Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
A fool puts her hand into a hollow tree without finding out what’s inside first (Hand Quotes)
Perhaps it is historically true that no order of society ever perishes save by its own hand (Hand Quotes)
Precepts or maxims are of great weight; and a few useful ones at hand do more toward a happy life than whole volumes that we know not where to find (Hand Quotes)
Why should I stay at the bottom of a well, when a strong rope is in my hand? (Hand Quotes)
The good writers touch life often. The mediocre ones run a quick hand over her. The bad ones rape her and leave her for the flies (Hand Quotes)
Men enjoy being thought of as hunters, but are generally too lazy to hunt. Women, on the other hand, love to hunt, but would rather nobody knew it (Hand Quotes)
If men of eminence are exposed to censure on one hand, they are as much liable to flattery on the other. If they receive reproaches which are not due to them, they likewise receive praises which they do not deserve (Hand Quotes)
The heart and hand of those who always mete out become callous from always meting out (Hand Quotes)
So little trouble do men take in the search after truth; so readily do they accept whatever comes first to hand (Hand Quotes)
Now that another is suffering pain at thy hand, trust not that thy heart shall be exempt from affliction (Hand Quotes)
When women age into their power, no wind can upset them, no hand turn aside their knowledge, no fact can deflect their point of view (Hand Quotes)
Making a success of the job at hand is the best step toward the kind you want (Hand Quotes)
When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers (Hand Quotes)
If a madman were to come into this room with a stick in his hand, no doubt we should pity the state of his mind; but our primary consideration would be to take care of ourselves. We should knock him down first, and pity him afterwards (Hand Quotes)
Hollywood money isn’t money. It’s congealed snow, melts in your hand, and there you are (Hand Quotes)
I make a fortune from criticizing the policy of the government, and then hand it over to the government in taxes to keep it going (Hand Quotes)
There is nothing that can be changed more completely than human nature when the job is taken in hand early enough (Hand Quotes)
Oh for someone with a heart, head and hand. Whatever they call them, what do I care, aristocrat, democrat, autocrat, just be it one that can rule and dare not lie (Hand Quotes)
Nobody of any real culture, for instance, ever talks nowadays about the beauty of sunset. Sunsets are quite old fashioned. To admire them is a distinct sign of provincialism of temperament. Upon the other hand they go on (Hand Quotes)
More and more, revolution has found itself delivered into the hands of its bureaucrats and doctrinaires on the one hand, and to the enfeebled and bewildered masses on the other (Hand Quotes)
It is a mathematical fact that the casting of this pebble from my hand alters the centre of gravity of the universe (Hand Quotes)
Never hold anyone by the button or the hand in order to be heard out; for if people are unwilling to hear you, you had better hold your tongue than them (Hand Quotes)
Education remains one of the black community’s most enduring values. It is sustained by the belief that freedom and education go hand in hand, that learning and training are essential to economic quality and independence (Hand Quotes)
On the other hand, the concept owes its meaning and its justification exclusively to the totality of the sense impressions which we associate with it (Hand Quotes)
There is not a man of us who does not at times need a helping hand to be stretched out to him, and then shame upon him who will not stretch out the helping hand to his brother (Hand Quotes)
Riches amassed in haste will diminish; but those collected by hand and little by little will multiply (Hand Quotes)
Women carry a beautiful hand with them to the grave, when a beautiful face has long ago vanished (Hand Quotes)
Whatever is made by the hand of man, by the hand of man may be overturned (Hand Quotes)
The swifter hand doth the swift words outrun: Before the tongue hath spoke the hand hath done (Hand Quotes)
He who brings ridicule to bear against truth finds in his hand a blade without a hilt (Hand Quotes)