without understanding it (Hand Quotes)
Writing seems to rob me of my being: it is a second hand mode of communication, a pallid, mechanical transcript of speech, and so always at one remove from my consciousness (Hand Quotes)
We live in a society which on the one hand pressurizes us into the pursuit of instant gratification, and the other hand imposes on whole sectors of the population and endless deferment of fulfillment (Hand Quotes)
The dreams of golden glory in the future will not come true unless, high of heart and strong of hand, by our own mighty deeds we make them come true (Hand Quotes)
As it’s often been said, the rest of your life is the best of your life. I’m reaching for your hand now to help you reassess your attitude on living and jump into the happiest, healthiest, most productive years you will ever have (Hand Quotes)
All paths lie together in the hand of God like a web endlessly woven, and yours and mine are no greater or less than the beetle’s or the squirrel’s or the sparrow’s. All are held together (Hand Quotes)
One may as well go, as look into another man’s house; because the eye may reach what the hand cannot (Hand Quotes)
Some questions cannot be answered. They become familiar weights in the hand, round stones pulled from the pocket, unyielding and cool (Hand Quotes)