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Handful Quotes

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The people in my life are friends I have by choice. I’ve made a conscious effort to have them in life. I only have the time and energy for so many people, which has cut down my friend group to a handful, but I’m so much happier with fewer good people, who really do know me.  (Handful Quotes) There’s a weird period of learning how to play guitar where your fingers are constantly messed up a handful.  (Handful Quotes) There are but a handful of times in the history of our country when there occurs a transformation so remarkable that a molt seems to take place, and an altered country begins to emerge.  (Handful Quotes) Of all the young men in America only a few hundred can get into major league baseball, and of these only a handful in a decade can get into the Hall of Fame. So it goes in all human activity. .. Some become multimillionaires and chairmen of the board, and some of us must be content to play baseball at company picnics or manage a credit union without pay.  (Handful Quotes) The world’s entire scientific and cultural heritage, published over centuries in books and journals, is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations.  (Handful Quotes) Brandon reached down and yanked up a handful of grass and roots, the sides of the blades cutting into his hand like a razorWhat happened to the grass, Dana? Why isn’t it green anymore?  (Handful Quotes) What I treasure most at any moment is intimacy, surprise, a sense of mystery, wit, depth and love. A handful of cherished friends offer me this, and the occasional singer or film-maker or artist. But my most reliable sources of electricity are Henry David Thoreau, Shakespeare, Melville and Emily Dickinson.  (Handful Quotes) Aside from a handful of guys boxing is missing the good trainers, that’s why our sport is so in the air now because we don’t have people who have the capability to not only train fighters but also train and create decent respectable citizens of the world.  (Handful Quotes) In my family, we let our boys have a say in what veggie side they want for dinner that night. We list off a handful of options and get them excited about helping to plan the dinner menu. They’re much more inclined to finish their plates when they’ve helped decide what goes on them.  (Handful Quotes) Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse.  (Handful Quotes) Ah, how lucky are the lieutenants, the six-foot Junkers, and all the rest of the Don Juan clan!... The bookworm, be he ever so decent and clever, is really only pleasing to himself and a small handful of others. The world passes him by and beckons to life and beauty ... to gay and handsome creatures to whom the hearts of their fellow men continue to turn.  (Handful Quotes) There’s only a handful of people I trust completely, and I know who they are. Other than that, I pretty much don’t trust people.  (Handful Quotes) Our computers double in capability on time scales of only a few years. It’s hardly outrageous to believe that we will successfully develop thinking machines within a handful of decades, or at most a century or two. If that happens, these artificial sentients will quickly leave us behind.  (Handful Quotes) It’s not just an economic crisis that capitalism has created. We also face an environmental catastrophe created by a handful of gigantic fossil fuel corporations.  (Handful Quotes) When women were excluded from New Deal programs, Eleanor Roosevelt fought to include them. Roosevelt was among a handful of leaders who realized the U.S. economy would not escape the depths of recession without the full contributions of women.  (Handful Quotes) The way to lessen the grip of the Tea Party on the electoral process would be to do what a handful have done and have a primary where all voters, members of every party, can vote, and the top two vote-getters then enter a runoff.  (Handful Quotes) GM has never been about feeding the world or tackling environmental problems. It is and has always been about control of the global food economy by a tiny handful of giant corporations. It’s not wicked to question that process. It is wicked not to.  (Handful Quotes) To far too many, science is a four-letter word, and under the modern media’s false equivalency standards, a handful of skeptics are viewed as counterweights to the vast majority of scientists who acknowledge mankind’s proven role in global warming.  (Handful Quotes) Most of me was glad when my mother died. She was a handful, but not in a cute, festive way. More in a life-threatening way, that had caused me a long time ago to give up all hope of ever feeling good about having had her as a mother.  (Handful Quotes) My grandmother thinks it’s really funny to put all sorts of things in our - my lunch. I never know what’ll be inside: e.e. cummings, flower petals, a handful of buttons. She seems to have lost sight of the original purpose of the brown bag. - Lennie Or maybe she thinks other forms of nourishment are more important. - Joe  (Handful Quotes) I have a handful of people that I have dated that I don’t follow, but I will go and see what they are up to.  (Handful Quotes) I had this urge to play the game of football, because so many people - I shouldn’t say so many, a handful of people - said I couldn’t do it. For me, it was one of those things that I just believe in my talent that the Lord gave me, and I wanted to take advantage of it.  (Handful Quotes) Don’t let the day go by without a handful of fun, for only those we’ll be memorable and even intensified through time  (Handful Quotes) In general, science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature, Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.  (Handful Quotes) Success is no magic; grab a handful of hope and never let it go till you get there!  (Handful Quotes) It is only the Negro leadership, the bourgeois, hand-picked, handful of Negroes who think that they’re going to get some kind of respect, recognition, or protection from the Government.  (Handful Quotes) Every golfer should come to the first tee with fourteen clubs, a dozen balls, a handful of tees, and at least one great golf story  (Handful Quotes) I’m not a writer. I know a lot of writers; I know a handful of really excellent, great ones, and I know what they’re like. They are in love with language. They’re obsessed with it. Even if their thoughts aren’t more special than anybody else’s, they have a way of putting them into words that makes them sensational.  (Handful Quotes) I run a taxpayer group - the most powerful guy in D.C., nonsense. OK? There are buildings with thousands of people in them, all lobbying for more spending and higher levels of spending and more government commitments. And there are a handful - a handful of groups that fight for less spending.  (Handful Quotes) Historians and scholars have access to every issue of every newspaper and journal written during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s but can access only a comparative handful of papers covering the election of Barack Obama.  (Handful Quotes)
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