Hands Quotes

Text Quotes
If I have played my part well, clap your hands, and dismiss me with applause from the stage (Hands Quotes)
Every thought, every word, and every action that adds to the positive and the wholesome is a contribution to peace. Each and every one of us is capable of making such a contribution. Let us join hands to try to create a peaceful world where we can sleep in security and wake in happiness (Hands Quotes)
Before my eyes are many miserable scenes, the suffering of others and myself forces my hands to move. I become a machine for writing (Hands Quotes)
Keep your hands open, and all the sands of the desert can pass through them. Close them, and all you can feel is a bit of grit (Hands Quotes)
You know the sound of two hands clapping; tell me, what is the sound of one hand? (Hands Quotes)
He loved his country as no other man has loved her, but no man deserved less at her hands (Hands Quotes)
Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fire blazes. No one ever thanked him (Hands Quotes)
Our success or failure is not in the hands of our leaders. It is in our hands (Hands Quotes)
Pour some water into a tub and stir it up. Now try as hard as you can to calm the water with your hands; you will succeed in agitating it further. Let it stand undisturbed a while, and it will calm down by itself. The human brain works much the same way (Hands Quotes)
You can’t wring your hands and roll up your sleeves at the same time (Hands Quotes)
Architects, painters, and sculptors must recognize anew and learn to grasp the composite character of a building both as an entity and in its separate parts. Only then will their work be imbued with the architectonic spirit which it has lost as salon art. Together let us desire, conceive, and create the new structure of the future, which will embrace architecture and sculpture and painting in one unity and which will one day rise toward heaven from the hands of a million workers like the crystal symbol of a new faith (Hands Quotes)
The world today is sick to its thin blood for lack of elemental things, for fire before the hands, for water welling from the earth, for air, for the dear earth itself underfoot. In my world of beach and June these elemental presences lived and had their being (Hands Quotes)
From the failure of the humanist tradition to participate fully or to act decisively, civilizations may perhaps crumble or perish at the hands of barbarians. But unless the humanist tradition itself in some form survives, there can really be no civilization at all (Hands Quotes)
Nothing a man writes can please him as profoundly as something he does with his back, shoulders and hands. For writing is an artificial activity. It is a lonely and private substitute for conversation (Hands Quotes)
The world is eaten up by boredom. You can’t see it all at once. It is like dust. You go about and never notice, you breathe it in, you eat and drink it. It is sifted so fine, it doesn’t even grit on your teeth. But stand still for an instant and there it is, coating your face and hands (Hands Quotes)
Writing is more than anything a compulsion, like some people wash their hands thirty times a day for fear of awful consequences if they do not. It pays a whole lot better than this type of compulsion, but it is no more heroic (Hands Quotes)
My mental hands were empty, and I felt I must do something as a counterirritant or antibody to my hysterical alarm at getting married at the age of 43 (Hands Quotes)
We women ought to put first things first. Why should we mind if men have their faces on the money, as long as we get our hands on it? (Hands Quotes)
The biggest danger for a politician is to shake hands with a man who is physically stronger, has been drinking, and is voting for the other guy (Hands Quotes)
Touch a university with hostile hands and the blood you draw is prompt, copious, and real (Hands Quotes)
There can be no reconciliation where there is no open warfare. There must be a battle, a brave boisterous battle, with pennants waving and cannon roaring, before there can be peaceful treaties and enthusiastic shaking of hands (Hands Quotes)
I love to hold people’s hands when I visit hospitals, even though they are shocked because they haven’t experienced anything like it before, but to me it is a normal thing to do (Hands Quotes)
No free people ever existed, or can ever exist, without keeping the purse strings in their own hands. Where this is the case, they have a constitutional check upon the administration, which may thereby by brought into order without violence. But when such a power is not lodged in the people, oppression proceeds uncontrolled in its career, till the governed, transported into rage, seek redress in the midst of blood and confusion (Hands Quotes)
The missionary is no longer a man, a conscience. He is a corpse, in the hands of a confraternity, without family, without love, without any of the sentiments that are dear to us. Emasculated, in a sense, by his vow of chastity, he offers us the distressing spectacle of a man deformed and impotent or engaged in a stupid and useless struggle with the sacred needs of the flesh, a struggle which, seven times out of ten, leads him to sodomy, the gallows, or prison (Hands Quotes)
Many do with opportunities as children do at the seashore; they fill their little hands with sand, and then let the grains fall through, one by one, till all are gone (Hands Quotes)
The simple joy of taking an idea into one’s own hands and giving it proper form, that’s exciting (Hands Quotes)
The incomprehensibleness of women is an old theory, but what is that to the curious wondering observation with which wives, mothers, and sisters watch the other unreasoning animal in those moments when he has snatched the reins out of their hands, and is not to be spoken to!. It is best to let him come to, and feel his own helplessness (Hands Quotes)
When I had no work and all this time on my hands, I couldn’t get a date. Now that I have women banging on my door, I have no time to answer it (Hands Quotes)
When I play my best golf, I feel as if I’m in a fog, standing back watching the earth in orbit with a golf club in my hands (Hands Quotes)
Nature has placed his own happiness in each man’s hands, if he only knew how to use it (Hands Quotes)