Hands Quotes

Text Quotes
The success of our operas rests most of the time in the hands of the conductor. This person is as necessary as a tenor or a prima donna (Hands Quotes)
We can’t float through life. We can’t be incidental or accidental. We must fix our gaze on a guiding star as soon as one comes upon the horizon and once we have attached ourselves to that star we must keep our eyes on it and our hands upon the plow. It is the consistency of the pursuit of the highest possible vision that you can find in front of you that gives you the constancy, that gives you the encouragement, that gives you the way to understand where you are and why it’s important for you to do what you can do (Hands Quotes)
This power becomes particularly irresistible when exercised by those who, because they hold and control money, are able also to govern credit and determine its allotment, for that reason supplying, so to speak, the lifeblood to the entire economic body, and grasping, as it were, in their hands the very soul of production, so that no one dare breathe against their will (Hands Quotes)
The system of seeds based on monoculture is wrong and inappropriate. The biodiverse system has produced more food, and biodiversity means that seeds must be in the hands of farmers (Hands Quotes)
Every day there comes a moment when a person lays his hands in his lap and all his busyness collapses like ashes. The work accomplished is, from the soul’s point of view, entirely imaginary (Hands Quotes)
You don’t need a fancy degree to dream big and make it happen. It’s all in your head, your heart, your hands (Hands Quotes)
I ground matter to find the continuous line. And when I realized I could not find it, I stopped, as if an unseen someone had slapped my hands (Hands Quotes)
Time is the best appraiser of scientific work, and I am aware that an industrial discovery rarely produces all its fruit in the hands of its first inventor (Hands Quotes)
If I were to speak of war, it would not be to show you the glories of conquering armies but the mischief and misery they strew in their tracks; and how, while they marched on with tread of iron and plumes proudly tossing in the breeze, some one must follow closely in their steps, crouching to the earth, toiling in the rain and darkness, shelterless themselves, with no thought of pride or glory, fame or praise, or reward; hearts breaking with pity, faces bathed in tears and hands in blood. This is the side which history never shows (Hands Quotes)
I was slinging whatever I could get my hands on. Whether it was chronic, whether it was crack (Hands Quotes)
Democracy used to be a good thing, but now it has gotten into the wrong hands (Hands Quotes)
Let the young rain of tears come, let the calm hands of grief come. It’s not all as evil as you think (Hands Quotes)
A people who have suffered so much for so long at the hands of a racist society must draw the line somewhere (Hands Quotes)
It is not according to my mode of doing things, to bring a suit against a man that I have the power in my own hands to punish (Hands Quotes)
It is the courage to be authentic that keeps us strong enough to withstand the heartbreak through which enlightenment can occur. And it is by honoring how life comes through us that we get the most out of living, not by keeping ourselves out of the way. The goal is to mix our hands in the earth, not to stay clean (Hands Quotes)
I knew that I had turned my world back to cinders, sunk my lovely ship with my own stupid, wicked hands (Hands Quotes)
To educate the masses politically does not mean, cannot mean, making a political speech. What it means is to try, relentlessly and passionately, to teach the masses that everything depends on them; that if we stagnate it is their responsibility, and that if we go forward it is due to them too, that there is no such thing as a demiurge, that there is no famous man who will take the responsibility for everything, but that the demiurge is the people themselves and the magic hands are finally only the hands of the people (Hands Quotes)
Here every man may be master and owner of his owne labour and land... If he have nothing but his hands, he may... by industrie quickly grow rich (Hands Quotes)
I wish friends held hands more often, like the children I see on the streets sometimes. I’m not sure why we have to grow up and get embarrassed about it (Hands Quotes)
I am a musician. My passion for music has obliterated everything in its path for my entire life. Whenever there was a choice between music and anything else, music won hands down every time. No one person or material thing could ever come close to the feeling I get when the music is right. I am totally committed to my music and my fans (Hands Quotes)
What is the most powerful lever you can imagine? A big idea, but only if it’s in the hands of a truly outstanding entrepreneur. It starts with the person and the idea, and then grows to the institution. All three are intertwined (Hands Quotes)
The future is in the hands of those who explore... and from all the beauty they discover while crossing perpetually receding frontiers, they develop for nature and for humankind an infinite love (Hands Quotes)
If we could only make our hands move as actively as our tongues, what wonders we could accomplish! Almost everyone loves to hear his own voice. It is so easy, too! Yet if we could say less and do more for each other’s good, not alone would every home be happier, but communities would be enriched thereby. Instead of criticism by speech, to show someone a better way to do a thing would be of much greater value (Hands Quotes)
I think of how perhaps the best way to fly would be with hands full of earth, so you always remember where you came from (Hands Quotes)
Those without the gate frequently question the wisdom and right of the occultist to guard his knowledge by the imposition of oaths of secrecy. We are so accustomed to see the scientist give his beneficent discoveries freely to all mankind that we feel that humanity is wronged and defrauded if any knowledge be kept secret by its discoverers and not at once made available for all who desire to share in it.The knowledge is reserved in order that humanity may be protected from its abuse at the hands of the unscrupulous (Hands Quotes)
Ive also just come off a year and a half playing acoustic shows which is fantastic for the hands, and changes your head a little bit (Hands Quotes)
Oh, so seldom does fate cast our enemy into our hands, to do with as we will (Hands Quotes)
Look, there’s no rule in soccer against biting your opponent. There’s not even a rule against eating your opponent. The only rule in soccer is that you can’t use your hands (Hands Quotes)
I see... a pile of skulls and bones. For the first time since my arrival, what I see before me is too painful, and I break down completely. These are my relatives, friends and neighbors, I keep thinking... It is a long time before I am calm again. And then I am able, with my bare hands, to rearrange the skulls and bones so that they are not scattered about (Hands Quotes)
I’m not a suicidal person at all, but on paper it seems that I am. I think I’m really quite horrible to myself in many ways. You always think it’s going to be fine, the body will repair itself. There will be another chance. But I’m 33 now. The body won’t keep repairing itself. You know when you can flick a coin and catch it on your elbow, and flick it up and catch it on the back of your head? And then you can’t even catch it with two hands any more. You realise something is wrong (Hands Quotes)