Hand Quotes

Text Quotes
Though one believes in nothing, there are moments in life when one accepts the religion of the temple nearest at hand (Hand Quotes)
You cannot entirely control your subconscious mind, but you can voluntarily hand over to it any plan, desire, or purpose which you wish transformed into concrete form (Hand Quotes)
May each of you have the heart to conceive, the understanding to direct, and the hand to execute works that will leave the world a little better for your having been here (Hand Quotes)
I saw a man clothed with rags... a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back (Hand Quotes)
Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change (Hand Quotes)
You must realise that something is happening to you, that life has not forgotten you, that it holds you in its hand and will not let you fall (Hand Quotes)
God writes with a pen that never blots, speaks with a tongue that never slips, acts with a hand that never fails (Hand Quotes)
The man who perceives life only with his eye, his ear, his hand, and his tongue, is but little higher than the ox or an intelligent dog; but he who has imagination sees things around and above him, as the angels see them (Hand Quotes)
The world is ours if we want it, we can take it, if you just take my hand (Hand Quotes)
Cubism is not a reality you can take in your hand. It’s more like a perfume, in front of you, behind you, to the sides, the scent is everywhere but you don’t quite know where it comes from (Hand Quotes)
We do not always see the things that are nearest to us. We pass by riches that lie close at hand and chase after rainbows (Hand Quotes)
That’s the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital (Hand Quotes)
When a man’s hand touches the hand of a woman, they both touch the heart of eternity (Hand Quotes)
How little you know about the age you live in if you think that honey is sweeter than cash in hand (Hand Quotes)
It is not the shilling I give you that counts, but the warmth that it carries with it from my hand (Hand Quotes)
Longing for the ideal while criticizing the real is evidence of immaturity. On the other hand, settling for the real without striving for the ideal is complacency. Maturity is living with the tension (Hand Quotes)
We have no way of knowing what lays ahead for us in the future. All we can do is use the information at hand to make the best decision possible (Hand Quotes)
There’s no black male my age, who’s a professional, who hasn’t come out of a restaurant and is waiting for their car and somebody didn’t hand them their car keys (Hand Quotes)
The young man should first learn perspective, then the proportions of objects. Next, copy work after the hand of a good master, to gain the habit of drawing parts of the body well; and then to work from nature, to confirm the lessons learned (Hand Quotes)
It wasn’t for nothing that the raven was just now croaking on my left hand (Hand Quotes)
Do not blame any supernatural being, neither be hopeless and despondent, nor think we are in a place from which we can never escape unless someone comes and lends us a helping hand (Hand Quotes)
I feel a certain calm. There is safety in the midst of danger. What would life be if we didn’t dare to take things in hand? (Hand Quotes)
I would advise you to read with a pen in your hand and enter in a little book short hints of what you feel that is common or that may be useful; for this will be the best method of imprinting such portcullis in your memory (Hand Quotes)
Grant me that I may not be a coward, feeling your mercy in my success alone; but let me find the grasp of your hand in my failure (Hand Quotes)
The only way to stop a rebellion is to crush it with blood and fire, and to wound them so they’ll never dare to raise a hand again (Hand Quotes)
This clash is an absurdity because on one hand there is much scientific proof in favor of evolution, which appears as a reality that we must see and which enriches our understanding of life and being as such (Hand Quotes)
The choice lies between property on the one hand and slavery, public or private, on the other. There is no third issue (Hand Quotes)
People who intend only to serve public interest are led by invisible hand to private interest which was no part of their intention (Hand Quotes)
God is kind, but he is not soft. He takes us firmly by the hand and leads us into a radical life change (Hand Quotes)
Indecision, doubt and fear. The members of this unholy trio are closely related; where one is found, the other two are close at hand (Hand Quotes)